How To Give A Good Research Talk: Simon Peyton Jones Microsoft Research, Cambridge
How To Give A Good Research Talk: Simon Peyton Jones Microsoft Research, Cambridge
How To Give A Good Research Talk: Simon Peyton Jones Microsoft Research, Cambridge
Research is communication
The greatest ideas are worthless if you keep them to yourself
Your papers and talks
Build relationships
(And garner research brownie points)
Write a paper, and give a talk, about any idea, no matter how weedy and insignificant it may seem to you
How to present it
The beef
Your talk =
Your audience
The audience you would like Have read all your earlier papers Thoroughly understand all the relevant theory of cartesian closed endomorphic bifunctors Are all agog to hear about the latest developments in your work
And make them glad they did
What to put in
What to put in
1. Motivation (20%)
2. Your key idea (80%)
3. There is no 3
You have 2 minutes to engage your audience before they start to doze
Why should I tune into this talk? What is the problem? Why is it an interesting problem?
Example: Java class files are large (brief figures), and get sent over the network. Can we use languageaware compression to shrink them?
Example: synchronisation errors in concurrent programs are a nightmare to find. Im going to show you a type system that finds many such errors at compile time.
No Yes
Avoid shallow overviews at all costs Cut to the chase: the technical meat
Exceptions in Haskell?
Exceptions are to do with control flow There is no control flow in a lazy functional program
Solution 1: use data values to carry exceptions
data Maybe a = Nothing | Just a
lookup :: Name -> Dictionary -> Maybe Address
Often this is Just The Right Thing [Spivey 1990, Wadler list of successes]
Outline of my talk
-reducible decidability of the pseudocurried fragment under the Snezkovwski invariant in FLUGOL Benchmark results
Related work Conclusions and further work
No outline!
Outline of my talk: conveys near zero information at the start of your talk But maybe put up an outline for orientation after your motivation
Related work
[PMW83] [SPZ88] [PN93] The seminal paper First use of epimorphisms Application of epimorphisms to wibblification
Technical detail
Present specific aspects only; refer to the paper for the details
By all means have backup slides to use in response to questions
Do not apologise
I didnt have time to prepare this talk properly My computer broke down, so I dont have the results I expected
be enthusiastic
If you do not seem excited by your idea, why should the audience be? It wakes em up Enthusiasm makes people dramatically more receptive It gets you loosened up, breathing, moving around
What to do about it
Deep breathing during previous talk Script your first few sentences precisely (=> no brain required) Move around a lot, use large gestures, wave your arms, stand on chairs Go to the loo first
Make eye contact; identify a nodder, and speak to him or her (better still, more than one)
Watch audience for questions
Questions are not a problem Questions are a golden golden golden opportunity to connect with your audience Specifically encourage questions during your talk: pause briefly now and then, ask for questions Be prepared to truncate your talk if you run out of time. Better to connect, and not to present all your material
Do not say would you like me to go on? (its hard to say no thanks)
There is hope
The general standard is so low that you dont have to be outstanding to stand out
You will attend 50x as many talks as you give. Watch other peoples talks intelligently, and pick up ideas for what to do and what to avoid.