Easy Way To Determine R, S Configuration

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Easy Way To determine R, S Configuration..

Prepared by : Mohit R. Rokad ([email protected])


Hi, Friends.... Here is an easy way to detect whether the compound is having R configuration or S configuration...

You have to just remember the sequence of numbering of groups.... that is

1. The higher the atomic number of the immediate substituent atom, the higher the priority. For example, H < C < N < O < Cl. (Different isotopes of the same element are assigned a priority according to their atomic mass.) 2. If two substituents have the same immediate substituent atom, evaluate atoms progressively further away from the chiral center until a difference is found. For example, CH3 < C2H5 < ClCH2 < BrCH2 < CH3O. 3. If double or triple bonded groups are encountered as substituents, they are treated as an equivalent set of singlebonded atoms. For example, C2H5 < CH2=CH < HCC



identify the chirality center(s)

assign the relative priorities


Now The Tricky Part Comes....

^_^ 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

For any example, Suppose we are having no. like this...

1 So.. now we can directly say that it is..... R Configuration..... Lets see how can its possible to define it as R without orientating it in a sequence of 1,2,3,4...... ^_^

Given structure is......

So... At First Look at horizontal line.... i.e. 3

Now... Look For the 3rd no. raw and 2nd column in table

I am talking about this one.....


2nd column As We know that RED represents R and Blue is for S..... Now its time to see the vertical line from 4 structure....

3rd raw

we can see that the vertical line is having 4 and 1 no. on its ends.. and the higher no. is 4. You can see that its on upper side and from the box you can see that upper side arrow is RED, Which shows R configuration..... So.... YES... Its R Configuration......... Lets have a little practice..

Practice example : 1

2nd column
3 1

look at the box... that is 1st raw and 2rd column 4

1st raw

Now in vertical line we can see that 3 and 4 no. are there... and 4 > 3... and 4 is on lower side.... Now in box lower sided arrow is BLUE.. And BLUE colour is for S configuration.. So Its S configuration

Practice example : 12

3nd column
1 3

look at the box... that is 1st raw and 3rd column 2

1st raw

Now in vertical line we can see that 2 and 4 no. are there... and 4 > 2... and 4 is on upper side.... Now in box upper sided arrow is BLUE.. And BLUE colour is for S configuration.. So Its S configuration

Enjoy This Tricky Method.......


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