Multiple Intelligences: Ms - Ed. Ana Aguirre Jiménez Ms - Ed. Margot Solis Larraín

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Ms.Ed. Ana Aguirre Jimnez Ms.Ed. Margot Solis Larran

October, 12th. 2013

Brain Gym

What is intelligence?
Wechsler (1939) the aggregate or global capacity of the individual to act purposefully, to think rationally, and to deal effectively with the environment.

Sternberg (1985) the mental capacity to automatize information processing and to emit contextually appropriate behaviour in response to novelty; intelligence also includes metacomponents, performance components, and knowledge-acquisition components

What is intelligence?
The ability to solve problems or to create products that are valued within one or more cultural settings.
Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences (1983)

A biopsychological potential to process information that can be activated in a cultural setting to solve problems or create products that are of value in a culture.
Intelligence Reframed (1999)

Howard Gardner

IQ tests

Multiple Intelligences Theory Frames of Mind book Intelligence


Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence
These learners have really developed auditory skills and they are usually good speakers.They think in words rather than pictures. Their skills:

1-Listening 2-Speaking

3-Writing 5-Telling story


6-Understanding words

Possible career (jobs):


Writer Journalist




Logical / Mathematical Intelligence

These learners have an ability to use reason,logic and numbers.They are always curious about the world around them.They ask a lot of questions and like to do experiments.

Their skills:
1-Problem solving

2-Doing experiment 4-Working with geometric shapes.

3-performing complex mathematical calculations

Possible career (jobs):



Computer programmer




Visual-Spatial Intelligence
These learners tend to think in pictures and need to create vivid mental images. They enjoy looking at maps,charts, picture, videos and movies. Their skills:

1.Puzzle building

2.Reading ,writing.


3.Understanding charts and graphs

4.A good sence of direction

5.Painting ,sketching.

Possible career (jobs):



Architects and Engineers

Interior designers



Musical/Rhythmic Intelligence
These learners think in sounds,rhythms and patterns.They immediately respond to music.They are sensitive to environmental sound such as dipping taps. Their skills:


2-Playing instruments

3-Composing music

Possible career (jobs):




Disc Jockey

Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence
These learners express themselves through movements.They have a good sense of balance and eye-hand coordination. Their skills:

2-Sports 1-Dancing

5-Crafts 3-Using body language


Possible career (jobs):

PE teacher Athletes





Naturalist Intelligence
These learners have a sensitivity to and appreciation for nature. They are bothered by pollution.They enjoy having pets and gardening. They like to learn about nature and camping, hiking, walking and climbing Their skills:


2- Caring animals. 3-camping

Possible career (jobs):






Animal trainer

Interpersonal Intelligence
These learners have ability to relate and understand others.They try to see things from other peoples point of view.They are great organizers.

Their skills:

1-Listening others

2-Using empathy

3-Building trust

Possible career (jobs):




Business person

Intrapersonal Intelligence
These learners try to understand their inner feeling,dreams,relationships with others. Their skills:

1-Recognizing their own strenghts and Weaknesses. 2-Reasoning themselves. 3-Awareness of their inner feeling.

Possible career (jobs):



Multiple Intelligences Rap

by Shawna Munson
The eight intelligences are really cool. We all have them so no one is a fool Linguistic deals with writing and with words. We have language - we're not like animals or birds.

Naturalists are collectors of animals and plants. They like to press flowers and count little ants.
All of these so far are really neat, But I like musical 'cause it has a beat.

Logical-mathematical doesn't need to be a shock. Sometimes, I feel lonely, without any friends, If you study real hard, you'll be smarter than Spock! But interpersonal skills put that to an end.

Spatial involves seeing, drawing, and art, Creating different things and taking them apart.
In case you didn't know, kinesthetic is P.E. Get fit and coordinated athletically!

Intrapersonal skills are when you want to reflect. For yourself, you should always have respect. Now, I've come to the end of my rap. Learn in many ways and you'll never be a sap.

Three Visions for Education

Spencer and Miguel Kagan proposed a
new way to apply the Multiple Intelligences in a class.
Matching Stretching Celebrating

Vision 1: Matching Goal: Maximize academic success Method: Match instructional

Vision 2: Stretching Goal: Maximize development of all intelligences. Method: Use instructional strategies and curriculum that develop or stretch all intelligences in all students. Consequence: Curriculum is

strategies to students intelligences

Consequence: Instruction is
transformed Vision: We eliminate or radically

reduce school failure by teaching

with instructional strategies that match each students intelligences (Kagan, 1998).

Vision: We make each student more intelligent in all ways (Kagan, 1998).

Vision 3: Celebrating MI Goal: Understand and celebrate our own uniqueness and that of others.

Method: Students discover MI Theory through metacognition and

sharing. Consequence: Understanding of self and others is transformed. Vision: We create a renewed respect in teachers for students and in students for themselves by fostering among students and teachers an understanding and celebration of their own unique

patterns of intelligences and those of others. We prepare students to

understand and work with diversity (Kagan, 1998).

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