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Session: Modeling, Simulation and Optimization

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Session: Modeling, Simulation and Optimization

Applications and algorithms of non-

linear regression using least squares
Approximation based on Case Studies


S. Vignesh, T.K. Premannanth

Department of Chemical Engineering,
St. Joseph’s College of Engineering,
Chennai – 600119.
Three data sets from literature were taken to investigate the importance of method of
least squares in approximation methods in engineering. The case studies such as
heat capacity data to quadratic equation in temperature, vapour liquid equilibrium
data to Wilson equation and fitting Gilliland – Sherwood data were taken Multi Non –
Linear Regression (MNLR) was successfully obtained using least square
approximation. The regression model obtained was subjected to “Distributed Errors”
Which was characterized by decrease of some global error measure with respect to
the whole approximation interval as the order of approximation increases. The “best”
Multiple Non – Linear Regression model was evaluated with the small value of error.
Graphs to evaluate “Goodness of Fit” were drawn for the three data sets which were
found to be good.
 The so-called method of least squares is a very important approximation
method in engineering.

 This method is perhaps the best known “distributed error” approximation

method. Least square approximation is valuable in problems such as
fitting equations to discrete data points and in analyzing measurement

 The subject of least square analyses also plays central role in the
application of the theory of statistics, which treats problems involving

 The subject of random variables and statistics is beyond the scope of our
presentation, we will therefore use least squares in our case

 Least squares are also useful for continuous approximations, such as

developing simple approximation to known functions.

 In least squares, distributed error methods are characterized by a

decrease of some global error measure with respect to the whole
approximation interval as the order of approximation increases.
Linear Regression
 Linear regression is solved by the method of least squares and the
error percentage was found out and Goodness of Fit graph was
plotted. The Least Square equations are as follows.

General equation:
y = a0 + a1x (2.1)
a0 = (∑yi / n) - a1 (∑xi/n) (2.2)

a1 = [∑xi yi – (∑xi ∑yi)/ n] / ∑xi^2 – (∑xi )^2 / n (2.3)

Where a0 and a1 are constants that are determined.

Polynomial Regression
 Non – Linear Regression is solved by polynomial Regression
method (Second order). The Polynomial Regression equations are
as follows:

General equation:

y = a0 + a1x + a2x^2 + …..+ anx^n (2.4)


On solving the above matrix, we can get the values of a0, a1 & a2.
Case Studies
Three case studies has been
analyzed, they are:

 Heat capacity data to

quadratic equation in

 Vapour liquid equilibrium data

to Wilson equation.

 Fitting Gilliland-Sherwood
Case I

Heat Capacity Data to the

Quadratic Equation
 Here we have analyzed the heat capacity data for liquid
methylcyclohexane (C7H14) using the equation:-

Cp = a0 + a1T

Where Cp is the Heat capacity, T is the absolute

temperature and a0 and a1 are parameters which we have
found out by Linear Least Squares.
Data: TABLE I (a)
T,ºK CP, KJ/KgºK

150 1. 426

160 1. 447

170 1. 469

180 1. 492

190 1. 516

200 1. 541

210 1.567

220 1. 596

230 1. 627

240 1. 661

250 1. 696

260 1. 732

270 1. 770

280 1. 808

290 1. 848

300 1. 888
 On solving these data’s by Least Square method, we got the
values of a0 and a1 and it was found to be 0.96 and 0.00297
 On substituting the values of a0 and a1 in the equation 2.1, we got
the predicted value, which seems to be near when compared to
the experimental values.

y = 0.96 + 0.00297x

 On substituting the temperature values on the above equation, we

get the predicted values

PredictedValues Experimentalvalues

1.405 1.426

1.434 1.447

1.457 1.469

1.489 1.492

1.509 1.516

1.538 1.541

1.558 1.567

1.587 1.596

1.611 1.627

1.658 1.661

1.684 1.696

1.725 1.732

1.768 1.770

1.795 1.808

1.821 1.848

1.867 1.888
Goodness of fit
1 Fig I (c)
The above graphEXPshows the
EXPthe Heat
EXPEXP EXP Capacity Data
of Methylcyclohexane.
1 2 3 The 4 5experimental
6 7 8 9 10 and11 predicted
12 13 14 15values showed
above shows the minimum percentage of error. The error percentage
would approximately lies between 2-5%.
Case II
Vapour Liquid Equilibrium to
Wilson Equation
 Vapour Liquid equilibrium data were taken from Heptane-
Toluene binary system at 1 atm pressure.
 Here we fitted activity coefficient data to Wilson Equation
 As it required Non-Linear regression, we have used
polynomial method and we have got the predicted values
which are nearer to the experimental.

 Here the equation we use is:

y = a0 + a1x + a2x^2 + …..+ anx^n

Data: TABLE II (a)

xi yi
1.000 0.0000

0.790 0.1259

0.596 0.1509

0.480 0.1392

0.390 0.1250

0.293 0.1111

0.220 0.0950

0.150 0.0707

0.065 0.0290

0.000 0.0000
 On solving these data's by Polynomial method, we got the values
of a0, a1 and a2 and it was found to be -0.00425, 0.575, -0.5568
 On substituting these values on the equation 2.4, we got the
predicted values which were very nearer to the experimental

y = -0.00425 + 0.575x -0.5568x^2

 On substituting the xi values, we got the predicted values which

are tabulated as follows.

Predicted Experimental

0.0012 0.000

0.1154 0.1259

0.1495 0.1509

0.1435 0.1392

0.1343 0.1250

0.1102 0.1111

0.0925 0.0950

0.0695 0.0707

0.0278 0.0290

0.0000 0.0000
Goodness of fit








The above graph shows the Goodness of Fit for the Vapour Liquid
Equilibrium data. The experimental and predicted lines showed above
shows the minimum percentage of error. The error percentage was
approximately lies between 6 – 7%.
Case III
Mass Transfer Data of Gilliland-
Sherwood Equation
 The Mass Transfer Data's were taken and analyzed by Gilliland-
Sherwood Equation
 As it required Non-Linear regression, we used the polynomial method
and we have got the predicted values which are nearer to the
experimental values.

 Here the equation we use is:

y = a0 + a1x + a2x^2 + …..+ anx^n


xi yi

43.7 0.60

24.2 1.80

51.6 1.87

32.3 1.86

26.1 2.16

92.8 2.17
 On solving these data’s by polynomial method, we got the values
of a0, a1 and a2 and it was found to be 16.11, -0.7588 and 0.0053
 On substituting these values on the equation 2.4, we got the
predicted values which were very nearer to the experimental

y = 16.11 – 0.7588x + 0.0053x^2

 On substituting the xi values, we got the predicted values which

are tabulated below.

0.48 0.60

1.62 1.80

1.69 1.87

1.70 1.86

1.92 2.16

1.95 2.17
Goodness of fit
Fig III (c)





The above graph shows the Goodness of Fit for the Mass Transfer
Data from Gilliland-Sherwood equation. The experimental and
predicted lines showed above shows the minimum percentage of
error. The error percentage was approximately lies between 20 –
25%. The error was little high since the data was Non-Linear.
Results and Discussion
 The three case studies analyzed using least squares and
polynomial regression yield good results.

 The goodness of fit graphs was plotted and error % was

calculated for all the three data’s.

 The error percentage was found to be approximately

2to5% in the first case study, similarly 7to10% in the
second and 20to25% in the third respectively.

 The first two case studies error was obtained very

minimal and the best fit graph was plotted for the
Gilliland-Sherwood data it was little higher because the
values are highly non-linear and it was difficult to
polynomial apply regression to the result. Further study
has to be made to minimize the error in the third case
Discussion - Case I
 In the first case study, the table I (a) shows the data
taken for Performing regression.

 Using those values and by manually calculating the

necessary terms, we have substituted those terms in the
equations 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 and we have obtained the
general equation.

 The table I (b) is the table containing the experimental

data and predicted data. Using those values we have
plotted a graph I (c) which shows the goodness of fit.

 From the graph we have concluded that the first case

study has come out well with minimum error %. As we
see the graph we can see the two lines very close
indicating that the regression was successful with very
less error.
Discussion - Case II
 In the second case study, the table II (a) shows the data taken
for Performing regression.

 Using those values and by manually calculating the necessary

terms, we have substituted those terms in the equations 2.4
and 2.5 and we have obtained the general equation.

 The table II (b) is the table containing the experimental data

and predicted data. Using those values we have plotted a graph
II (c) which shows the goodness of fit.

 From the graph we have concluded that the second case study
has come out well with minimum error %. As we see the graph
we can see the two lines very close indicating that the
regression was successful with very less error.
Discussion - Case III
 In the third case study, the table III (a) shows the data taken for
Performing regression.

 Using those values and by manually calculating the necessary terms, we

have substituted those terms in the equations 2.4 and 2.5 and we have
obtained the general equation.

 The table III (b) is the table containing the experimental data and predicted
data. Using those values we have plotted a graph III (c) which shows the
goodness of fit.

 From the graph we have concluded that the second case study has come out
well with minimum error %. As we see the graph we can see the two lines
very close indicating that the regression was successful with very less error.

 The error % is high when compared to the first two cases because the data
is non-linear.
General algorithm for all the three cases:
 Step 1: The data’s were taken from the case
 Step 2: Regression was applied to the data using
the formulas which are stated in the beginning.
 Step 3: The necessary values of Ao and A1 was
 Step 4: These values are substituted in the general
equations (2.1 for case study I and 2.4 for
Case study II and III).
 Step 5: Using that we have determined the
predicted values.
 Step 6: A graph was drawn between the
experimental and the predicted data.
 Step 7: The error percentage was calculated.
 Step 8: The graph plotted is the goodness of fit.
 The three sets of data's were analyzed and good results have
been obtained in all three case studies.

 The first 2 case studies have come perfectly with minimum error
and the goodness of fit graph is plotted and was found to be

 For the third case study the error was little high when compared
to the other two, this is because the data is too non-linear.

 Goodness of fit graph was plotted for the third case study and
has come out well.

 For further minimizing the error for the Gilliland-Sherwood data,

further studies have to be made.

 On the whole the results i.e., the regression model obtained by

using Least Squares and Polynomial regression were successful
in prediction and the representation of the system was good.
1. Berezin I. S., and Zhidkov N. P., (1965), Computing Methods, Addision-Wesely,
Menlo Park, CA
2. PERRY, R. H., Green, D. W., and Maloney, J. O. (1984), Chemical Engineers Hand
3. Modeling and Analysis of Chemical Engineering Processes, Balu.K,
Padmanabhan.K, I.K. International Pvt. Ltd.
4. Optimization Theory and Practice, Mohan C Joshi, Kannan M Moudgalya, Narosa
Publishing House.
5. Neural Networks - A Comprehensive Foundation, Simon Haykin, Pearson
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6. Neural Networks, Ananda Rao. M, Srinivas.J, Narosa Publishing House.
7. Design and analysis of Experiments, Montgomery D C, 5th ed., John Wiley & sons,
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8. Experiment optimization in chemistry and chemical engineering, Akhnazarova S,
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9. Experimental methods for engineers, Holman, McGraw Hill Publications.
Our sincere thanks
Organizing committee - J.N.T.U College of Engineering,
Judges and coordinator's for their best support.

Head of the department

Chemical Engineering
St. Joseph’s College of Engineering

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