SA 600
Using the work of another auditor
Principal Auditor (PA)- Statutory auditor of company/ firm, etc
Another Auditor(AA)- Auditor of component of company/ firm, etc
!omponent- "t includes #ranch, su#sidiary, di$ision, associate enterprise, %oint $enture etc of company/ firm, whose financial information is audited #y PA
Applica#ility & 'on-Applica#ility of this Standard
here PA uses work of AA as regards a component
'* applica#le in case of %oint auditors
'* applica#le as regards relationship with predecessor auditor
Points to #e kept in mind when accepting appointment as PA
Materiality of financial information of !ompany
PA+s knowledge regarding #usiness of component
isk of misstatement in financial information of component forwarded #y AA to PA
Performance of additional procedure #y PA of component