Prolog CH 3
Prolog CH 3
Prolog CH 3
The first term, called the head of the list The remaining part of the list, called the tail Example: [ ann, tennis, tom, skiing]
In general, the head can be anything (for . example: a tree or a variable) the tail has to be a list ann . The head and the tail are then combined into a structure by a tennis special functor .(head, Tail)
. . []
For example: .(ann, .(tennis, .(tom, .( skiing, [])))) [ ann, tennis, tom, skiing] are the same in Prolog.
tom skiing
A list is a data structure that is either empty or consists of two parts: a head and a tail. The tail itself has to be a list. List are handled in Prolog as a special case of binary trees. Prolog accept lists written as: [Item1, Item2,] [Head | Tail] [Item1, Item2, | Other]
Checking whether some object is an element of a list, which corresponds to checking for the set membership; Concatenation() of two lists, obtaining a third list, which may correspond to the union of sets; Adding a new object to a list, or deleting some object form it.
3.2.1 Membership
For example: member( b, [a, b, c]) is true member( b, [a, [b, c]]) is not true member( [b, c] , [a, [b, c]]) is true
3.2.1 Membership
X is a member of L if either:
(1) X is the head of L, or (2) X is a member of the tail of L. member1( X, [X| Tail]). member1( X, [Head| Tail]) :- member1( X, Tail).
| ?- member1(3, [1,2,3,4]). 1 1 Call: member1(3,[1,2,3,4]) ? 2 2 Call: member1(3,[2,3,4]) ? 3 3 Call: member1(3,[3,4]) ? 3 3 Exit: member1(3,[3,4]) ? 2 2 Exit: member1(3,[2,3,4]) ? 1 1 Exit: member1(3,[1,2,3,4]) ? true ? Yes
3.2.2 Concatenation
For example: conc( [a, b], [c, d], [a, b, c, d]) is true conc( [a, b], [c, d], [a, b, a, c, d]) is not true
3.2.2 Concatenation
(2) If the first argument is an non-empty list then it has a head and a tail and must look like this
[X | L1]
the result of the concatenation is the list [X| L3] where L3 is the concatenation of L1 and L2.
conc( [X| L1], L2, [X| L3]) :- conc( L1, L2, L3).
X L1 L3 L2
3.2.2 Concatenation
conc( [], L, L). conc( [X| L1], L2, [X| L3]) :- conc( L1, L2, L3).
| ?- conc( [a, b], [c, d], A). 1 1 Call: conc([a,b],[c,d],_31) ? 2 2 Call: conc([b],[c,d],_64) ? 3 3 Call: conc([],[c,d],_91) ? 3 3 Exit: conc([],[c,d],[c,d]) ? 2 2 Exit: conc([b],[c,d],[b,c,d]) ? 1 1 Exit: conc([a,b],[c,d],[a,b,c,d]) ? A = [a,b,c,d] yes
3.2.2 Concatenation
conc( [], L, L). conc( [X| L1], L2, [X| L3]) :- conc( L1, L2, L3).
| ?- conc(L1, L2, [a,b,c]).
3.2.2 Concatenation
| ?- conc( Before, [may| After], [jan, feb, mar, apr, may, jum, jul, aug, sep, oct, nov, dec]). After = [jum,jul,aug,sep,oct,nov,dec] Before = [jan,feb,mar,apr] ? ; no | ?- conc( _, [Month1,may, Month2|_], [jan, feb, mar, apr, may, jum, jul, aug, sep, oct, nov, dec]). Month1 = apr Month2 = jum ? ; No | ?- L1 = [a,b,z,z,c,z,z,z,d,e], conc(L2,[z,z,z|_ ], L1). L1 = [a,b,z,z,c,z,z,z,d,e] L2 = [a,b,z,z,c] ? ; no
3.2.2 Concatenation
Define the membership relation: member2(X, L):- conc(L1,[X|L2],L). X is a member of list L if L can be decomposed into two lists so that the second one has X as its head. member2(X, L):- conc(_,[X|_],L).
| ?- member2(3, [1,2,3,4]). 1 1 Call: member2(3,[1,2,3,4]) ? 2 2 Call: conc(_58,[3|_57],[1,2,3,4]) ? 3 3 Call: conc(_85,[3|_57],[2,3,4]) ? 4 4 Call: conc(_112,[3|_57],[3,4]) ? 4 4 Exit: conc([],[3,4],[3,4]) ? 3 3 Exit: conc([2],[3,4],[2,3,4]) ? 2 2 Exit: conc([1,2],[3,4],[1,2,3,4]) ? 1 1 Exit: member2(3,[1,2,3,4]) ? true ? conc( [], L, L). (15 ms) yes conc( [X| L1], L2, [X| L3]) :- conc( L1, L2, L3).
Compare to the member relation defined on 3.2.1: member1( X, [X| Tail]). member1( X, [Head| Tail]) :- member1( X, Tail).
Exercise 3.1
Write a goal, using conc, to delete the last three elements from a list L producing another list L1. Write a goal to delete the first three elements and the last three elements from a list L producing list L2.
Exercise 3.2
Define the relation last( Item, List) so that Item is the last element of a list List. Write two versions:
To add an item to a list, it is easiest to put the new item in front of the list so that it become the new head. If X is the new item and the list to which X is added is L then the resulting list is simply: [X|L]. So we actually need no procedure for adding a new element in front of the list. If we want to define such a procedure: add(X, L,[X|L]).
| ?- add(4, [1,2,3],Y). 1 1 Call: add(4,[1,2,3],_29) ? 1 1 Exit: add(4,[1,2,3],[4,1,2,3]) ? Y = [4,1,2,3] Yes
Deleting an item X form a list L can be programmed as a relation: del( X, L, L1) where L1 is equal to the list L with the item X removed. Two cases of delete relation:
(1) If X is the head of the list then the result after the deletion is the tail of the list. (2) If X is in the tail then it is deleted from there. del( X, [X| Tail], Tail). del( X, [Y| Tail], [Y|Tail1]) :- del( X, Tail, Tail1).
| ?- del(4, [1,2,3,4,5,6],Y). 1 1 Call: del(4,[1,2,3,4,5,6],_35) ? 2 2 Call: del(4,[2,3,4,5,6],_68) ? 3 3 Call: del(4,[3,4,5,6],_95) ? 4 4 Call: del(4,[4,5,6],_122) ? 4 4 Exit: del(4,[4,5,6],[5,6]) ? 3 3 Exit: del(4,[3,4,5,6],[3,5,6]) ? 2 2 Exit: del(4,[2,3,4,5,6],[2,3,5,6]) ? 1 1 Exit: del(4,[1,2,3,4,5,6],[1,2,3,5,6]) ? Y = [1,2,3,5,6] ? (31 ms) yes
Like member, del is also non-deterministic. | ?- del(a,[a,b,a,a],L). L = [b,a,a] ? ; L = [a,b,a] ? ; L = [a,b,a] ? ; (47 ms) no del can also be used in the inverse direction, to add an item to a list by inserting the new item anywhere in the list. | ?- del( a, L, [1,2,3]). L = [a,1,2,3] ? ; L = [1,a,2,3] ? ; L = [1,2,a,3] ? ; L = [1,2,3,a] ? ; (16 ms) no
Two applications:
Inserting X at any place in some list List giving BiggerList can be defined: insert( X, List, BiggerList) :del( X, BiggerList, List).
Use del to test for membership: member2( X, List) :- del( X, List, _).
3.2.5 Sublist
This relation has two arguments, a list L and a list S such that S occurs within L as its sublist. For example: sublist( [c, d, e], [a, b, c, d, e]) is true sublist( [c, e], [a, b, c, d, e, f]) is not true
S is a sublist of L if
(1) L can be decomposed into two lists, L1 and L2, and (2) L2 can be decomposed into two lists, S and some L3.
3.2.5 Sublist
L1 X L2 [X|L2] sublist( S, L) :- conc( L1, L2, L), conc( S, L3, L2). L member( X, L)
S L2
sublist( S, L)
3.2.5 Sublist
An example:
| ?- sublist(S, [a,b,c]).
S = [a,b,c] ? ; S = [b,c] ? ; S = [c] ? ; S = [] ? ; S = [b] ? ; S = [a,c] ? ; S = [a] ? ; S = [a,b] ? ; (31 ms) no
3.2.6 Permutations
An permutation() example:
| ?- permutation( [a, b, c], P). P= P= P= P= P= P= (31 [a,b,c] ? [a,c,b] ? [b,a,c] ? [b,c,a] ? [c,a,b] ? [c,b,a] ? ms) no ; ; ; ; ; ;
3.2.6 Permutations
If the first list is empty then the second list must also be empty. If the first list is not empty then it has the form [X|L], and a permutation of such a list can be constructed as shown in Fig. 3.15: first permute L obtaining L1 and then insert X at any position into L1. X L
permute L
L1 L1 is a permutation of L
3.2.6 Permutations
permutation1([],[]). permutation1([ X| L], P):permutation1( L, L1), insert( X, L1, P). X L
permute L
L1 L1 is a permutation of L
3.2.6 Permutations
To delete an element X from the first list, permute the rest of it obtaining a list P, and add X in front of P.
3.2.6 Permutations
| ?P= P= P= P= P= P= no permutation2([red,blue,green], P). [red,blue,green] ? ; [red,green,blue] ? ; [blue,red,green] ? ; [blue,green,red] ? ; [green,red,blue] ? ; [green,blue,red] ? ;
| ?- permutation( L, [a, b, c]). (1) Apply permutation1: The program will instantiate L successfully to all six permutations, and then get into an infinite loop. (2) Apply permutation2: The program will find only the first permutation and then get into an infinite loop.
Exercise 3.4
Define the relation reverse(List, ReversedList) that reverses lists. For example, reverse([a, b, c, d], [d, c, b, a]).
Exercise 3.5
Define the predicate palindrome( List). A list is a palindrome() if it reads the same in the forward and in the backward direction. For example, [m,a,d,a,m].
In particular, + and * are said to be infix operators because they appear between the two arguments.
+ * 2 * a b c
Such expressions can be represented as trees, and can be written as Prolog terms with + and * as functors:
The general rule is that the operator with the highest precedence is the principal functor of the term.
If + has a higher precedence() than *, then the expression a+ b*c means the same as a + (b*c). (+(a, *(b,c))) If * has a higher precedence than +, then the expression a+ b*c means the same as (a + b)*c. (*(+(a,b),c))
We can define the atoms has and supports as infix operators and then write in the program facts like: peter has information. floor supports table. The facts are exactly equivalent to: has( peter, information). supports( floor, table).
Define new operators by inserting into the program special kinds of clauses, called directives(): :- op(600, xfx, has). The precedence of has is 600. Its type xfx is a kind of infix operator. The operator denoted by f is between the two arguments denoted by x. The operator definitions do not specify any operation or action. Operator names are atoms. We assume that the range of operators precedence is between 1 and 1200.
Precedence of argument:
If an argument is enclosed in parentheses or it is an unstructured object then its precedence is 0. If an argument is a structure then its precedence is equal to the precedence of its principal functor. x represents an argument whose precedence must be strictly lower than that of the operator. y represents an argument whose precedence is lower or equal to that of the operator.
Precedence of argument:
This rules help to disambiguate expressions with several operators of the same precedence. For example: a b c is (a b) c not a (b c) The operator is defined as yfx. Assume that has precedence 500. If is of type yfx, then the right interpretation is invalid because the precedence of b-c is not less than the precedence of . a b c
prec. 0
prec. 0
b c
precedence 500
precedence 500
If not is defined as fy then the expression not not p is legal. If not is defined as fx then the expression not not p is illegal, because the argument to the first not is not p. here not (not p) is legal.
<===> ~ & ~ v ~ B
Operators can be infix, prefix, or postfix. Operator definitions do not define any action, they only introduce new notation. A programmer can define his or her own operators. Each operator is defined by its name, precedence, and type. The precedence is an integer within some range, usually between 1 and 1200. The operator with the highest precedence in the expression is the principal functor of the expression. Operators with lowest precedence bind strongest. The type of an operator depends on two things:
The position of the operator with respect to the arguments The precedence of the arguments compared to the precedence of the operator itself. For example: xfy
Exercise 3.14
Consider the program: t( 0+1, 1+0). t( X+0+1, X+1+0). t( X+1+1, Z) :- t( X+1, X1), t( X1+1, Z). How will this program answer the following questions if + is an infix operator of type yfx (as usual): (a) ?- t(0+1, A). (b) ?- t(0+1+1, B). (c) ?- t(1+0+1+1+1, C). (d) ?- t(D, 1+1+1+0). (e) ?- t(1+1+1, E).
3.4 Arithmetic
3.4 Arithmetic
Another example:
| ?- X is 5/2, Y is 5//2, Z is 5 mod 2. X = 2.5 Y=2 Z=1
Since X is 5-2-1 X is (5-2)-1, parentheses can be used to indicate different associations. For example, X is 5-(2-1). Prolog implementations usually also provide standard functions such as sin(X), cos(X), atan(X), log(X), exp(X), etc.
| ?- X is sin(3). X = 0.14112000805986721
| ?- 277*37 > 10000. yes
3.4 Arithmetic
3.4 Arithmetic
Given two positive integers, X and Y, their greatest common divisor, D, can be found according to three cases:
(1) If X and Y are equal then D is equal to X. (2) If X < Y then D is equal to the greatest common divisor of X and the difference Y-X. (3) If Y<X then do the same as in case (2) with X and Y interchanged.
3.4 Arithmetic
Define procedure length( List, N) which will count the elements in a list List and instantiate N to their number.
(1) If the list is empty then its length is 0. (2) If the list is not empty then List = [Head|Tail]; then its length is equal to 1 plus the length of the tail Tail.
3.4 Arithmetic
Another programs:
length1( [], 0). length1( [_ | Tail], N) :- length1( Tail, N1), N = 1 + N1.
3.4 Arithmetic
Build-in procedures can be used for doing arithmetic. Arithmetic operations have to be explicitly requested by the built-in procedure is. There are build-in procedures associated with the predefined operators +, -, *, /, div and mod. At the time that evaluation is carried out, all arguments must be already instantiated to numbers. The values of arithmetic expressions can be compared by operators such as <, =<, etc. These operators force the evaluation of their arguments.
Exercise 3.18
Define the predicate sumlist( List, Sum) so that Sum is the sum of a given list of numbers List.
Exercise 3.19
Define the predicate ordered( List) which is true if List is an ordered list of numbers. For example: ordered([1,5,6,6,9,12])