Wijdan Mohamed
Description Checks whether data is within given/acceptable values. Checks if the input data contains the required number of characters. Checks that the input data does not contain invalid characters. Checks that data is in a specific format.
Examples A persons age should be in the range > 0 but < 150.
Length Check
If a field needs six digits then inputting a five- or seven- digit, for example, should cause an error message. A persons name should not contain any numbers but a persons height should only contain digits. Date should be in the form dd/mm/yyyy
Character/Type Check
Format/Picture Check
Limit Check
Similar to range check except that only one of the limits (boundaries) is checked.
Description Check if data is actually present and has not been missed out.
Examples In an electronic form, a persons telephone number may be a required field and f no data is present this should give rise to an error message. If Mr has been typed into a field called title then the gender field must contain either M or Male Check digits can identify three types of errors: If two digits have been inverted during input, e.g 13597 instead of 13579 An incorrect digit entered twice, e.g. 13559 typed instead of 13579 A digit missed out altogether, e.g. 1359 typed in instead of 13579.
Consistency Check
Check if fields correspond (tie up) with each other. Look at an extra digit which is calculated from the digits of a number and then put the end of the number.
Check Digit
errors then no matter how thorough or clever your queries are you will always get second rate, error laden results.
Validation type
How it works the last one or two digits in a code are used to check the other digits are correct checks the data is in the right format checks the data isn't too short or too long looks up acceptable values in a table checks that data has been entered into a field checks that a value falls within the specified range
Example of usage bar code readers in supermarkets use check digits a National Insurance number is in the form LL 99 99 99 L where L is any letter and 9 is any number a password which needs to be six letters long there are only seven possible days of the week in most databases a key field cannot be left blank number of hours worked must be less than 50 and more than 0
Check digit
Format check
Spell check
check to ensure that the data entered is sensible and reasonable. It does not check the accuracy of data.
Good luck