Junk Food: Made By:-Shubhangi Gupta X-C

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Junk food is a term describing food that is perceived to be unhealthy or having poor nutritional value, according to Food Standards Agency. Junk Food includes those food items that do not add any value to a persons diet. Here, value denotes essential nutrients, vitamins & minerals. Street food and fast food are also taken in the same context as junk


Fast food is ready-to-cook and we are so busy that we cannot make something rather we prefer to eat ready-made food. Fast food is tasty to eat and our taste buds like them because either they have loads of salt and spice or else sugar. They are usually presented in colorful and presentable packaging which increase the appetite. They are easy to carry along because of the packaging. Eating fast food is still regarded as fashion in some societies. Some people do not have knowledge of the negative effects of fast food on our health. Fast food is marketed everywhere and fast food restaurants are readily available in every locality that is why people go for it


Obesity is associated with every type of junk food. The main reason is the absence of fiber, high amount of high-fat calories and low quality cholesterol. Which may cause obesity . Many studies suggest that frequent consumption of soft drinks and other junk food is strongly related with children obesity. Soda drinks which are high in sugar and other calories is low in nutrition and this has been a proved fact that it causes obesity.

Tooth Decay:
Tooth decay is also caused by the extreme use of junk food in diet. Most of the fast food chains and sweetened juices, soft drinks and other processed food companies use low quality fats, sugar and high amount of salt in the processing of food. This can cause problems with teeth. Tooth decay has become very common in young children and the possible reason could be the use of these type of foods

Junk food increases your risk of heart disease. It leads to high cholesterol, which blocks your arteries with plaque and causes heart attacks and strokes... Junk food increases the risk of cancer, since it substitutes for nutritious foods that reduce your chances of developing the disease. Eating junk food instead of a healthy diet puts you at risk for Parkinson's disorder and Alzheimer's disease.

Lack of Energy
Junk food gives you a temporary rush -- a blood sugar high. Your blood sugar level spikes and plunges, leaving you lethargic and unable to function at your best.

People who ate a junk food diet heavy on processed meats, sweets, chocolate, fried food, refined cereals and dairy products were more depressed than participants who ate healthy food says a study at Britain.

If you feed your kids too much junk food when they are toddlers, they may grown up dumber. That's the stark conclusion of a British study of junk food's effect on children. Researchers at Bristol University found that kids who ate lots of chips, pizzas, biscuits and other junk food before they were 3 years old had damaged IQs.


Control Calories to Avoid Obesity-related Diseases

Avoid obesity-related diseases like diabetes and heart disease by keeping your calorie intake under control. The University of Maryland Medical Center states that you should only take in about 10 calories per pound as a woman and 13 calories per pound of body weight as a man in order to not gain weight.

Lasting Energy

You should eat about half your daily calories in carbohydrates, both simple and complex. Fresh Fruits and veggies supply simple curbs for quick Energy along with dietary fiber and water soluble vitamins C and B-complex. Try to eat about 3 cups of veggies, 2 cups of fruit and three slices of whole-grain bread daily.

Lower Your Fat-to-protein Intake for Heart Health

You need protein to build strong muscles, but avoid too much cholesterol-causing fat that could result in heart disease. The Harvard School of Public Health states that you can increase your protein intake while keeping fat low by focusing more on fish and poultry rather than red meat. Nuts, seeds and legumes also Supply protein along with heart-healthy oils.

Healthy Ratios for a Healthy Lifestyle

MayoClinic.com states that ratios add up to about 200g to 300g of curbs, 45g to 135g of protein and 50g to 70g of fat eaten daily for a 1,800-calorie daily diet. That number of calories should be about right for teen girls, active women who weigh about 150lbs. And inactive men who weigh about 140 lbs. You should also take in about 26g of fiber for digestive tract health and 1,300mg of calcium daily for strong bones.


Calories Fast food has more calories on average than healthy foods do, leading to greater weight gain for people who make fast food a major part of their diet. Fats Not only does fast food generally contain more fat than healthy foods, but it also contains worse types of fats. Healthy food primarily contains polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, while fast food is high in saturated fats and trans fats, the kind which contribute to heart disease. Cost Fast food is often cheaper than healthy food, which may account for some of its popularity. The inexpensive nature of fast food is partly due to the inferior ingredients used.

Healthy foods are by definition nutrient-rich, with vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals that benefit the body. Fast food, due to ingredients and preparation techniques, tends to be nutrient-poor even though it is high in calories.

One big benefit of fast food is its convenience, since it is quicker to prepare or purchase than healthy foods. By taking shortcuts on healthiness, fast food can often be prepared in minutes, or even seconds


The fast food industry in India has evolved with the changing lifestyles of the young Indian population. The sheer variety of gastronomic preferences across the regions, hereditary or acquired, has brought about different modules across the country. It may take some time for the local enterprise to mature to the level of international players in the field. Many of the traditional dishes have been adapted to suit the emerging fast food outlets. The basic adaptation is to decrease the processing and serving time. For example, the typical meal which called for being served by an ever alert attendant is now offered as a Mini-Meal across the counter. In its traditional version, a plate or a banana leaf was first laid down on the floor or table. Several helpers then waited on the diner, doling out different dishes and refilling as they got over in the plate.


Indians now find themselves amongst the top 10 most frequent consumers of fast food across the globe. According to the findings of the latest online survey from ACNielsen, a leading international market research firm, over 70 per cent of urban Indians consume food from take-away restaurants once a month or more frequently. This makes India one of the top 10 countries amongst the 28 surveyed, in terms of frequency of fast food consumption. The incidence of fast food consumption in urban India is accelerating at a fast pace. "Contrary to the belief that reliance on homemade preparations may hinder the growth of fast food, an altered view towards out-of-home meals, a willingness to spend and, most importantly, the urban Indian acquiring a more 'global palette' have catalyzed its consumption" said Sarang Panchal, executive director, ACNielsen ORG-MARG.


In the cities of Roman antiquity, much of the urban population living in insulae, multistorey apartment blocks, depended on food vendors for much of their meals. In the mornings, bread soaked in wine was eaten as a quick snack and cooked vegetables and stews later in the day at a popina, a simple type of eating establishment. In the Middle Ages, large towns and major urban areas such as London and Paris supported numerous vendors that sold dishes such as pies, pasties, flans, and cooked meats. As in Roman cities during antiquity, many of these establishments catered to those who did not have means to cook their own food, particularly single households. Unlike richer town dwellers, many often could not afford housing with kitchen facilities and thus relied on fast food. Travelers, as well, such as pilgrims en route to a holy site, were among the customers.


Since the public has a demand for healthy food, but dont actually like the taste of tofu and soy beans, fast food chains are turning to foods that seem healthy but are actually worse than the double cheeseburgers they replaced.


Saudi Arabia consumes about 75 per cent of the total volume of fast food served in Gulf markets, according to a study. The fast food sector has grown rapidly in the region because of lifestyle changes and the spread of Western trends, the study by the Gulf Organization for Industrial Consulting found. Of the 60 fast food factories in the Gulf, 29 are in Saudi Arabia. Investment in the sector has increased due to the overwhelming consumption of fast food, especially by Saudi youth.

It also reported the UAE was second in consumption, investing about $11.1 million in the industry.


The study by the Gulf Organization for Industrial Consulting found that the Gulf fast food industry has been growing dramatically, with 29 out of 60 Gulf fast food factories operating in Saudi Arabia, while the United Arab Emirates has invested around $11.1 million [USD] in its fast food industry. A survey by the World Health Organization has found that the United Arab Emirates has the worlds secondhighest rate of adult onset diabetes, with19.5 percent of its population afflicted by the disease, according to a January 2, 2008 BBC News article.


Watch a video, DVD, or television program on the dangers of fast food. This will probably put you off eating it, as the program will likely go into graphic detail about the high fat, salt and sugar levels in the foods. Two excellent examples are the films "Super Size Me" and "Food, Inc" Go to your local supermarket, and instead of heading straight to the ice cream section, go to a healthier alternative such as the aisles that contain fruits and grains. Write down what foods you like. If any of them are considered healthy, you can keep them; if not, you should find all of those foods in your house and find some method of throwing them away. Substitute the unhealthy foods for healthier alternatives. If you like burgers, try a steak, or something a bit cheaper. Try some new foods. You could even make your own burgers with low fat lentils, tofu or fish. Concentrate on foods that have lots of grains and/or vegetables in them. Avoid your local fast food restaurants as much as possible. Whenever you pass one, or any other fast food outlet, think back to the program you saw and what that type of food is doing to your insides. If you are without food and your only option is a fast food place, buy the healthy options such as salads or grilled chicken. Learn to cook. A well-cooked meal using fresh ingredients is not only better for you, but it also tastes better. Learning to cook can help you appreciate food and you will see that much of the "flavor" of fast food is just the taste of fat. Consult a registered dietitian in your area for many tips on healthier alternatives, eating behavior modification, timing of meals, and where to get healthy foods in your locale. Allow a professional to get you off on the right foot to provide for a competitive edge over the current obesogenic, fast-food hungry society

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