Instructional Models
Instructional Models
Instructional Models
Engr.Muhammad Mujatab Asad
The Strategic Instruction Model is a research based comprehensive approach to teaching adolescents who struggle to become good readers, writers, and learners.
Strategic Instruction Model
is about
Responds to
Current Realities
Is supportedTeaming by
Strategic Instruction
Such as
Key Components
Such as Such as
Teaching Routines
Learning Strategies
Smarter Planning
A Continuum of Action
Partnership Provide numerous supports for academic success (tutoring, direct instruction, parent education) Instructional coaches in middle and high schools Professional Learning Communities
Get the right people on board Target standards Develop positive cultural norms Be tightly organized Employ coaches to lead small groups Develop powerful tools Keep learning from each other Provide follow -up to ensure fidelity
Strategies for Strategies for information Strategies for Strategies for performance Strategies for Strategies for Strategies for reading studying & remembering writing improving assignment & test effectively interacting with others motivation math
Word Identification Strategy Self-Questioning Strategy Visual Imagery Strategy Inference Strategy Fundamentals of Paraphrasing and Summarizing Paraphrasing Strategy
Assignment Completion Strategy Strategic Tutoring Test-Taking Strategy Essay Test-Taking Strategy
A systematic instructional design model
A systematic approach (model) for developing effective instruction. One of the most popular models in instructional design. Outcome of each step feeds into the subsequent step. Evaluation is ongoing throughout each layer of design.
During analysis, the designer identifies the learning problem, the goals and objectives, the audiences needs, existing knowledge, and any other relevant characteristics. Analysis also considers the learning environment, any constraints, the delivery options, and the timeline for the project.
-- Knowledge base and webliography (n.d.). Retrieved May 5, 2008 from -model.html
A systematic process of specifying learning objectives.Detailed storyboards and prototypes are often made, and the look and feel, graphic design, user-interface and content is determined here.
-- Knowledge base and webliography (n.d.). Retrieved May 5, 2008 from -model.html
What are the learning objectives? What will the delivery look like? What types on supplemental materials will be included? What topic(s) will each LO cover? Will all LOs look the same?
The actual creation (production) of the content and learning materials based on the Design phase.
-- Knowledge base and webliography (n.d.). Retrieved May 5, 2008 from -model.html
During implementation, the plan is put into action and a procedure for training the learner and teacher is developed. Materials are delivered or distributed to the student group. After delivery, the effectiveness of the training materials is evaluated .
-- Knowledge base and webliography (n.d.). Retrieved May 5, 2008 from -model.html
Trial run of the materials with feedback from learner. What works? does not work? What needs to be added? Other ways it can be improved.
This phase consists of
. Summative evaluation consists of tests designed for criterion -related referenced items and providing opportunities for feedback from the users.
Revisions are made as necessary.
-- Knowledge base and webliography (n.d.). Retrieved May 5, 2008 from h t t p : / / w w w. l e a r n i n g - t h e o r i e s . c o m / a d d i e - m o d e l . h t m l
Formative evaluation ongoing. What changes were made after trial implementation period? (peer review). Did it impact your writing? What else would you like to learn? Summative evaluation What would you like to know about the LO once students begin using it to improve writing?
A nalyze learners S tate objectives S elect methods, media, and materials U tilize media and materials R equire learner participation E valuate and revise
Identify learners General characteristics
grade, age, ethnic group, sex, mental, emotional, physical, or social problems, socioeconomic level
Learning style
verbal, logical, visual, musical, structured
Be specific State terms of what student will be able to do Include conditions and degree of acceptable performance The objectives may be derived from a needs assessment or a course syllabus, stated in a text book, taken from a curriculum guide, or developed by the instructor.
Once you know your students, you can begin writing the objectives of your lesson. Objectives are the learning outcomes, that is, What will the student get out of the lesson? The ABCD's of writing objectives are: Audience (who are your students?) Behavior to be demonstrated Conditions under which the behavior will be observed Degree to which the learned skills are to be mastered.
Example: Fifth grade social studies students (Audience) will be able to name at least 90% (Degree) of the state capitols (Behavior) when given a list of states (Condition).
CLASSIFYING objectives is much more than an academic exercise for educational psychologists. It has practical value because the selection of instructional methods and media depends on what type of objective is being pursued and so does the choice of evaluation instruments.
Maybe classified as the primary type of learning There are 3 domains:
Cognitve Affective Motor Skills
Obtaining Specific Materials: Select, Modify, or Design? Having decided what media format suits your immediate instructional objective; you face the problem of finding specific materials to convey the lesson. Selecting Available Materials The majority of instructional materials used by teachers and trainers are "off the shelf" that is, ready-made and available from school, district, or company collections or other easily accessible sources. How do you go about making an appropriate choice from available materials?
final component of our ASSURE model for ef fective learning most frequent type of evaluation is the paper -and-pencil test The most frequent thought of purpose is to measure student achievement.
The final step of the instructional cycle is to sit back and look at the results of your evaluation data gathering. If your evaluation data indicate shortcomings now is the time to go back to the faulty part of the plan and revise it. The model works, but only if you use it to upgrade the quality of your instruction constantly.