RPH-year 3

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World Of Knowledge

Things in the classroom

Subject Class Theme Topics Skills Time English 3 Anggerik World of Knowledge Things in the classroom Listening & Speaking 12.00 p.m. 1.00 p.m. 1 hour

Learning Standards
Learning Objectives Cross Curricular Elements Teaching Aids

1.1.3 , 1.2.2 a, 1.3.1 b

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to listen , identify and say aloud seven out of ten things in the classroom. Constructivism, Thinking Skills & Contextual Learning Word cards, Picture Cards, Song Lyrics & Worksheets


Pre - Listening 1. Teacher plays the song related to the things in the classroom. 2. The lyrics will be shown to the children with picture of things replacing with the name of the things. 3. The pupils will sing the song again. While Listening 1. Teacher divides the class into two groups. 2. Group 1 will be given word cards and Group 2 will be given the picture cards. 3. Pupils follow the teachers instruction. 4. Teacher utters the names of the things in the classroom. 5. Pupils from both groups will paste the matching picture and words respectively on the whiteboard

Post Listening 1. Teacher plays the song again. 2. Pupils are given task sheet consisting the lyrics with blanked out words. 3. Pupils listen to the song and fill in the blanks with names of the things in the classroom. 4. Teacher puts up the song lyrics. 5. Pupils sing the song together with the teacher. Reflection


Subject Class Theme English 3 Mawar World of Knowledge

Skill Time Learning Standards Learning Objectives

Things in the classroom

Reading 11.30 a.m. 12.30 a.m. 1 hour 2.2.1 a, 2.1.2, 2.2.2 By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to a. To blend three out of five phonemes into recognizable word b. Read and locate at least five out of ten words pertaining to the things in the classroom. c. Read aloud and understand phrases in a non- linear text

Cross Curricular Elements Teaching Aids

Constructivism, Thinking Skills & Contextual Learning Word cards, Envelopes, Cartoon Strips


Pre - Reading 1. Pupils revise the vocabulary from the previous lesson. 2. Teacher divides the pupils into groups. 3. Teacher passes around envelopes containing word cards to each group. 4. Pupils are required to pick out the words from the envelope pertaining to the things in the classroom. While Reading 1. Teacher carries the word blending activity. 2. Teacher reads out the words and pupils blend the phonemes correctly. 3. Teacher gives minor guidance if necessary.

Post Reading 1. Teacher puts up the lyrics of the things in the classroom song on whiteboard. 2. Pupils read and understand the lyrics of the song 3. Teacher passes around the cartoon strips with blanked out phrases and sentences. 4. In groups, pupils fill in the blanks with correct phrases and sentences. (phrases and sentences were learnt in the previous lesson) 5. Pupils sing the things in the classroom song. Reflection


Subject Class Theme Topics Skill Time Learning Standards English 3 Amanah World of Knowledge Things in the classroom Writing 8.40 a.m. 9.10 a.m. 30 minutes 3.3.1 a, 3.2.2 a

Learning Objectives
Cross Curricular Elements Teaching Aids

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to write a simple message with guidance.
Thinking Skills Task sheet, Picture Cards


Pre Writing 1. Teacher shows pupils a substitution table. 2. Pupils read the substitution table. 3. Pupils construct sentences based on the substitution table with teachers guidance. While Writing 1. Pupils are given jumbled up sentences. 2. Pupils rearrange the jumbled up sentences. 3. Pupils rewrite the simple sentences correctly.

Post Writing 1. Pupils write a simple message with guidance. 2. Pupils are given stimuli (pictures) in order to help them to complete the task.
Reflection Pupils were able to write a simple message with guidance


Subject Class Theme Topics Skill Time Learning Standards Learning Objectives Cross Curricular Elements Teaching Aids English 3 Amanah World of Knowledge Things in the classroom Language Arts 9.10 a.m. 9.40 a.m. 30 minutes 4.1.2, 4.3.1, 4,3,2 By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able enjoy jazz chants with correct pronunciation, rhythm and intonation. Multiple Intelligences (Verbal linguistics & Kinesthetic) Jazz Chants


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Teacher projects a jazz chant Pupils listen, read and follow the jazz chant. Teacher introduces some body percussion for the jazz chant. Pupils are divided into groups. Pupils produce the jazz chant. Pupils perform the jazz chant according to their creativity to the class. 7. Teacher chooses the winner. 8. The best performance will be awarded


Pupils were able to recite and enjoy jazz chants with correct pronunciation, rhythm and intonation.



Subject English

Theme Topics Skill Time Learning Standards Learning Objectives Cross Curricular Elements Teaching Aids

3 Amanah
World of Knowledge Things in the classroom Grammar 8.40 a.m. 9.10 a.m. 30 minutes 5.1.7 a & b, By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to identify and write out at least eight out of ten words with correct article (a,an) Thinking Skills, Constructivism, Contextual Learning Task sheet


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. -

Pupils recite a rhyme pertaining to the things in the classroom. Teacher highlights the article (a,an) used in the rhymes. Teacher shows the examples on how the articles are used. Pupils are given a text for them to identify the articles in the text. Pupils list out the phrases using the articles in the text. Pupils play the Bingo Game Pupils are given a table containing the list of things in the classroom. As the teacher reads out the things, pupils will cut down the words. The first group able to cut down all the words said by teacher declared as the winner once they say Bingo


Pupils were able to identify and write out the article (a, an) correctly and appropriately.

Pupils were able to identify and say aloud seven out of ten things in the classroom as the teacher guided the pupils to pronounce with correct stress and intonations.

Pupils were able to read and understand phrases and sentences found in a non linear text.


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