Art. 2
Art. 2
Art. 2
Article II of the 1987 Constitution is
the embodiment of the state’s
policies & principles. These
policies & principles serve as a
guide to the three branches of
government in the exercise of
their powers & the
implementation of the
Section 1
The Philippines is a democratic and republican
State. Sovereignty resides in the people and all
government authority emanates from them.
A republican state is a state wherein all government authority
emanates from the people and is exercised by
representatives chosen by the people.
In view of the new Constitution the Philippines Is not only a
representative or republican state but also share some
aspects of direct democracy such as initiative and
The word democratic is also a monument to the February
Revolution which re-won freedom through direct action of the
Manifestation of a Republican State
1) The existence of a Bill of Rights
2) The observance of the principle that ours is a
government of laws and not of men.
3) The observance of the principle that the
legislature cannot pass irrepealable laws.
4) The observance of popular election through the
rule of majority
5) The observance of the principle of separation of
power and the system of checks and balances.
6) The observance of the law on public officers and
• SovereigntySovereignty
is the supremeof power
the people
to govern, it lies in
the hands of the Filipino people who have the right to
choose the type of government they want to define the
powers it shall hold and exercise.
• It is their right to abolish their government and form a
new one and organize it in such form as seems to
them best for their welfare and happiness.
• Sovereignty is exercised indirectly through public
officials appointed by the elected by the people to
govern the country & through other officials appointed
by the elected officials.
• Sovereignty is exercised directly through suffrage.
1) ThePeople’s
multi- party participation
system in government
2) Party-list system
3) Sectoral representations
4) People’s organizations
5) System of initiative and referendum
– Initiative is the method provided by law whereby the voters of a local
government unit may directly enact or amend any ordinance.
– Referendum is the method provided by law whereby the voters of a
local government unit may approve, amend or reject an ordinance
passed by a local legislative body submitted to them for the
– Recall- voters of a local government may remove, for loss of
confidence, elective local officials.
• Plebiscite – people approve or reject proposed changes in
the Constitution
Section 2
The Philippines renounces war as an instrument of
national policy, adopts the generally accepted principles
of international law as part of the law of the land and
adheres to the policy of peace, equality, justice,
freedom, cooperation, and amity with all nations.
The Philippines is a friendly and peaceful nation.
Therefore, it renounces war as an instrument of national
The country however has the right, however, has the
right to engage in war to defend its honor and integrity
as a nation against any foreign enemy. Every country
has the right to self- preservation.
Section 2
The Covenant of the defunct League of Nations as a
general rule prohibited war.
The disputing states must first try to settle their dispute
through pacific or peaceful means such as negotiation,
judicial settlement, & consideration by the League Council
before the disputants may resort to war.
International law is the body of laws governing nations in
their dealings with one another.
In line with the objectives of the United Nations, the
Philippines seeks only peace & friendship with the rest of
the world.
It supports the right of all nations to equality, freedom,
justice, & the policy of non- interference in the internal
affairs of other countries & peaceful settlement of
international disputes.
Section 3
Civilian authority is, at all times,
supreme over the military. The Armed
Forces of the Philippines is the
protector of the people and the State.
Its goal is to secure the sovereignty of
the State and the integrity of the
national territory.
A civilian, the President is the commander-chief of all
armed forces of the Philippines, the army, the navy,
the air force, & the marines.
Even the appointment of their high ranking officers is
vested in the President.
This arrangement is considered an effective
safeguard against the rise of military dictatorship
the AFP is just the protector of the land and the
people and not a higher authority than the people
and its goal is to secure the sovereignty of the State
and the integrity of the national territory.
But this does not mean that civilian officials are
superior to military officials.
Civilian officials are superior to military officials only
when a law makes them so.
Section 4
Section 22
The State recognizes and promotes the rights of indigenous
cultural communities within the framework of national unity and
this rights wishes to preserve ethnic, religious, or linguistic
traditions or characteristics markedly different from the rest of the
Section 23
The State shall encourage non-
governmental, community- based, or
sector organizations that promote the
welfare of the nation.