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DelosTrinos Kidney

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Kidney cancer is a disease in which the cells in certain tissues of the kidney start to grow uncontrollably and form tumors. Renal cell carcinoma, which occurs in the cells lining the kidneys (epithelial cells), is the most common type of kidney cancer.


Physical exam: The doctor checks general signs of health and tests for fever and high blood pressure. The doctor also feels the abdomen and side for tumors. Urine tests: Urine is checked for blood and other signs of disease. Blood tests: The lab checks the blood to see how well the kidneys are working. The lab may check the level of several substances, such as creatinine. A high level of creatinine may mean the kidneys are not doing their job. Intravenous pyelogram (IVP): The doctor injects dye into a vein in the arm. The dye travels through the body and collects in the kidneys. The dye makes them show up on x-rays. A series of x-rays then tracks the dye as it moves through the kidneys to the ureters and bladder. The x-rays can show a kidney tumor or other problems.

CT scan (CAT scan): An x-ray machine linked to a computer takes a series of detailed pictures of the kidneys. The patient may receive an injection of dye so the kidneys show up clearly in the pictures. A CT scan can show a kidney tumor. Ultrasound test: The ultrasound device uses sound waves that people cannot hear. The waves bounce off the kidneys, and a computer uses the echoes to create a picture called a sonogram. A solid tumor or cyst shows up on a sonogram. Biopsy: In some cases, the doctor may do a biopsy. A biopsy is the removal of tissue to look for cancer cells. The doctor inserts a thin needle through the skin into the kidney to remove a small amount of tissue. The doctor may use ultrasound or x-rays to guide the needle. A pathologist uses a microscope to look for cancer cells in the tissue.

Quit smoking A healthy diet Exercise and physical activity Maintaining a normal blood pressure Chemical exposure Misusing certain pain medicines (including over-the-counter drugs) for a long time.

Radical nephrectomy: Kidney cancer is usually treated with radical nephrectomy. The surgeon removes the entire kidney along with the adrenal gland and some tissue around the kidney. Some lymph nodes in the area also may be removed. Simple nephrectomy: The surgeon removes only the kidney. Some people with Stage I kidney cancer may have a simple nephrectomy. Partial nephrectomy: The surgeon removes only the part of the kidney that contains the tumor. This type of surgery may be used when the person has only one kidney, or when the cancer affects both kidneys. Also, a person with a small kidney tumor (less than 4 centimeters) may have this type of surgery.

Six new medicines have been developed for the treatment of kidney cancer. These are:

sunitinib sorafenib bevacizumab temsirolimus everolimus Pazopanib

These medicines are sometimes referred to as targeted therapies because they are designed to target and interrupt the functions that are needed by cancer to grow and spread. For example, they can block the effects of certain proteins that cancerous cells need to grow and reproduce.

Individuals recovering from kidney cancer will benefit from several types of rehabilitation. Supportive rehabilitation allows individuals to gain some control over activities of daily life and helps them cope emotionally. Supportive rehabilitation may include group vocational rehabilitation to help the individual transition back into the workplace or return to school and/or retraining if the individual cannot physically return to his or her previous job responsibilities. Palliative rehabilitation addresses the pain an individual may experience, increases physical comfort, and provides emotional support and assistance in day-to-day functioning in those whose cancer is advanced. Physical therapy allows individuals to regain strength and stamina that were lost due to the disease process and during treatment. The frequency and duration of the rehabilitation program will vary among individuals with kidney cancer. The intensity and progression of the exercises introduced depends on the prognosis, on whether surgery was performed, whether the individual is receiving any current cancer treatment, the extent of the disease (stage at diagnosis), and on the individual's overall health.

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