Project-PIR Motion Sensor
Project-PIR Motion Sensor
Project-PIR Motion Sensor
* The project Audio Visual Motion Sensor using a PIR sensor itself is capable of detecting slightest amount of motion. * A motion sensor is a device for motion detection i.e. a device that contains a physical mechanism or electronic sensor that quantifies motion that can be either integrated with or connected to other devices that alert the user of the presence of a moving object within the field of view. They form a vital component of comprehensive security systems, for both homes and businesses..
Project Specifications
Motion Sensor operates on 9 -12 volts Buzzer operates on 5 volts About 3-4 meter detection range PIR detector has a field view from 125 to 138
Project Components
PIR Sensor (LHI-954 / KDS245) Power supply (LM7805) Sound Generator IC (LM555) Op. Amp's IC (LM324) Wires 1 Led Bread board Resistors Capacitors Buzzer
Circuit Diagram
Top View
WORKING A motion detection alarm circuit using a PIR.SENSOR motion detection, if the move is a positive light from the PIR sensor, triggered by a delay circuit, Q1 and relay it to work and hold for about 20 seconds. to apply to the siren to signal a warning to stop, or discarded by the switch S1
Sliding Doors
Increased security control Convenience Relatively inexpensive. Provides reliable and efficient results.
Project Schedule
ACTIVITY Brainstorming PCB Designing Practice Mini Projects Idea Preparation & Ckt Diagram Hardware Wiring and testing Solving Connection Problem Circuit Testing Project Report & Submission From 22-June-12 28-June-12 02-July-12 09-July-12 14-July-12 17-July-12 24-July-12 To 27-June-12 01-July-12 08-July-12 13-July-12 16-July-12 23-July-12 24-July-12 Number of Days 6 4 7 5 3 7 1
25-July-12 27-July-12
26-July-12 27-July-12
2 1
Problems Encountered
* The wires connection problem (The isolation ) . * The PIR sensing getting affected due to no casing. *Transistor not being able to pass on 5V to buzzer.