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TPM - A Zero Sum Game

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TPM - A zero sum game

TPM - A zero sum game

TPM Objectives
❚ Zero Unplanned Downtime
❚ Zero Defects
❚ Zero Speed Losses
❚ Zero Accidents

The principle characteristics of a TPM system:

1. Operators perform Preventive Maintenance functions they have

been trained to perform , that do not require the capabilities of
a skilled tradesman.

2. Skilled maintenance personnel train the operators and develop

“one-point lessons”.

3. Maintenance department moves from a “fire-fighting” mode to

a prevention mode & re-engineering.
Goals & Objectives:

1. To get the most efficient use of all production equipment

(i.e. overall equipment effectiveness or APU).
2. To establish a total (company wide) PM system, encompassing
Predictive Maintenance, Preventive Maintenance
and Improvement related Maintenance.
3. To achieve full participation of equipment designers and engineers,
equipment operators, and maintenance department personnel.
4. To effectively involve every employee in the Company from the shop floor
associate to all aspects of upper management.
5. To promote and implement PM related autonomous, small-group
activities targeted at continuous improvement of operating efficiency.
What is your definition of PM?

• Preventive Maintenance ?

• Predictive Maintenance ?

• Periodic Maintenance?
Have you heard of the other PM ?
(Postponed Maintenance)

“Let’s postpone our preventive maintenance for one month so we can catch up”

“We’re behind, we need operating time, we can’t shutdown right now.”

Potential Results: “The Death Spiral”

•Equipment breaks down unexpectedly
•Cycle time increases
•Production rejects or Scrap increases

“If you could just keep this Darn machine running we could catch up”
An Alternative & Better Option:
•Standardize the TPM “Culture”
•Maintain the discipline of the TP M plan

Potential Result:
“I’m done my production run for the day, time to clean up and complete my
TPM checklist”

“Based on the data, I think if I reinforce this bracket we can prolong the life of
that drive belt”
The TPM Par adigm Shi ft

Old Fashioned TPM Approach

❚ “I operate, you “WE ARE ALL
❚ “I fix, you design” EQUIPMENT”

❚ “I design, you
Pre- TPM Conditions Checklist
(Check those which exist at your company)
Equipment availability is less than 95%.
Machines breakdown suddenly without warning. ( _ _ _ _ Happens!)
Machines do not operate at design parameters.
Changeover and set-up of equipment requires more than 10 minutes.
First Run Capability is less than 99%.
New equipment is high-tech.
Newly-installed equipment must be “de-bugged”.
Customers’ products require higher quality performance.
Plants are “dirty, dark, and stinky”.
Most associates in the company are indifferent to the production facilities and equipment.
Areas of responsibility are not clearly defined.
Equipment and process design
Equipment sourcing
Equipment acceptance
Equipment maintenance
Roll of the Operator (s)
Roll of Maintenance Personnel
? ?
Why Do We Need a TP M Program?

? ?
• Manufacturing processes are becoming more synchronized as we drive WIP
out of our “Lean” Production Processes.
• Processes in the total production system are now dependent upon each other.
• Equipment available time or up-time is critical as inventory levels and
production lead times continue to be reduced.
• Maintenance related expenses can account for over 30% of total manufacturing
costs, representing a significant cost reduction opportunity.
• New technology & equipment requires significant investment and therefore the
related return on investment must be maximized.
• JIT requires all equipment to produce the correct product in the correct quantities
when required. Reliability and Flexibility are paramount.
• Life Cycle Costs need to be reduced to maintain competitiveness in the market.
• TPM allows for the more effective use of human resources, supports personal
growth and Manufacturing flexibility objectives.
In Summary:

❚ “Lean Manufacturing” requires 100% machine

availability producing perfect quality products at
lower operating costs.

❚ Quality, Cost, and Delivery increasingly depend on

equipment conditions.

❚ If your equipment won’t run, not much else


Roles & Responsibilities Defined

Who does what?

When do they do it?
Why do they do it?
How do they do it?
For how long?
The Operators TPM Role

• Perform basic equipment maintenance Cleaning of machine

• Cleaning & replacement of filters
• Lubrication
• Checking basic machine & safety device functions
• Maintain proper condition based upon training and capabilities of operators
• Diagnose & perform repairs for some problems, dependent on training
• Basic skill levels in:
• Monitoring & maintaining critical process parameters
• Perform changeover and set-up
• Reduction of minor stoppages and adjustments
• Record/Collect data to track equipment performance
• Production control chart
• Work order system
The Operators TPM Role

Critical Reminder
• TPM cannot be implemented correctly without proper data collection.
• Data collection requires a properly completed Production Control Chart or
shop floor data entry - each and every shift.
• An accurate emergency work order initiated by the operator, with breakdown
situation clearly defined and repair detail completed by maintenance personnel.
• An accurate planned work order initiated by operator with definition of PM
performed along with any observations.
The Maintenance TPM Role

• Provide technical support and training for autonomous maintenance done

by operators.
• Restore deteriorated equipment through Improvement-Related Maintenance.
• Identify design weaknesses and improve the equipment to error-free
• Improve technical maintenance skills of all maintenance personnel through
systemic training and work assignments.
• Implement planned or periodic maintenance system based upon data from
equipment manufacturers and operators.
• Through data analysis and periodic diagnostic tests, perform appropriate
maintenance to avoid predicted equipment failure.
The Maintenance TPM Role

• Maintain work order system to provide data for above - calculate MTBF and

• Ensure that the maintenance function is treating the root cause - not just the

• Understand the manufacturing process to successfully achieve the above - have

the capability to operate all the equipment.
Autonomous Maintenance
is a phrase coined by the

Japan Institute of Plant Maintenance

to describe the shift toward machine operators maintaining
their own equipment.
7 Steps to
Autonomous Maintenance

• Step 1: Initial cleanup - 7S campaign

• Step 2: Identify and eliminate root cause of machine stoppages
• Step 3: Establish data collection and standards to prevent reoccurrence
of situations found in steps 1 and 2.
• Step 4: Develop standards to routinely verify key operating
parameters. (Standard Operating Conditions)
• Step 5: Train work-cell associates on equipment function and the
key parameters for good operation.
• Step 6: Identify spare parts and tools required and availability.
• Step 7: Repeat above six steps for continuous improvement.
Measure results: (Production Control Chart)
Zero Machine Breakdowns
Zero Set-up Time
Zero Defects
Zero Lost Time Accidents
7 Steps to
Autonomous Maintenance

Initial Clean-up (Outside of Machine)

• Closely aligned with “7S”

• Management and staff show commitment
• Clean, sand, paint
• Identify & Tag sources of defects/waste:
•Gauge hidden
•Limit switch buried in debris
•Crack in housing
•Worn drive belt
The 7S System

1S Separate Separate and eliminate any unnecessary items

2S Straighten Put all necessary items in order for easy access
& cleaning
3S Scrub Clean everything: Tools, equipment and the
4S Safety Ensure all Safety devises are in place and
functioning correctly
5S Spread Make the cleaning & checking in steps 1-4 a
habit in the workplace. Make it “A Way of Life”
6S Standardize Standardize the previous 5 steps throughout the
entire organization
7S Satisfy Satisfy the internal & external Customer
7 Steps to
Autonomous Maintenance

Repair Sources of Defects (Outside of Machine)

• Apply the 5 Whys (Ask Why? 5 times)

• Replace cracked parts
• Replace worn seals
• Set-up workshops (one-point lessons)
• Modify equipment for easier checking and to eliminate
sources of debris and contamination.
•Create new Guards
•Create better access for chip removal
•Create Acrylic covers to see V belts and moving parts
•Make the workplace “Visual”
7 Steps to
Autonomous Maintenance

Develop Standards & Data Collection
• Create Standards for clean-up and checking:
• What equipment should be Cleaned and Checked?
• How to properly Clean & Check the equipment?
• What points should be checked?
• Who should check?
• What check sheet should be used?
• How to react to changes?
• Establish standards for Data Collection
• Production Control Chart
• Standards are to prevent falling back to pre-existing conditions.
7 Steps to
Autonomous Maintenance


Standards for Monitoring Key Process Parameters

• Develop methods & standards to routinely verify key process

parameters - Standard Operating Conditions
• Operator executes routine verification & adjustments if
7 Steps to
Autonomous Maintenance

Train Operators on Function & Troubleshooting
• Operators, Team Leaders & 1st line Supervisors trained to
understand the basics of the equipment
•Air pressure
• One-point lessons developed
• Team-up engineers, maintenance, and operators
•Tear down equipment
•Analyze defects
•Present findings to steering committee
TPM Critical Activity

The One - Point Lesson

• In-house training material used on the shop floor.

• Prepared to focus on a particular technical issue.

• Lecture is 5 minutes long, hands-on training, given

by the presenter to his fellow associates.
7 Steps to
Autonomous Maintenance

Provide Spare Parts & Tools Orderliness
•Improve on supply activity
•Spare parts suppliers leveraged
•Spare parts stores at point of use
•Spare parts inventory on MRP
• Improve on tool availability
•Tool crib orderliness
•Frequently used tools and parts at work the station
•Shadow Boards, make Visual
7 Steps to
Autonomous Maintenance

All out Autonomous Maintenance
• Repeat the cycle, the process never ends

• Monitor TPM Progress with Key Measurables

•Planned vs. Emergency Work
•Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF)
•Mean Time To Repair (MTTR)
•Quick Change Time Reduction
•Production Control Charts
•Zero Lost Time Accidents
•Scrap Reduction & Zero Defects
Goals & Objectives of
Autonomous Ma in tenance

❚ Stabilize, control or prevent deterioration of production


❚ Prevent degradation related failures

❚ Increase access and ease of inspection and


❚ Improve skill levels & personal growth throughout the


❚ Improve predictability through data analysis & improved

Three Steps to
“Standardized Breakdown Work”
1st - Identify root cause

2n d - Eliminate cause

3rd - Standardize preventive work to eliminate

Identify Root Cause

• Maintenance Technician reviews Pareto of production

control chart downtime codes.

• Define elements within downtime code causing

process stoppages.

• Detailed inspection of machine symptoms and identify

true root cause elements (Utilize the “5 Whys ?”)

• Brainstorm & create preliminary action plan

Eliminate Cause
• Replace worn or failing parts.

• Re-calibrate basic operating perameters

• Eliminate each root cause for the answers to

the “5 why questions”.

• Try-out/Validate the Repair

Standardize Work

• Write a detailed description of the repair including any

special techniques or requirements.

• Determine the frequency that repairs need to be made.

• Adjust TPM Autonomous work-list if applicable and

perform 1 point lesson.

• Create a planned maintenance work-order to prevent

reoccurrence, include detailed instructions from above
in database.
Breakdown Maintenance
Transition to

Preventive Maintenance

7S Activities TAG Campaign

Maintenance Teams
Minor stoppages
data collection
Breakdown Data
Unexpected breakdown
data collection

Action plans for Permanent

countermeasures by
STRIVE teams

Implementation of
Autonomous Maintenance Implementation of Planned
(Preventive) Standards Maintenance Standards
Planned Maintenance
• Skilled Maintenance tradesmen primarily responsible.
• Re-adjustment of machines to bring back to initial state.
• Feedback breakdown information to planned maintenance
system - analysis of data from Production Control Charts.
• Trend charting of breakdown data & performance:
- Planned vs. Emergency Work
• Finding and coping with chronic defects.
• Machine accuracy control (calibration).
• Maintain schedule boards in each department:
- Schedules for maintenance department
- Schedules for operations personnel
• Control of:
- Spare parts
- Lubrication analysis
- Vibration analysis
Planned Maintenance Objectives

• Reduction of MTTR

• Increase of MTBF

• Less than 1% of total maintenance hours

devoted to reactive maintenance
Planned Maintenance

•Maximize Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF)

•Machine Breakdown
•Tool Breakdown
•Performance Degradation or Part Failure
• Minimize Mean Time To Repair (MTTR)
•Diagnose problem quickly & accurately
•Correct problem quickly & accurately
•Optimized machine set-up to make good parts
•Optimized Spare parts location & control
• Analyze Data & Key Indicators
•Breakdown measurements
•Problem solving tools
•Vibration analysis tools, etc...
Maintenance Prevention

New Equipment & Tool Design Considerations

• Input from Breakdown Maintenance
• Input from Planned Maintenance
• Input from Work-cell STRIVE
• Life Cycle Costing
• Design reviews (operators, supervisors, engineers)
• Maintenance and operations manual preparation
• Define Installation, Start-up, and Adjustments
• Define Initial de-bug requirements
• Identify all Safety issues
• Define Preventive Maintenance Standards
• Autonomous
• Planned Work Skilled Trades
TPM Overview

TPM Targets “6 Big Machine Losses”

1. Unexpected breakdowns.

2. Set-up and adjustments (Changeover).

3. Minor stoppages.

4. Actual operating speed versus designed speed.

5. Defects and/or reworking of defects.

6. Reduced yield between start of production and

stable production.
1 of 6
Breakdown Losses
• Sudden, dramatic or unexpected equipment failures
that result in loss of productivity.

•Drive system failures
•Electrical system failures
•Structural fatigue
2 of 6

Set-up and Adjustment Losses

(Change over)
• Downtime and defective product that occurs when
production of one part ends and the equipment is
set-up/adjusted to meet the requirements of another

Degree of loss depends on:

•Process Standards
•Maintenance level of equipment
•Maintenance level of tooling
•Operator skill level
3 of 6
Idling and Minor Stoppage
• Production is interrupted by a temporary malfunction
or when the machine is idling.

Contributing factors include:

•Defective products shut line down
•Disruption of production flow
•Mis-location of part
•Temporary equipment malfunction

TPM Note: Accurate data for this type of loss must be

recorded on the Production Control Chart.
4 of 6

Reduced Speed Losses

• Refers to the difference between equipment design speed

and the actual operating speed.

Contributing factors include:

• Mechanical problems
• Defective quality
• Fear of abusing or overtaxing equipment
• Operator training
5 of 6

Quality Defects and Rework

• Losses in quality caused by malfunctioning equipment
or tooling.

Degree of loss depends on:

•Maintenance level of equipment
•Maintenance level of tooling
•Operator skill level
6 of 6

Start-up Losses

• Yield losses that occur during the early stages of

production - from machine start-up to stabilization.

Degree of loss depends on:

• Maintenance level of equipment
• Maintenance level of tooling
• Operator skill level
• Standardization level
TPM Education

Ways to Spread the

TPM Education Methods

• TPM GEMBA Weeks/Workshops

• “7S” Standards

• Visual Management
• Process Flow
• Autonomous Work Checklists
• Display key process parameters
* Temperatures
* Cycle times
* Control settings

• One-Point Lessons
TPM Key Indicator
A way of measuring how the 6 major losses are
affecting your equipment.


A way of measuring the amount of “Value Added”

activity your equipment is contributing to your product.
APU Three Measurables

•Improved by eliminating breakdowns and other stoppage
losses. Optimizing set-ups and change over related losses.

•Improved by eliminating speed losses,minor stoppages
and idling.
•Improved by eliminating quality defects in process and
during set-up.
APU Calculation

APU = Good Pieces X 100

Scheduled Pieces

Scheduled Pieces = Available Minutes
Planned Cycle (Standard)
Example APU Calculation
Available Minutes
Established Standard Cycle
480 minutes available per 8 hour shift
P/N 1234 = 2.5 seconds
-30 minute lunch
-2x10 minute breaks
430 net minutes available or 25800 seconds
Therefore Scheduled Pieces equals 25800 / 2.5 = 10320 pieces
If Assumed Actual for the day = 8300 pieces

APU = 8300 X 100


= 80.4% APU
TPM Reminder
Overall Objectives

• Maximize “Actual Productive Utilization” (APU)

through total employee involvement.

• Improve equipment reliability and maintainability as

contributors to quality, and to raise productivity.

• To aim for maximum economy in equipment and manage

for the entire life of the equipment.

• To cultivate equipment related expertise and skills among

operators and technicians.

STRIVE Workshop

Select a Work-cell
Perform 7S Initiatives

TPM Tag Campaign

• Tag anything that can’t be understood
• Tag anything that is wasteful
• Tag anything that makes it difficult to see what is going on
• Tag anything that is malfunctioning
• Tag hidden or difficult-to-see gauges
• Tag anything that is loose
• Tag cracked housing or sources of leaks
• Tag loose nuts or bolts

Corrective Actions

• Work-cell Associates fix what can be fixed

•Tighten Screws, Bolts, Fittings, etc.
• Compile shopping list of work-cell based tool center needs
• Design & implement a work-cell based tool center
• Submit planned work “Work Orders” to Maintenance system
• Compile shopping list of “One point Lesson” needs
• Create TPM Project follow up List

Training & Standards

Work-cell STRIVE Goals & Objectives
• Drive away from the need for Workshops and make TPM a daily “Way of Life”
• Work-cell personnel daily review & perform tasks on TPM checklists
• Work-cell personnel to review Daily, Planned Production requirements,
Quality issues, and Safety performance
• Manufacturing Personnel to Conduct Weekly* STRIVE meetings.
• Review production control charts
• Pareto Downtime & Quality causes
• Define tracking method to find failure root cause
• Eliminate root cause
• Review OPC standards looking for improvements

* Daily, if process is out of control.

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