Module 1
Module 1
Module 1
Role of HRP
Setting human resource objectives and deciding how to meet them.
HRP Process
Interfacing with strategic planning and scanning the environment. Taking an inventory of the companys current human resources. Forecasting demand for human resources. Forecasting the supply of HR from within the organization and in the external labor market.
Organization al Objectives
Feasibility Analysis
HRP Model
Strategic Human Resource Planning Links 1 & 5: HR objectives are linked to organizational objectives and planning. Designed to insure consistency between organization's strategic planning process and HRP. So objectives of strategic plan are feasible and HR programs are designed around what organizational objectives and strategies require in terms of human resource goals.
Organization al Objectives
Feasibility Analysis
Ensure HRP programs are coordinated and allows the organization to meet its human resource requirements.
Develop staffing for new installation Production workers Supervisors Technical staff Other managers
Recruiting and training programs 3 feasible Transfers infeasible because of lack of managers with right skills Too costly to hire from outside
How many people need to be working and in what jobs to implement organizational strategies and attain organizational objectives. Involves forecasting HR needs based on organizational objectives. Involves consideration of alternative ways of organizing jobs (job design, organizational design or staffing jobs). Example - Peak production could be handled by temporary workers or assigning overtime. Machine breakdowns assigned to maintenance department or handled by machine operators.
Choose HRM programs (supply) Involves forecasting or predicting effect of various HR programs on employee flowing into, through and out various job classifications. First determine how well existing programs are doing then forecast what additional programs or combination of programs will do Need to know capabilities of various programs and program combinations
Determine Feasibility Links 3 & 4 Capable of being done Requires knowledge of programs, how programs fit together and external environmental constraints (e.g., labor force, labor unions, technology created skill shortages) and internal environmental constraints (skill shortages within the organization, financial resources, managerial attitudes, culture) Do the benefits outweigh the costs Difficulty in quantifying costs and benefits
If no feasible HR program can be devised, the organization must revise strategic plans.
HRP should be :
Done to guide and coordinate all HR activities so they work together to support the overall strategy
Responsive to internal and external environment Planning - done in advance Strategic - linked with higher level planning
Internal programs
Transfer Career planning
Turnover control
Internal supply forecast External supply forecast Does aggregate supply meet aggregate demand?
Internal Supply Forecasting Information Organizational features (e.g., staffing capabilities) Productivity - rates of productivity, productivity changes Rates of promotion, demotion, transfer and turnover.
System Sophistication
Organizational size large organizations require more complex forecasting systems and likely to have the required skilled staff Organizational complexity complex career paths and diverse skill requirements lead to more complex forecasting systems Organizational objectives the greater the gap between current HR situation and desired HR situation the more sophisticated the system Organizational plans and strategies the complex the plans are the more complex the forecasting system
Factors promoting stability (longer time frame) strong competitive position, slowly developing technology, stable product demand.
Estimate of numbers and kinds of employees the organization will need at future dates. Demand for firms goods or services must be forecast Forecast is then converted into people requirements (Trying to predict future staffing needs) Managerial Estimates Sales Projections Vacancy Analysis (projected turnover)
HR Forecasting Techniques
Zero-based forecasting uses current level as starting point for determining future staffing needs Bottom-up approach each level of organization, starting with lowest, forecasts its requirements to provide aggregate of employment needs.
Mathematical models Assist in forecasting. Relationship between sales demand and number of employees needed is positive one. Simulation technique with experimenting with real-world situation through a mathematical model.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Sales (thousands)
Do you agree?
Great companies first got the right people on the bus, the wrong people off the bus, and the right people in the right seats and then they figured out where to drive it.
Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Dont Jim Collins
Manpower Planning
Manpower Planning is a Process by which an organization ensures that Right number of people Right kind of people At the Right time At the Right place Doing the Right things for which they are suited for achieving the goals of the organization.
Demand = Supply
No Action
Variations, which respond to new legislation, e.g. payroll taxes or their abolition, new health and safety requirements Changes in Government policies (investment incentives, regional or trade grants, etc.)