1 - Contents of The Air
1 - Contents of The Air
1 - Contents of The Air
Nitrogen is the largest component of air (78%). Oxygen is the second largest component of air (21%). Oxygen is needed for respiration. Carbon dioxide constitutes 0.03% of air. Carbon dioxide is needed by green plants for photosynthesis. Inert gases are unreactive; helium, argon, xenon, neon, krypton and radon.
Air also contains water vapour, microorganisms and dust. Water vapour :The percentage of water vapour in air is known as humidity. Air humidity increases when the content of water vapour in air increases. Dust :Dust in air originates from particles of soil and smoke emitted by factories and vehicles. Microorganisms :Bacteria, viruses and fungi are found in air.
The flame of the candle goes out after a little while. The water level rises to the level marked 1
Observation Droplets of the liquid are found on the external surface of the beaker. The colourless liquid changes the colour of cobalt chloride paper from blue to pink
Observation There is no colony of microorganisms on the sterilised nutrient agar that was not exposed to the air. There are many colonies of microorganisms on the sterilised nutrient agar was exposed to the air for 3 hours.
Cellophane P Location In a covered petri dish In the laboratory In the school field Beside the road Observation No dust seen
A little dusty
Dusty Very dusty
Example, - The air in a place which is crowded with people has a higher content of CO2 than the air in a less crowded place. - The air in a jungle has a higher content of oxygen than the air in an industrial area. All these examples show that the percentage of the components of air is not always the same. Therefore, we can say that air is a mixture.