Chapter 5 Microwave Antenna
Chapter 5 Microwave Antenna
Chapter 5 Microwave Antenna
Definition A conductor or group of conductors used either for radiating electromagnetic energy into space or for collecting it from space. or Is a structure which may be described as a metallic object, often a wire or a collection of wires through specific design capable of converting high frequency current into EM wave and transmit it into free space at light velocity with high power (kW) besides receiving EM wave from free space and convert it into high frequency current at much lower power (mW).
Transmit energy with high efficiency . Receive energy as low as mW. Provide matching between transmitter and free space and between free space and receiver, thus maximum power transfer is achieve besides preventing the occurrence of reflection. Directs radiation toward and suppresses radiation Two common features exist at the antenna Tx and Rx antenna is the radiation pattern and impedance, but it is different in terms of transmission power and reception power. Figure 5.2 below, shows the energy transmitted into free space via an open ended /4 transmission line. The proportion of wave escaping the system is very small due
Figure 5.2
Horn Antenna
Horn radiators are constructed in a variety of shapes, as illustrated in figure 5.4 The shape of the horn determines the shape of the field pattern. The ratio of the horn length to the size of its mouth determines the beam angle and directivity. In general, the larger the mouth of the horn, the more directive is the field pattern.
EPLANE HORN SECTORAL HPLANE HORN SECTORAL ANTENNA Radiation pattern exhibits side lobe ANTENNA Radiation pattern exhibits lobe, thus more popular. no side
PYRAMIDAL HORN ANTENNA Radiation pattern flares in 2 direction i.e in E-plane and H-plane. Therefore improves directivity.
Why is it used?
At higher microwave frequencies the physical size of the antenna becomes much smaller which in turn reduces the gain and directivity of the antenna The desired directivity can be achieved using suitably shaped parabolic reflector behind the main antenna which is known as primary antenna or feed .
Working rules
A parabolic reflector follows the principle of geometrical optics. When parallel rays of light incident on the reflector they will converge at focus or when a point source of light is kept at focus after reflection by the reflector they form a parallel beam of rays
Basic Parabolic
The basic paraboloid reflector used to produce different beam shapes required by special applications. The basic characteristics of the most commonly used paraboloids are presented as below:
Since the reflector is parabolic in the horizontal plane, the energy is focused into a narrow beam. With the reflector TRUNCATED (cut) so that it is shortened vertically, the beam spreads out vertically instead of being focused. This fan-shaped beam is used in radar detection applications for the accurate determination of bearing. Since the beam is spread vertically, it will detect aircraft at different altitudes without changing the tilt of the antenna. The truncated paraboloid also works well for surface search radar applications to compensate for the pitch and roll of the ship Truncated paraboloid may be used in target height-finding systems if the reflector is rotated 90 degrees, as shown in figure 3-5B. Since the reflector is now parabolic in the vertical plane, the energy is focused vertically into a narrow beam. If the reflector is truncated, or cut, so that it is shortened horizontally, the beam will spread out horizontally instead of being focused. Such a fan-shaped beam is used to accurately determine elevation
A section of a complete circular paraboloid, often called an ORANGE-PEEL REFLECTOR because of its orange-peel shape. Since the reflector is narrow in the horizontal plane and wide in the vertical plane, it produces a beam that is wide in the horizontal plane and narrow in the vertical plane. In shape, the beam resembles a huge beaver tail. The microwave energy is sent into the parabolic reflector by a horn radiator (not shown) which is fed by a waveguide. The horn radiation pattern covers nearly the entire shape of the reflector, so almost all of the microwave energy strikes the reflector and very little escapes at the sides. Antenna systems which use orange-peel paraboloids are often used in height-finding equipment.
Orange-peel paraboloid
Cylindrical paraboloid
Corner reflector
When a beam of radiated energy that is noticeably wider in one cross-sectional dimension than in another is desired, a cylindrical paraboloidal section which approximates a rectangle can be used. A PARABOLIC CYLINDER has a parabolic cross section in just one dimension which causes the reflector to be directive in one plane only. The cylindrical paraboloid reflector is fed either by a linear array of dipoles, a slit in the side of a waveguide, or by a thin waveguide radiator. It also has a series of focal points forming a straight line rather than a single focal point. Placing the radiator, or radiators, along this focal line produces a directed beam of energy. As the width of the parabolic section is changed, different beam shapes are obtained. You may see this type of antenna system used in search radar systems and in ground control approach (gca) radar systems.
The CORNER-REFLECTOR ANTENNA consists of two flat conducting sheets that meet at an angle to form a corner, as shown in figure 5.6. The corner reflector is normally driven by a HALFWAVE RADIATOR located on a line which bisects the angle formed by the sheet reflectors.
Can be fabricated from a length of a waveguide. They are simple to fabricate, have low-loss (high efficiency) and radiate linear polarization with low cross-polarization. Slotted antenna arrays used with waveguides are a popular antenna in navigation, radar and other high-frequency systems. These antennas are often used in aircraft applications because they can be made to conform to the surface on which they are mounted. The slots are typically thin (< 0.1 ) and 0.5 (at the center frequency of operation).
What is SLOT Antenna:A slot antenna consists of a metal surface, usually a flat plate, with a hole or slot cut out. When the plate is driven as an antenna by a driving frequency, the slot radiates electromagnetic waves in similar way to a dipole antenna. The shape and size of the slot, as well as the driving frequency, determine the radiation distribution pattern.
Figure 5.8 : Slot antenna.
Figure 5.9 : slot waveguide with dimensions given by length a and width b.
Figure 5.10 : example slot waveguide with dimensions given by length a and width b.
The front end (the open face at the y=0 in the x-z plane) is where the antenna is fed. The far end is usually shorted (enclosed in metal). The waveguide may be excited by a short dipole (as seen on the cavity-backed slot antenna) page, or by another waveguide
The end of the waveguide is terminated in a pyramid terminator to avoid line reflections. The radiating field pattern depends on the spacing of the slots (phase relationship) and their orientation with reference to the waveguide. A slot cut in the wall of the waveguide, transverse to the direction of the interior boundary currents ( due to the interior em wave) will couple the em energy from inside the wave guide to a radiant free-space wave. The length of slot is cut to be a resonant one-half (/2) wavelength.
TWO TYPES OF DIPOLE ANTENNAS: Half-wave (/2) dipole antenna (or Hertz antenna) Quarter-wave ( /4) vertical antenna (or Marconi antenna)
Maxwell equations, the strength of the radiated field is ;
Dipole geometry
Dipole configuration
Reflector Antennas
Performed for high directivity
Lower efficiency.
Suffers low efficiency caused by feed network for arrays. Smart antennas, uses electronic manufacturing by
Higher efficiency. Suffers blockage caused by fixation Struts.
photo etching.
In the figure 1 (right), the signal is emitted by the lower radiating element with a phase shift of 22 degrees earlier than of the upper radiating element. Because of this the main direction of the emitted sum-signal is moved upwards. (Note: Radiating elements have been used without reflector in the figure. Therefore the back lobe of the shown antenna diagrams is just as large as the main lobe.)
high gain width los side lobes Ability to permit the beam to jump from one target to the next in a few microseconds
arbitrarily modes of surveillance and tracking free eligible Dwell Time multifunction operation by emitting several beams simultaneously
Fault of single components reduces the capability and beam sharpness, but the system remains operational
The relative amplitudes of and constructive and destructive interference effects among the signals radiated by the individual antennas determine the effective radiation pattern of the array. A phased array may be used to point a fixed radiation pattern, or to scan rapidly in azimuth or elevation.
Parabolic antennas are also classified by the type of feed, i.e. how the radio waves are supplied to the antenna.
The primary antenna is placed at the parabolic focus point.
Reason: produce better transmission and reception. (enhance directivity and gain) The primary antenna has to be used together with the reflector to avoid the flaring of the radiation pattern and thus reduced the directivity.
The most common type of feed, with the feed antenna located in front of the dish at the focus, on the beam axis. A disadvantage of this type is that the feed and its supports block some of the beam, which limits the aperture efficiency to only 55 - 60%.
CASSEGRAIN FEED The feed is located on or behind the dish, and radiates forward, illuminating a convex hyperboloidal secondary reflector at the focus of the dish. The radio waves from the feed reflect back off the secondary reflector to the dish, which forms the outgoing beam
The advantage of this configuration is that the feed, with its waveguides and "front end" electronics does not have to be suspended in front of the dish, so it is used for antennas with complicated or bulky feeds, such as large satellite communication antennas and radio telescopes.
Focus points for the secondary and primary reflectors will meet at the same point. Radiation from the horn antenna will be reflected by the secondary reflector and transmitted to the primary reflector to collimate the radiation.
GREGORIAN FEED Similar to the Cassegrain design except that the secondary reflector is concave, (ellipsoidal) in shape. Aperture efficiency over 70% can be achieved.
It is widely used as a primary feeder, because of the flaring directivity pattern , thus preventing refraction.
Radiation pattern refers to the performance ot the antenna for example when it is mounted far away from objects such as buildings or mountain ( earth) by which reflecting signal might affect the shape of the pattern.
It is defined as the ratio of power per unit area received from the antenna at a point in space to the power received from an isotropic antenna at the same point in space. The capability of a directive antenna to concentrate power in a given direction is the capability to direct radio frequency energy into a given region and not in all direction. For transmitting antenna, it refers to how far is the concentration of transmission power in a given direction. For receiving antenna, it refers to how far its receive the best signal in a given direction rather than in all direction.
To convert the spherical waveform produced at a focus point to the plane wave. All the energy received from the free space which is the same as the parabolic axis (Rx) will be reflected to the focus point. ADVANTAGES The gain can be increased whenever needed. Can be operated at any frequency in the microwave zone. Simple Installation. DISADVANTAGES Difficult to install with high accuracy. Operational frequency limited to the types of dish used.
GAIN ; G = 4 A 2
Where; G = gain; A = area of parabolic dish (m2); = wavelength of operational frequency (m) If the area of the dish, A A = d2 4 Where; A = area of parabolic dish (m2); d = diameter of dish opening (m) Beamwidth = 115 d = antenna beamwidth or angle between half power points ( ) = wavelength (m) d = diameter of dish opening (m)