Richard G. Gieser, M.D. Jared S. Nielsen, M.D. Department of Ophthalmology Loyola University Chicago
Madarosis or focal loss of eyelashes may be the first sign of discoid lupus erthematosus. Lower eyelid involvement is seen in 6% of DLE and may be associated with conjunctival injection and scarring. It typically involves the outer third of the lower eyelids. Other causes are eczema, lid tumors, and tricotillomania.
5-10% of DLE patients develop SLE. Madarosis associated with a basal cell carcinoma above.
FIGURE 1. (A) Clinical photograph demonstrating patches of eyelash loss (arrows) on the right upper eyelid. (B) Clinical photograph showing erythema of the lateral aspect of the left lower eyelid associated with eyelash loss. (C) Clinical photograph of an area of scarring alopecia on the scalp.
What is the incidence of ciliochoroidal effusion after prophylactic laser iridotomy? The incidence of ciliochoroidal effusion was studied with an ultrasound biomicroscope. Following argon laser iridotomy, and effusion was seen in 52% and in eyes with argon and YAG laser iridotomy, the incidence was 12%. There were no symptoms and the patients resolved spontaneously.
FIGURE 1. Ultrasound biomicroscopic (UBM) images of each degree of ciliochoroidal effusion (CE). The degrees of CE were classified into four grades according to the width of the supraciliarychoroidal space compared with the thickness of the ciliary body at pars plana on the UBM display monitor: Grades 0 (no detectable CE, supraciliary space is not observed), 1 (slit-like CE, supraciliary space < ciliary body thickness), 2 (bandlike CE, supraciliary space > ciliary body thickness), and 3 (obvious CE, supraciliary space > ciliary body thickness), respectively. Increased supraciliary space is described as hypoechographic lines (*) between the sclera and the pars plana of the ciliary body. (Top) Radial sections. (Bottom) Transverse sections (bars = 500 .)
Amyloidosis is due to genetically aberrant pre-albumin. Pre-albumin synthesis is seen in the RPE. The major source is considered to be the liver. A patient had bilateral vitrectoies for vitreous amylodiosis. In one eye PRP was carried out at the time of the vitrectomy. The eye that had the laser treatment did not re-accumulate amyloid, whereas the other eye did.
Vrabec studied the multifocal ERG in normal and abnormal patients. The normal patients were able to voluntarily able to suppress the mfERG by eccentric fixation and inattention.
The copper accumulates near Descemets membrane in Wilsons disease. The copper deposit may have a golden brown, ruby-red, or blue-green appearance. Other disease states that cause this ring is liver disease, multiple myeloma, and pulmonary carcinoma.
An orange-yellow ring in the peripheral cornea may be from hypercarotenemia which has been reported in patients eating large quantities, 1-2 lbs/ day, of carrots. The serum carotene level was 2-10 times normal. The patient also had yellow skin, which was especially noted in the palm of the hand.
Yellow-brown deposits are seen from oral or intramuscular gold. This is also in the deep stroma or Descemets membrane.
Occasionally, siderosis may produce a yellow-brown iron deposit in the posterior cornea if an iron foreign body is in the anterior chamber.
Posterior lens capsules may be discolored by siderosis and chalcosis and iridescent brown deposition of copper may be seen on the capsule. Multiple myeloma and pulmonary carcinoma have been reported to cause opacity in the posterior capsule.
Cyclopentolate, especially when used at a 2% concentration, may cause psychosis. Atropine may also cause a temporary psychosis. A unusual case followed the use of topical ciprofloxacin.
Pulido reported treatment of pars planitis using peripheral laser photocoaguation. They found that panretinal photocoagulation decreased the use of corticosteroids and resulted in a decrease of vitritis and neovascularization of the vitreous base. There also was a clinically apparent decrease in cystoid macular edema. There was an increase in epiretinal membranes. A control study was suggested.
What is the topless optic disc syndrome and what is its clinical significance?
What is the topless optic disc syndrome and what is its clinical significance? Superior segmental optic hypoplasia is an congential disc anomaly which has caused the topless optic disc syndrome. It consists of a relative superior entrance of the central retinal artery, thinning of the superior peripapillary nerve fiber layer, a superior peripapillary scleral halo, and pallor of the superior disc.
This abnormality results in an inferior altitudinal or sector field defect with good central vision. There was one paper reporting 10 patients and in each patient the mother had diabetes. Another paper reported 4 cases with no history of maternal diabetes.
FIGURE 1. Patient 1. (Top) Fundus photograph of the right eye showing a topless disk with relative superior entrance of the central retinal artery (horizontal arrow), thinning of the superior peripapillary nerve fiber layer, superior peripapillary scleral halo (arrowheads), and pallor of the superior disk (small black arrows indicate superior disk margin). (Bottom) Goldmann visual field testing of the right eye showing dense inferior altitudinal hemianopia
What anti-hypertensive medications can cause narrow angle glaucoma? Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors or angiotensin II antagonists may cause angioedema. There was a report of a patient who had significant angioedema of the head and neck and an associated choroidal detachment that caused a narrow angle glaucoma attack with elevated pressure.
FIGURE 1. (Left) Ultrasound echography showing thickening of the choroid to 2 mm (between the arrows). (Right) Ultrasound 3 days later showed choroidal detachment. There were similar changes in both eyes.
Angioedema is also associated with angiotensin II antagonist, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and fibrinolytic agents.
A patient with documented idiopathic intracranial hypertension got papilledema with a severe headache after eating raw carrots. This caused vitamin A toxicity which caused papilledema. This patient was eating 2-3 pounds of raw carrots per week. The normal serum retinol level is 53 micrograms and this patients level was 127 mircograms. The symptoms resolved when she stopped eating the raw carrots. There has also been a report when a patient ate large quantities of shark liver and got pseudotumor cerebri, again from hypervitaminosis A.
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Sakai H, Ishikawa H, Shinzato M, Nakamura Y, Sakai M, Sawaguchi S. Prevalence of ciliochoroidal effusion after prophylactic laser iridotomy. Am J Ophthalmol. 2003 Sep;136(3):537-8. Selva D, Chen CS, James CL, Huilgol SC. Discoid lupus erythematosus presenting as madarosis. Am J Ophthalmol. 2003 Sep;136(3):545-6.