Human Resource Recruitment
Human Resource Recruitment
Human Resource Recruitment
Prakash Industry Limited was established in 1980 with a vision to become an integrated Steel & Power company. Prakash Industries Limited (PIL) is today known for its quality products at competitive prices. Over the years the company has spread its wings across the geographical borders of India. Company has set up a state of the art technology integrated steel plant at Champa in the state of Chhattisgarh. The sponge iron Kilns installed at Champa are based on SL/RN technology of Lurgi, Germany, which is the only renowned technology in coal based Sponge Iron manufacturing. Thus a fully integrated approach is adopted in the company. Company has always emphasized on backward integration to ensure uninterrupted supply of quality raw materials. Today, the company operates a captive power generation plant, making the company self reliant in power for the integrated steel plant & future expansion projects. Along with expansion plans in the steel sector, company has also decided to focus on expansion in power generation with installation of boilers based on utilization of low grade fuel & latest technology turbines
Strategic Objectives
Prakash Industries Ltd will endeavour to become a learning and knowledge based organization. The company will establish itself as a preferred supplier by offering quality products to its customers .The company will strive to become one of the most cost competitive steel & power producer in the industry and generate wealth to serve its customers, the surrounding community and the nation.
Along with the expansion plans in the steel sector, the company has decided to focus for expansion in power generation sector with installation of latest technology Power Plants featuring use of low grade fuel. The continuously increasing power demand has also made power sector much more demanding and challenging, therefore the company has decided to concentrate on power generation as a thrust area .Companys mission is to achieve overall growth through high productivity, continuous improvement and technological break-through and dedicated efforts towards attainment thereof.
Utmost satisfaction of customers and suppliers Equal opportunity for human resources development Care and compassion for employees Team work Socially Responsible Emphasis on transparency
The key points of my research study are: To Understand and analyse various HR factors including recruitment procedure at consultant. To suggest any measures/recommendations for the improvement of the recruitment procedures
HR Recruitment: According to Edwin Flippo, "Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the Organisation. Recruitment is a continuous process whereby the firm attempts to develop a pool of qualified applicants for the future human resources needs even though specific vacancies do not exist. Usually, the recruitment process starts when a manger initiates an employee requisition for a specific vacancy or an anticipated vacancy. It is the process to discover sources of manpower to meet the requirement of staffing schedule and to employ effective measures for attracting that manpower in adequate numbers to facilitate effective selection of an efficient working force. Recruitment of candidates is the function preceding the selection, which helps create a pool of prospective employees for the organisation so that the management can select the right candidate for the right job from this pool. The main objective of the recruitment process is to expedite the selection process.
Research Methodology
RESEARCH is a careful investigation or inquiry especially through search for new facts in any branch of knowledge.
Primary Data: Primary data was collected through survey method by distributing questionnaires to employees. The questionnaires were carefully designed by taking into account the parameters of my study. Secondary Data: Data was collected from web sites, going through the records of the organisation, etc. It is the data which has been collected by individual or someone else for the purpose of other than those of our particular research study. Or in other words we can say that secondary data is the data used previously for the analysis and the results are undertaken for the next process.
This kind of research has the primary objective of development of insights into the problem. It studies the main area where the problem lies and also tries to evaluate some appropriate courses of action.
SAMPLE DESIGN: A complete interaction and enumeration of all the employees was not
possible so a sample was chosen that consisted of 25 employees. The research was taken by necessary steps to avoid any biased while collecting the data. the systematic manner with the help of statistical tool like percentages
TOOLS OF ANALYSIS: The data collected from both the sources is analysed and interpreted in
Most of the manager Prefer Personal interviews, 30% prefer to take telephonic interviews where as only 20% goes for video conferencing and rest 10% adopt some other means of interviews.
3rd Qtr
Source: Compiled from questionnaire data Interpretation: This analysis indicates that most of the respondent i.e. 85% responded for Job Portal, 10% responded for Candidate referral and 5% responded for Advertising.
According to the Survey, Recruitment differs from company to company for each category. According to the Survey, the company do utilize internet sites for the recruitment process and for finding the talent candidate According to survey it is observed that the company are utilizing the job description in order to make screening process more efficient
Polices adopted by PIL are transparent, legal and scientific. Recruitment is fair. The recruitment should not be lengthy. To some extent a clear picture of the required candidate should be made in order to search for appropriate candidates. Most of the employees were satisfied but changes are required according to the changing scenario as recruitment process has a great impact on the working of the company as a fresh blood, new idea enters in the company.
Time management is very essential and it should not be ignored at any level of the process. Recruitment policy is satisfactory in PIL but the periodicity of recruitment is being more which needs to be reduced. Communication, personal and technical skills need to be tested for employees