Guard Force Admin
Guard Force Admin
Guard Force Admin
Objectives Acquaint with Functions & Responsibilities Develop Job Mastery Learn the Art of Leading Men
Functional Areas
Operations are tasks and initiatives that have direct impact on life, property and proprietary rights. Activities - Deployment of men and resources - Definition of individual and organizational roles - Conduct of patrols, search, rescue and recovery - Providing Executive Protection & Related Services - Enforcement of Rules and Regulations - Control people, vehicles and property movement
Functional Areas
Administration - Activities and programs that has impact on the individuals with respect to morale, proficiency, competence, skills, discipline & integrity,among others. Activities - Screening & Recruitment of personnel - Training & Career Development - Upliftment of Morale, Welfare & Benefits - Reward & Progressive Discipline - Finance, Accounting, Payroll& Budgeting - Logistics Sourcing & Supply Management - Performance Evaluation - Inspectorate & Post Audit
Functional Areas
Technical Services is a specialized skills derived from training, experience and research, through the direct output of the security officer. Technical Skills Investigation & Report Writing Collection of Critical Information IT Security System Management Security Survey, Risk Assessment & Vulnerability Analysis
Leadership Defined is the art of influencing and directing people in such away as to obtain their willing obedience, confidence, respect and loyal cooperation to accomplish the mission. Purpose of Leadership 1. Accomplishment of the Mission 2. Looking for the Welfare of Men
Leadership Traits
Knowledge Courage
Bearing Endurance
Decisiveness Tact
Loyalty Unselfishness
Leadership Principles
Know yourself & seek self Keep your men properly
improvement Be technically& tactically proficient Seek responsibility & take responsibility for your actions Make sound and timely decisions Set the example Know your men & look for their welfare
informed Develop sense of responsibility in your subordinates Ensure that the task is understood, supervised and accomplished Train your men to work as a team Employ your men in accordance with their capabilities
Leadership Indicators
Discipline Esprit dCorps Proficiency Effective Unit
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