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Cell Structure and Function

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Cell Structure and Function

All living things are made up of basic units called cells. Cells vary in shape, sizes and content depending on their function. A light microscope is usually used to help us observe microscopic cells.

The living component of a cell is called protoplasm. Protoplasm = cytoplasm + nucleus Protoplasm surrounded by plasma membrane. Plant cells have an outer boundary called the cell wall.

Animal cell

Plant cell

Cell Parts and Structures

With electron microscopes, scientists are able to see the cellular components of a cell in greater detail.

The cytoplasm contains structures called organelles.

Organelles perform specific function cell to function as a unit of life.

hich enable the

Animal cell

Plant cell

Controls cellular activities. !ucleus membrane controls inflo and outflo of material to and from nucleus !ucleolus acts as site of ribosome construction. Chromosome carries hereditary information.

Acts as a medium where biochemical reactions and most living processes occur within the cell. Provides the organelles ith substances obtained from e"ternal environment.

#eparates the content of the cell from its e"ternal environment. Regulates the movement of substances entering and leaving the cell. Allo s the e"change of nutrients, respiratory gases and astes products bet een the cell and its environment.

Chlorophyll captures the energy of sunlight and converts light energy into chemical energy during photosynthesis. The green pigment of chlorophyll gives plants their colour.

#tores chemicals such as organic acids, sugar, amino acids, mineral salts, oxygen, carbon dioxide and so on. $egulates ater balance in plant cells.

%aintains the shape of plant cells. Provides mechanical strength and support to plant cells. Protects plants cells from rupturing due to the movement of e"cess ater into the cells.

&orms a net or' of transportation ithin the cell.

Rough endoplasmic reticulum (has ribosomes attached to its surface) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum (does not have ribosome attach to its surface)

Transports protein hich is synthesized in ribosomes. Transports and synthesized fat and glyserol

#ite of proteins synthesis. They are either bound to the endoplasmic reticulum or lie free in the cytoplasm.

The sites of cellular respiration. Principle site of energy production. *nergy generated or released in the form of ATP (adenosine triphosphate !

&unctions as a processing" pac#aging and transport centre of carbohydrates, proteins and glycoproteins. These materials ill be membrane+bound and secrete through vesicles.

As a digestive compartments. ,n certain unicellular organisms, lysosomes fuse ith food vacuoles and dispense their enzymes into these vacuoles to digest the contents of the vacuoles

Comparison of an Animal Cell & a Plant Cell

Animal Cell

Plant Cell

Both has nucleus, cytoplasm, mitochondrion, ribosome, cell membrane, rough endoplasmic reticulum, smooth endoplasmic recticulum and Golgi apparatus

Animal Cell
.o not have fi"ed shape .o not have cell alls .o not have vacuoles. ,f present, vacuoles are usually small and numerous

$ifferences #hape Cell alls 0acuoles Chloroplasts centrioles &ood storage

Plant Cell
/ave a fi"ed shape /ave cell alls

/ave a large central vacuole All green plants have chloroplast hich contain chlorophyll .o not have centrioles Carbohydrate is stored in the form of starch

.o not have chloroplasts /ave centrioles Carbohydrate is stored in the form of glycogen

The Density of Organelles in Spesific Cells

The number of organelles in each cell varies according to type of organism and nature of the cell. &or e"ample, more active cells ill possess more mitochondria than less active cells. Abundant chloroplasts are found in the palisade mesophyll cells than other parts of the leaves.

#perm cells

$e1uire energy to propel through the uterus to ards the &allopian tubes, so that fertilisation can ta'e place.

/igh density of 222222

%uscle cells
Contract and rela" to enable movement and flight

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f o y t i s

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Cells in meristems
$e1uire large amounts of energy during active cell division to produce ne cells

/igh density of 222222

%esophyll palisade cells

Absorb sunlight during photosynthesis

/igh density of 222222

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