Nutritional Assessment

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The key takeaways are that nutritional assessment is done to identify individuals at risk of malnutrition and to develop health programs and measure their effectiveness. The main methods discussed are anthropometric, biochemical, clinical, and dietary evaluation.

The different methods of nutritional assessment discussed are anthropometric, biochemical/laboratory, clinical, and dietary evaluation.

Some of the anthropometric measurements taken include mid-arm circumference, skin fold thickness, head circumference, chest circumference, height, and weight.

Nutritional Assessment

Nutritional Assessment Why?

The purpose of nutritional assessment is to: Identify individuals or population groups at risk of becoming malnourished Identify individuals or population groups who are malnourished

Nutritional Assessment Why? 2

To develop health care programs that meet the community needs. To measure the effectiveness of the nutritional programs & intervention once initiated

Methods of Nutritional Assessment

These are summarized as ABCD
Anthropometric methods

Biochemical, laboratory methods

Clinical methods Dietary evaluation methods

Anthropometric Methods
Anthropometry is the measurement of body height, weight , circumferences and skin fold thickness. It is an essential component of examination of infants, children & pregnant women. It is used to evaluate both under & over nutrition.

The measured values reflects the current nutritional status .

Anthropometric Measurements
Mid-arm circumference
Skin fold thickness

Head circumference
Chest circumference

Anthropometry for children

Growth monitoring
For growth monitoring the data are plotted on growth charts over a period of time that is enough to calculate growth velocity, which can then be compared to international standards.


Median Low weight for age

Very low weight for age



Low weight for age

Very low weight for age


Measurements for adults

The subject stands erect & bare footed on a stadiometer with a movable head piece. The head piece is leveled with skull vault & height is recorded .

Use a regularly calibrated electronic or

balanced-beam scale. Spring scales are less


Weigh in light clothes, no shoes.

Nutritional Indices in Adults

The international standard for assessing body

size in adults is the body mass index (BMI).

BMI is computed using the following formula:

BMI = Weight (kg)/ Height (m)

BMI (WHO - Classification)

BMI < 18.5 = Under Weight BMI 18.5-24.5= Healthy weight range BMI 25-30 = Overweight (grade 1 obesity) BMI >30-40 = Obese (grade 2 obesity) BMI >40 =Very obese (morbid or grade 3 obesity)

It is an essential features of all nutritional surveys. It is the simplest & most practical method of ascertaining the nutritional status of a group of individuals. It utilizes a number of physical signs, that are known to be associated with malnutrition and deficiency of vitamins & micronutrients.

Good nutritional history should be obtained. General clinical examination, with special attention to organs like hair, gums, nails, skin, eyes, tongue, muscles, bones, & thyroid gland. Detection of relevant signs helps in establishing the nutritional diagnosis

Clinical signs of nutritional deficiency

Thin n brittle Easy to pull out Coiled hair Protein, zinc, deficiency Protein deficiency Vit C & Vit A deficiency

Clinical signs of nutritional deficiency MOUTH

Glossitis Riboflavin, , folic acid, B12 , Vit C,A, K, folic acid & niacin

Bleeding & spongy gums

Sore mouth & tongue

Vit B12,6,c ,folic acid & iron

Clinical signs of nutritional deficiency EYES

Night blindness Vitamin A deficiency

Photophobia-blurring, conjunctival inflammation

Vit B2 & vit A deficiencies

Clinical signs of nutritional deficiency NAILS

Brittle nail indicate nutritional deficiency. e.g. anemia iron Deficiency.

Clinical signs of nutritional deficiency SKIN

Pallor Folic acid, iron, B12




Vit K ,Vit C & folic acid

Clinical signs of nutritional deficiency Thyroid gland

in mountainous areas

and far from sea places Goiter is a reliable sign of iodine deficiency.

Clinical signs of nutritional deficiency Joins & bones

Help detect signs of

vitamin D deficiency (Rickets).

Nutritional intake of humans is assessed by

five different methods. These are:

24 hours dietary recall Food frequency questionnaire

Dietary history since early life

Food dairy technique Observed food consumption

24 Hours Dietary Recall

A trained interviewer asks the subject to recall all food & drink taken in the previous 24 hours. It is quick, easy, & depends on short-term memory, but may not be truly representative of the persons usual intake

Food Frequency Questionnaire

In this method the subject is given a list of around 100 food items to indicate his or her intake (frequency & quantity) per day, per week

& per month.

inexpensive, more representative & easy to


It is an accurate method for assessing the nutritional status. The information should be collected by a trained interviewer. Details about usual intake, types, amount, frequency & timing needs to be obtained. Cross-checking to verify data is important.

Food intake (types & amounts) should be

recorded by the subject at the time of

consumption. The length of the collection period range between 1-7 days. Reliable but difficult to maintain.

Observed Food Consumption

The most unused method in clinical practice,

but it is recommended for research purposes.

The meal eaten by the individual is weighed and

contents are exactly calculated.

The method is characterized by having a high

degree of accuracy but expensive & needs time & efforts.

Initial Laboratory Assessment

Hemoglobin estimation is the most important test, & useful index of the overall state of nutrition. Stool examination for the presence of ova and/or intestinal parasites .
Urine dipstick & microscopy for albumin,

sugar and blood

Specific Lab Tests

Measurement of individual nutrient in body fluids (e.g. serum retinol, serum iron, urinary iodine, vitamin D)

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