II. Present in; Plant, Fungi, Bacteria, Marine III. It has physiological action or Poisonous effect. IV. Biosynthetic pathway amino acid. Hagnauer system of classification: A. True alkaloids. B. Proto alkaloids. C. Pseudo alkaloids
Aristolochic acid
Proto alkaloids:
Conessine Caffeine
Nomenclature: -It according to; Genus e.g. Atropine. Species e.g. Cochin. Physiological .activity e.g. Morphine. Discoverer e.g. pellertreine. It should generally end with suffix: ~ine
-Chemical properties of alkaloids: -Present in the Plant asSalt, ester, N-oxide, quaternary compound.) Generally very toxic compound. -Have bitter taste.
-Physicochemical properties:
-Solid crystalline compound (exception are: coniine and Nicotine are liquid (It doesn't have Oxygen in their structure). -Colorless compound (exception are berberine (yellow), Betaine (red). -Sharp melting Point because its pure compound in crystal form.
-Can be either 1, 2, 3 or 40 alkaloid: -Basicity depends on availability of lone pair of electrons: 1. Electron donating or electron withdrawing neighbors. 2. Type of hybridization. 3. Aromaticity.
-Detection of alkaloid:-Wagner's test: (I2/kI):Reddish brown precipitate . -Mayers: (HgCl2 Creamy precipitate with True alkaloid. -Hagger's test: (Picric acid) Yellow precipitate with True alkaloid. -Dragendroff: (Potassium Bismuth Iodide) Reddish Brown precipitate . -Tannic acid solution: different alkaloid colored precipitate .
Extraction: -The extraction is fractional extraction (From less Polar to more Polar). -Defeating by non polar solvent (Petroleum Ether, benzene, alkane,.) To get red of Chlorophyll, Wax, Volatile oil, Fixed oil. -Filtration, For marc use methanol or ethanol 95% Evaporate by rotary evaporator (to Concentrate) -Add Tartaric acid 2% and Ethyl acetate will separate into two layer: -Organic layer (For week or neutral alkaloid ) -Aqueous layer (acidic layer, Tartaric acid) which have alkaloidal salt. To break the salt add NH3 or Sodium bicarbonate. then add ethyl acetate again so will it separate into two layer again: Aqueous layer (Quaternary alkaloids 4 ) Organic layer (For basic alkaloid 10,2,3)
Classification of Alkaloids
Piperidine Pyridine
High Resolution Mass Spectrum Electron Impact (HR-EI-MS) Fast Atom Bombardment (HR-FAB-MS) Accurate Mass: H 1.0078; C 12.000; N 14.003; O 15.9949 How to distinguish CO and C2H4? CO: 27.9949; C2H4: 28.0312 Structural Fragments: Mass fragmentation (MS)
NMR Spectra for estimating the composition of C and H. BB Decoupled CMR for all types of carbon signals (1o , 2o , 3o , 4o ) DEPT-90 for CH (methine); DEPT-135: CH/CH3 (methyl) (positive or upward); CH2 (methylene) (negative or downward)
Specific optical rotation: similar skeleton and conformation Circular dichroic spectroscopy (CD): absolute stereochemistry
How to identify Chromophores? Chromophore: UV-VIS spectrum n-p* and p-p* electron transition Enone: p-p* 215 nm Diene: homoannular 253 nm Heteroannular 214 nm Aromatic componds: p-p* Carbonyl: n-p* (low e) Substitution effect
Hyphenated Techniques
GC-MS: gas chromatography-Mass spectroscopy
LC-MS: liquid chromatography-Mass spectroscopy LC-NMR: LC-nuclear magnetic resonance
Hyoscyamine is the major natural alkaloid with negative optical rotation (l- form). During extraction hyoscyamine racemizes to the optically inactive dl Atropine. Both alkaloids composed of tropine base and tropic acid.
Hyoscine (Scopolamine)
Hyoscine is an ester of l-tropic acid with scopoline base. Hyoscine is a syrupy liquid.
Vitali-Morins test:
Solid alkaloid + fuming HNO3 Evaporate to dryness, dissolve residue in acetoVitali-Morins test: Solid alkaloid + fuming HNO3 Evaporate to dryness, dissolve residue in acetone, add methanolic solution of KOH Violet colour. P-dimethylaminobenzaldehyde: Alkaloid + reagent in porcelain dish and heat on boiling water path Intense Red Colour Cherry Red after cooling. Gerrards test: Alkaloid + 2% HgCl2 in 50% Ethanol Red colour Atropine Red after warming Hyoscyamine White ppt Hyoscine
Cocaine alkaloids Occurrence: Coca leaves contain about 2% total alkaloids It is the major Alkaloid in Coca leaves. Cocaine is diester Alkaloid. Heating at 160 0C in conc. HCl leads to hydrolyses of cacaine to MeOH, Benzoic acid and Ecogonine base. Main Alkaloids are: 1- Cocaine. 2- Cinnamylcocaine. 3. a- truxilline. The base for Coca Alakloid is called Ecogonine
Uses: Cocaine was used as local anesthetic. Cocaine has a CNS stimulant activity so is one of the widely abused drugs.
Quinoline alkaloid: Cinchona Alkaloid : It diverting to 4 main compound: Quinine. Cinchonine. Cinchonidine. Quinidine Biosynthetic origin: Botanical source: dried barks of (Cinchona succirubra Rubeaceae). Pharmacological effect: Antimalaria antiarhythmitic -. Detection under U.V 366nm blue fluorescent with sulfuric acid.
Cinchonidine Cinchonine
Pyridine alkaloids and Nicotinic acid derivatives: Biosynthetic origin: 1)- Nicotine: very toxic compound -Botanical source: leaves Nicotiana tobacum Solanaceae -Pharmacological effect: -It works on nicotinic .receptor (start by stimulation then inhibition. -Highly hydrophobic, so can cross blood brain barrier. Uses as: Vehicle on CNS (stimulant), dental carries, Alzheimer ???? It's liquid compound, yellowish. Oxidized by light and will form brown color. Toxicity: Cancer which give nitrous amine (very nuclephilic) lead to change in DNA structure, Pulmonary and cardiac disease, Effect in hepatic system lead to increase metabolite
Piperdine Alkaloid : (Lobelia). Biosynthetic origin: Botanical sours form Lobelia inflata Lobeliaece. Pharmacological effect: CNS Stimulant (cholinergic agonist). Uses: For premature babies (has Problem in respiration) so give cortisone to dilution lung. High dose cause tonic spasm for skeletal and smooth muscle.
Arecoline Alkaloid : Botanical sours are seed of Areca catechu Arecaceae. Pharmacological action: Parasympathomimetic work on messianic receptor and in high dose work on nicotinic receptor Uses:, Alzheimer disease, has Psychocyco active effect Cigarette as cocaine in malaise.
It causes redness of mouth, teeth an saliva, when use for long time cause buccal cancer.
Imidazole Alkaloid Biosynthetic origin: Examples: Pilocarpine Botanical sours are Pilocarpus jaborandi Rutaceae. Pharmacological effect: Parasympathomimetic Uses: in Glaucoma (wide and narrow angle Glaucoma) and myosis of the eye. Keep away from light. Side effect: bronco contraction, brady cardiac, not first choice for glaucoma because headache and increase in lacrimation.
Imidazole alkaloid
Indole alkaloid: ( Periwincle, Rauwolfia, Nux-vomica, physostigma, Ergot) Biosynthetic origin: Ergot: fungus grow on Rye and Cereals. - Botanical sours are fungus of Claceveceps purpurea Clavecpetaceae Sant antony fire inflammation redness then vasoconstriction (cyanosis) loss limbs and extremities the death. Convulsion and delirium.
Erogtamine: It has low D.O.A, introduction of of double bound (9-10) lead to increase D.O.A. Ergotamine and Ergometrine: & dopamine and Serotonin. & Lysergic acid (LSD) Uses of Ergotamine: Migraine (at low dose has agonist adrenergic). Make vasoconstriction. Oxytocic (stimulate or induce labor). Postpartum hemorrhage (vasoconstriction).
Strychnine and Brucine: Nux-vomica Botanical source: Seed of Strychnus nux-vomica Loganiaceae. Very toxic compound which block Neurotransmission from the spinal cord to the brain. Used only for study the sympathetic and parasympathetic action of drug. Detection : Nitric acid: strychnine will give yellow PPT. Brucine will give red PPT. Chemical microscope:
: Physostigmine
and Neostigmine Alkaloid : Biosynthetic origin: Botanical source Botanical sours are seed of Physostigma vensum Fabaceae. Common name (Calaber been). :Pharmacological effect: Irreversible chorine esterase inhibitor (parasympathomimmtic). Used in acute open angle glaucoma will increase the contraction of ciliary's muscle and increase excretion of aqueous hummer and will decrease IOP. Give I.V or I.M for it toxicity, has unstable compound (ester and amide).
Neostgmine: not indol alkaloid. action normalize contraction of striated muscle by facilities nerve imbuls. Has positive charge (4 alkaloid). Soluble in water so can use be given S.C. Used: For diagnosis of myasthenia gravis. Post operation Bladder surgery. Side effect: Miosis, Convolution, Respiratory arrest, Brady cardiac.
Vicristine and vinblastine: Botanical sours are Arial part of Catharanthus roseus (Vinca rosa) Apocynaceae. It's cytotoxic used for hodgkins and non hodgkins disease. Biosynthetic origin: Pharmacological effect: Used: Anticancer single or combination therapy. M.O.A: bind to protein (tubulin) which inhibits mitosis in microtubules. Side effect: Alopecia, Gastrointestinal (Nausea, vomiting, ulcer). Aspermia
Rauwlfia Alkaloid: Botanical sours are Root of Rauwlfia serpentine Apocyneceae. Examples: Reserpine and Rescinnamine. M.O.A: anti hypertensive, depletion of catecholamine peripherally (decrease ephedrine and nor ephedrine), depletion of central neurotransmitter(mainly serotonin so neuroleptic ) Unstable compound ester linkage Biosynthetic origin: Botanical source: Pharmacological effect: Hydrolytic product for both reserpine: Trimethoxybenzoic acid + Methanol + Reserpic acid and ressinamine Trimethoxycinnamic acid + Methanol + reserpic acid.
Morphinane type alkaloids: Opium alkloaid: Botanical source: dried latex of Pappaver somniferum papaveraceae Pharmacological action: Medecinal uses : Morphine: Codeine: Thebaine: Papaverine: Heroin: Noscapine:
Noscapine (Narcotine)
Ipecacuahna alkaloids: Rhizome of Cephalis ipecacuhana Rubiaceae Emetine alkaloid: Cephaline alkaloid:
Curare alkaloids:
Botanical source:
Action uses:
Synthetic analogue:
Toxiferine Tubucurarine
Pseudo alkaloids