Marketing Startegies
Marketing Startegies
Marketing Startegies
Benefit Segmentation
Benefits which the people are seeking in consuming a given product are basic reasons for existence of a true market segment Benefits sought by consumers determine their behavior much more accurately than do demographic characteristics and volume of consumption
Benefit Segmentation
It is easier to take advantage of existing market segments than to create new ones. No brand can appeal to all target groups.Each brand should target one benefit group. The companys brand can sometimes cannibalize each other but need not necessariily do so.
Effective Segmentation
Measurable Substantial Accessible Differentiable Appropriate Stable
Market Targeting
Evaluating Market Segments Selecting Market Segments Single Segment Concentration Selective Specialization Product Specialization Market Specialization Full Market Coverage
Product Differentiation
Features Performance quality Conformance quality Durability Reliability Durability Reparability Style Design
Services Differentiation
Ordering Ease Delivery Installation Customer Training Customer Consulting Maintenance & repair Miscellaneous
Personnel Differentiation
Competence Courtesy Credibility Reliability Responsiveness Communication
Channel Differentiation
Coverage Expertise Performance
Image Differentiation
Symbols Written & audio visual Media Atmosphere Events
Act of designing the companys offering and image to occupy distinctive place in target market mind.
Identifying the organization's or brands competitive advantages Deciding on those that are to be emphasized Implementing the positioning concept
Positioning Strategies
Strengthen own current position in consumers mind. Grab an unoccupied position. Deposition or reposition the competition. Exclusive club strategy.