Regulation of Gene Expression
Regulation of Gene Expression
Regulation of Gene Expression
A.k.a gene regulation
refers to the processes that cells and viruses
use to turn the information on genes into
gene products.
functional gene product may be an RNA or a
majority of known mechanisms regulate
protein coding genes.
May be a modulation of any step of the
gene's expression
Increases the versatility and adaptability of an
organism by allowing the cell to express protein
when needed.
◦ The first example of gene regulation system was the lac
operon, discovered by Jacques Monod, in which protein
involved in lactose metabolism are expressed by E.coli
only in the presence of lactose and absence of glucose.
Drives the processes of cellular differentiation
and morphogenesis, leading to the creation of
different cell types in multicellular organisms
where the different types of cells may possess
different gene expression profiles though they all
possess the same genome sequence.
Stages targeted by Gene
Chromatin domains
Post-transcriptional modification
RNA transport
mRNA degradation
Post-translational modifications
Stages targeted by Gene
Chemical modification of chromatin
Methylation of DNA is a common method of
gene silencing.
DNA is typically methylated by
methyltransferase enzymes on cytosine
nucleotides in a CpG dinucleotide sequence
(also called "CpG islands" when densely
clustered) or at the promoter.
Stages targeted by Gene
Structural modification of chromatin
Transcription of DNA is dictated by its structure.
In general, the density of its packing is indicative
of the frequency of transcription. Octameric
protein complexes called histones are
responsible for the amount of supercoiling of
DNA, and these complexes can be temporarily
modified by processes such as phosphorylation
or more permanently modified by processes
such as methylation.
Such modifications are considered to be
responsible for more or less permanent changes
in gene expression levels.
Stages targeted by Gene
Structural modification of chromatin
Histone acetylation is also an important process
in transcription. Histone acetyltransferase
enzymes (HATs) such as CREB-binding protein
also dissociate the DNA from the histone
complex, allowing transcription to proceed.
Often, DNA methylation and histone
deacetylation work together in gene silencing.
The combination of the two seems to be a signal
for DNA to be packed more densely, lowering
gene expression.
Stages targeted by Gene
Specificity factors alter the specificity of RNA
polymerase for a given promoter or set of promoters,
making it more or less likely to bind to them (i.e.
sigma factors used in prokaryotic transcription).
Repressors bind to non-coding sequences on the
DNA strand that are close to or overlapping the
promoter region, impeding RNA polymerase's
progress along the strand, thus impeding the
expression of the gene.
General transcription factors These transcription
factors position RNA polymerase at the start of a
protein-coding sequence and then release the
polymerase to transcribe the mRNA.
Stages targeted by Gene
Activators enhance the interaction between
RNA polymerase and a particular promoter,
encouraging the expression of the gene.
Activators do this by increasing the attraction of
RNA polymerase for the promoter, through
interactions with subunits of the RNA
polymerase or indirectly by changing the
structure of the DNA.
Enhancers are sites on the DNA helix that are
bound to by activators in order to loop the DNA
bringing a specific promoter to the initiation
Stages targeted by Gene
Post transcription
Capping changes the five prime end of the
mRNA to a three prime end by 5'-5' linkage,
which protects the mRNA from 5'
exonuclease, which degrades foreign RNA.
The cap also helps in ribosomal binding.
Stages targeted by Gene
Post transcription
Splicing removes the introns, noncoding
regions that are transcribed into RNA, in
order to make the mRNA able to create
proteins. Cells do this by spliceosome's
binding on either side of an intron, looping
the intron into a circle and then cleaving it
off. The two ends of the exons are then
joined together.
Stages targeted by Gene
Post transcription
Addition of poly(A) tail otherwise known as
poly-adenylation. Junk RNA is added to the 3'
end, and acts as a buffer to the 3' exonuclease in
order to increase the half life of mRNA.
In both prokaryotes and eukaryotes a large
number of RNA binding protein exist, with often
are directed to their target sequence by the
secondary structure of the transcript, which may
change depending on certain conditions, such as
temperature or presence of a ligand (aptamer),
some transcripts act as ribozymes and self-
regulate their expression.
Examples of Gene
Enzyme induction is a process in which a
molecule (e.g. a drug) induces (i.e. initiates or
enhances) the expression of an enzyme.
The induction of heat shock proteins in the fruit
fly Drosophila melanogaster.
The Lac operon is an interesting example of how
gene expression can be regulated.
Viruses despite having only a few genes, possess
mechanisms to regulate their gene expression,
typically into a early and late phase, using
collinear systems regulated by anti-terminators (
lambda phage) or splicing modulators (HIV)
Other Things to Remember
Up-regulation and down-regulation
Up-regulation is a process which occurs
within a cell triggered by a signal (originating
internal or external to the cell) which results
in increased expression of one or more genes
and as a result the protein(s) encoded by
those genes. Conversely down-regulation
is a process resulting in decreased gene and
corresponding protein expression.
Other Things to Remember
Up-regulation and down-regulation
Up-regulation occurs for example when a cell
is deficient in some kind of receptor. In this
case, more receptor protein is synthesized
and transported to the membrane of the cell
and thus the sensitivity of the cell is brought
back to normal reestablishing homeostasis.
Other Things to Remember
Up-regulation and down-regulation
Down-regulation occurs for example when a
cell is overly stimulated by a
neurotransmitter, hormone, or drug for a
prolonged period of time and the expression
of the receptor protein is decreased in order
to protect the cell.
Other Things to Remember
Inducible vs. repressible systems
Inducible systems - An inducible system is off
unless there is the presence of some
molecule (called an inducer) that allows for
gene expression. The molecule is said to
"induce expression". The manner in which
this happens is dependent on the control
mechanisms as well as differences between
prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.
Other Things to Remember
Inducible vs. repressible systems
Repressible systems - A repressible system is
on except in the presence of some molecule
(called a corepressor) that suppresses gene
expression. The molecule is said to "repress
expression". The manner in which this
happens is dependent on the control
mechanisms as well as differences between
prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells.