Digital Signatures & Authentication Protocols
Digital Signatures & Authentication Protocols
Digital Signatures & Authentication Protocols
Digital Signatures
have looked at message authentication
but does not address issues of lack of trust
must be relatively easy to produce must be relatively easy to recognize & verify be computationally infeasible to forge
with new message for existing digital signature with fraudulent digital signature for given message
requires suitable level of trust in arbiter can be implemented with either private or public-key algorithms arbiter may or may not be able to see message
Authentication Protocols
used to convince parties of each others identity and to exchange session keys may be one-way or mutual key issues are
confidentiality to protect session keys timeliness to prevent replay attacks
published protocols are often found to have flaws and need to be modified
Replay Attacks
where a valid signed message is copied and later resent
simple replay repetition that can be logged repetition that cannot be detected backward replay without modification
countermeasures include
use of sequence numbers (generally impractical) timestamps (needs synchronized clocks) challenge/response (using unique nonce)
Needham-Schroeder Protocol
original third-party key distribution protocol for session between A B mediated by KDC protocol overview is:
1. A->KDC: IDA || IDB || N1 2. KDC -> A: EKa[Ks || IDB || N1 || EKb[Ks||IDA] ] 3. A -> B: EKb[Ks||IDA] 4. B -> A: EKs[N2] 5. A -> B: EKs[f(N2)]
Needham-Schroeder Protocol
used to securely distribute a new session key for communications between A & B but is vulnerable to a replay attack if an old session key has been compromised
then message 3 can be resent convincing B that is communicating with A
Denning AS Protocol
Denning 81 presented the following:
1. A -> AS: IDA || IDB 2. AS -> A: EPRas[IDA||PUa||T] || EPRas[IDB||PUb||T] 3. A -> B: EPRas[IDA||PUa||T] || EPRas[IDB||PUb||T] || EPUb[EPRas[Ks||T]]
note session key is chosen by A, hence AS need not be trusted to protect it timestamps prevent replay but require synchronized clocks
One-Way Authentication
required when sender & receiver are not in communications at same time (e.g., email) have header in clear so can be delivered by email system may want contents of body protected & sender authenticated
Public-Key Approaches
have seen some public-key approaches if confidentiality is major concern, can use:
A->B: EPUb[Ks] || EKs[M] has encrypted session key, encrypted message
choose g = h(p-1)/q
where h<p-1, h(p-1)/q (mod p) > 1
have discussed:
digital signatures authentication protocols (mutual & one-way) digital signature algorithm and standard