Trauma Stensen Duct
Trauma Stensen Duct
Trauma Stensen Duct
I'm a surgeon. I make an incision, do what needs to be done and sew up the wound.
Richard Selzer Professor of Surgery of Yale University
RIOLAN 1648: Identified the glandular substance of
parotid NIELS STENSON 1660: Identified the parotid duct in sheep THOMAS WARTON 1656 Identified the submandibular gland and duct HEYFELDER 1825: Avoided the facial nerve after parotidectomy VELPEAU 1830: Identified trunk of facial nerve BELL AND VELPEAU: Determined the facial nerve was responsible for facial animation. Determined facial sensation was from CN V.
Anatomical Considerations
submandibular Two Parotid Two sublingual > 400 minor salivary glands
palate, floor of mouth & retromolar area. Also appear in upper aerodigestive tract Contribute 10% of total salivary volume.
Parotid Gland
The parotid gland represents the
largest salivary gland The following lists the boundaries of the parotid compartment: Superior border Zygoma Posterior border External Auditory Canal Inferior border Styloid Process, Styloid Process musculature, Internal Carotid Artery, Jugular Veins Anterior border a diagonal line drawn from the Zygomatic root to the EAC
Facial nerve divides the gland into the superficial (80 %) and deep lobe (20%)
Parotid Gland
Cranial Nerve VII divides it into 2 surgical
zones (the superficial and deep lobes). After exiting the foramen, it turns laterally to enter the gland at its posterior margin. The nerve then branches at the Pes Anserinus (gooses foot) approximately 1.3 cm from the stylomastoid foramen. The nerve then gives rise to 2 divisions:
Parotid Gland
80% of the gland overlies the
Masseter and mandible. The remaining 20% of the gland (the retromandibular portion
This portion of the gland lies in
Parotid Gland
Stensens duct arises from the anterior
border of the Parotid and parallels the Zygomatic arch, 1.5 cm inferior to the inferior margin of the arch. It runs superficial to the masseter muscle, then turns medially 90 degrees to pierce the Buccinator muscle at the level of the second maxillary molar where it opens onto the oral cavity.
Parotid Gland
Neural compartment VII, Great Auricular, Auriculotemporal
Venous compartment Retromandibular vein Arterial compartment Superficial Temporal/Transverse Facial
Lymphatic drainage The parotid gland has two layers of draining lymph nodes. The superficial layer (periparotid ) lies beneath the capsule, and The deeper layer (intraparotid) lies within the parotid parenchyma.
swallowing It dissolves certain molecules so that food can be tasted It begins the chemical digestion of starches through the action of amylase, which breaks down polysaccharides into disaccharides. The saliva from the parotid gland is a rather thin, watery fluid, but the saliva from the sublingual and the submandibular glands contains mucus and is much thicker.
parotikus, 47% diantaranya dapat sembuh tanpa adanya komplikasi. Komplikasi awal pada pasien dengan cedera duktus parotikus yaitu 21% dapat berupa sialocele yang dapat terbentuk dalam 4 jam pertama paska trauma
Classification of Injuries
Tipe 1 : terjadi kompresi dari duktus
stensen pada kurvatura di sekitar m.masseter akibat dari tekanan dari Superficial Muscular Aponeurotic System ( SMAS ). Jenis cedera ini menyebabkan pembengkakan yang bersifat sementara pada kebanyakan pasien ( Gambar 1 S ) Tipe 2 : laserasi dari kapsula kelenjar parotis. Tipe cedera ini menyebabkan pembengkakan pada lokasi dimana terjadinya laserasi. ( gambar 1 b ) Tipe 3 : kompresi dari duktus stensen pada kurvatura di sekitar m.masseter akibat dari tekanan yang berasal dari SMAS dan laserasi dari kapsula kelenjar parotis ( Kombinasi tipe 1 + tipe 2 ). Tipe 4 : ruptur komplit ataupun luka penetrasi dari saluran air liur atau salah satu dari percabangan utama yang mengakibatkan sialocele yang terdapat pada area penetrasi. ( gambar 1 C )
Etiologies of Injury
Diklasifikasikan berdasarkan mekanisme, lokasi, dan
Laserasi, Luka tembus Avulsi ( akibat gigitan binatang ataupun manusia ) Trauma tumpul ( dimana jaringan mengalami kompresi dengan ataupun tanpa rusaknya duktus parotikus).
iritasi kronis dari struktur gigi geligi yang mengiritasi lubang saluran duktus parotikus Benda asing ( corpus alienum ) di dalam saluran duktus parotikus Radiasi Eksterna
Gerakan tersenyum, menyeringai, mencucu bibir dan juga gerakan meniup. Fungsi sensorik dan motorik pada lidah juga harus dinilai. Pada kasus kasus transeksi nervus, bagian distal perlu dinilai dengan stimulator elektrik.
cukup untuk menyebabkan fraktur tulang wajah dapat dikaitkan dengan cedera kelenjar liur, terutama kelenjar parotis beserta sistem salurannya. Terdapat beberapa laporan kasus fraktur maxilla disertai laserasi dari duktus stensen yang telah mengalami proses penyembuhan dengan adanya fistula parotid antral. Secara klinis, pasien pasien tersebut mengalami rinnorrhoea prandial.
sekitar area parotis. Kadar amylase yang lebih dari 10.000 units/liter dapat mengkonfirmasi adanya suatu cedera pada kelenjar parotis beserta salurannya.
Radiologic Imagings
Sialografi pemeriksaan sialografi dengan menyuntikan kontras kedalam duktus kelenjar parotis sehingga jalur dari aliran saliva dapat divisualisasikan melalui foto polos. tidak boleh dilakukan apabila pasien menderita infeksi akut kelenjar liur, memiliki hipersensitivitas terhadap iodium yang merupakan salah satu komponen dalam pemeriksaan sialografi.
MRI better at distinguishing intrinsic vs extrinsic Inaccuracy rate of both MRI and CT was the same MRI 3x more expensive than CT CT and MRI are morphologically equivalent studies and have the same diagnostic tools
Post-Operative XRT
wound to identify the proximal portion of the duct 4. Ductal lacerations should be repaired as soon as feasible 5. Ductal lacerations should be suspected if weakness of upper lip on puckering with a laceration of the cheek 6. Stensens duct is located on a line drawn from the tragus to the midpoint between the upper lip margin and the columella
The duct is usually located inferior to a small artery and superior to a branch of facial nerve 8. Duct laceration should be suspected in all cheek wounds located lateral to the vertical line of the pupil and inferior to a line at the level of tragus 9. Surgical techinques :
Fixation of the ductal splint Suturing the splint to the oral mucosa Taping the splint to the face Combinations Passing the splint through the parenchyma of the gland and through the skin ( Abramson, 1973).
remaining duct through the buccal mucosa and creation of a fish mouth opening to prevent stenosis.