REPORT - Nutrient Deficiency

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Inorganic Nutrition of Plants



The Soil

Cation Exchange & Uptake

Essential Nutrients

Life cycle
Biological role (structural, physiological, biochemical, osmoregulatory)

Essential Nutrients
Macronutrients (9) Required quantity 0.1 to 45% ( >10 mmole kg-1 dry weight) Structural N, C, O, H, P, S, K, Mg, Ca Mobile (8) Symptoms first seen in Nutrients Older parts N, K, Mg, P, Cl, Na, Zn, Mo Micronutrients (8) 1x10-3 to 1x10-2 % (< 10 mmole kg-1 dry weight) Co-factors Activators Cl, Fe, Mn, B, Zn, Cu, Ni, Mo Immobile (5) Younger parts Ca, S, Fe, B, Cu

Roles Nutrients

When does a mineral become deficient?

Mineral Deficiencies
Deficiency in mineral = specific symptom
o Morphological o Anatomical o Physiological o Biochemical

Common Morphological Symptoms

Yellowing Degradation of chlorophyll

Tissue death

Common Morphological Symptoms

Stunted growth Biomass accumulation (Hermans et al., 2006)

Shoot-to-root ratio
Modifications to shoot metabolism or carbohydrate translocation Increase in areas responsible for accumulation

Nutritional Studies
Nutrient solution (Hoaglands solution) Individual nutrients removed Effect on growth and development

Nutritional Studies

Nutrient film

Objectives and Limitations

Determine specific morphological aberrations per mineral deficiency Compared against control grown in Hoaglands solution Limitations:
Only 6 of the 17 essential minerals No foliar application


Mung beans (Vigna radiata) (+) easy accesibility (+) low maintenance in growth Surface sterilization with bleach (+) to avoid possible contamination from the outer covering of the seeds (+) removal of inviable seeds

Hydroponic culture or solution (+) to lessen complexity of soil (+) more controlled environment Nutrient or Hoagland solution (+) appropriate concentrations to avoid toxicity or stress due to salinity (+) highest concentrations for sustainability, less replenishment

Measure pH level (+) consistency of different solutions (+) to avoid changes in concentrations Aeration

(+) to ensure supply of oxygen for maximum growth

Oxygen aerobic respiration


Macronutrient Mobile Biochemically: Group 3
Assimilated and restored as Mg2+

Reservoir: soils
Depletion: acidic, sandy soils

Roles of Magnesium
Phosphotransferase co-factor (photosynthesis, respiration, nucleic acid synthesis, ATP synthesis)

Enzyme activator (PEP & ribulose bisphosphatecarboxylase)

Stabilization of ribosome structure

Roles of Magnesium
Central component of chlorophyll
Porphyrin ring Site of electron transfers

Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency

Intervenal chlorosis
Yellow to white

Necrosis Premature leaf abscission Older shoots

Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency

Failure of sucrose-loading
Mg-ATP: substrate for H+ pump

Biomass accumulated in leaves

Lowered carbohydrate translocation to roots Modified root metabolism

Downregulation of Cab2-encoding genes

Chlorophyll a/b binding protein Delayed chlorophyll reduction Reduced photosynthesis

Magnesium Deficiency Data

Magnesium Deficient
25 Averaged Measurements (cm) 20


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


0 Root A Root B Shoot A Shoot B Leaf Length Leaf Length Leaf Width Leaf Width A B A B

Plant Part

MgSO47H2O MgCl2

Macronutrient Immobile Biochemically: Group 1
Organic molecule component

Reservoir: soils & atmosphere

Decomposition Fossil fuels Natural phenomena (volcanic eruptions, geysers, sulfur springs, acid rain)

Sulfur Assimilation



Glutathion e




Roles of Sulfur

Disulfide bonds
Protein tertiary structure

Symptoms of Sulfur Deficiency

Reduced protein synthesis Reduced chlorophyll-protein complexes Chlorosis of young leaves Reduction in photosynthesis

Reduction in ribulosebiosphosphate (respiration)

Symptoms of Sulfur Deficiency

Production of:
non-sulfur or low-sulfur compounds (-gliadi) High molecular weight subunits of glutenin

Roles of Sulfur
Component of:
Coenzyme A (respiration & fatty acid metabolism) Pyrophosphate (PPi) Ferrodoxin (electron transport) Secondary metabolites (glucosinolates, thiocyanates, isothiocyanates)

Symptoms of Sulfur Deficiency


N:S ratio increases

High nitrogen: no release of S from vacuoles Young shoots: unable to support growth with protein stores Growth inhibited

Adaptations to Sulfur Deficiency

Depression in root hydraulic conductivity
Signal to aerial regions

Stomatal closure
Reduce CO2 assimilation reduce S requirement

Sulfur Deficiency Data

Sulfur Deficient
25 AveragedMeasurements (cm) 20

10 5 0 Root A Root B Shoot A Shoot B Leaf Length A Leaf Leaf Width Leaf Width Length B A B

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

Plant Part

Phosphorus Deficiency

Macronutrient Mobile

Group 2 -- energy storage and structural integrity

Availability may vary depending on soil pH

Acidic (< 6.8) most readily absorbed

Neutral (6.8 -7.2) less readily absorbed Basic (> 7.2) unavailable

Role of Phosphorus
Nucleotides DNA, RNA

Sugar phosphates photosynthesis and respiration

Phospholipids (membranes) structural integrity

Symptoms of Phosphorus Deficiency

Rapid leaf senescence Death of old leaves Due to mobility Presence of P exported to young Lack of P old parts affected first

Symptoms of Phosphorus Deficiency

Stunted growth Production of slender, shorter stems Lack of sugar phosphates Decrease in ATP and NADPH Inefficient photosynthesis, respiration (oxidative phosphorylation)

Symptoms of Phosphorus Deficiency

Stunted growth Production of slender, shorter stems Lack of sugar phosphates Decrease in ATP and NADPH Inefficient photosynthesis, respiration (oxidative phosphorylation)

Symptoms of Phosphorus Deficiency

Dark green coloration of malformed leaves
Necrotic spots Lack of P for phospholipid membranes Increase in content of chlorophyll per leaf area w/o photosynthetic capability Reduced rate of cell and leaf expansion, but same rate of chlorophyll formation

Symptoms of Phosphorus Deficiency

Excess production of anthocyanin pigments

Stress response for photoprotection to safeguard cells against strong light

Symptoms of Phosphorus Deficiency

Increase root branching , Decrease shoot growth Stress response to search for P with highly branched root system, more root hairs, more lateral roots, but decreased primary root length

Dark green malformed leaves

Slender stem

P- deficient

Phosphorous Deficient

Averaged Measurements (cm)


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday





Root A

Root B

Shoot A

Shoot B

Leaf Length Leaf Length B Leaf Width A Leaf Width B A Plant Part

Calcium Deficiency
Ca(NO3)2 NaNO3

Macronutrient Immobile

Group 3 remain in ionic form

low or acidic pH abundance as a basic cation

Role of Calcium
Crosslinked in peptic chain of middle lamella of cell wall Polymerization of microtubules in mitosis

Membrane attracted to the negatively charged phosphate groups Secondary messenger that interact with calmodulin

Symptoms of Calcium Deficiency

Stunted growth or premature death

middle lamella of cell wall

Phospholipid layers of membrane Secondary messenger

Symptoms of Calcium Deficiency

Stunted growth or premature death
Crosslinked in peptic chain of middle lamella of cell wall
cell wall loosen for to extend for growth Auxin induces acidification apoplast route

replace of calcium ions naturally

malfunction of respiratory enzymes in the cytoplasm

leakage of respiratory substrates from vacuole

break compartmentalization

Symptoms of Calcium Deficiency

Stunted growth or premature death

attracted to (-) phosphate groups of membrane lipids

insufficiency cause constraints in membranes permeability to hydrophilic solutes Cause stress due to salinity

Symptoms of Calcium Deficiency

Stunted growth or premature death

secondary messenger that interact with calmodulin

balance of ions, expression of genes, metabolism of carbohydrates and even mitosis

Accelerated by stimuli from the environment Indirect changes = affect biological process

Symptoms of Calcium Deficiency

Deformation of young leaves hooked downward

Immobility = symptoms in young plant tissues Accumulate in leaves disrupt xylem transport distributed only at a certain distance

Symptoms of Calcium Deficiency

No leaf expansion

Polymerization of microtubules in the process of mitotic

Inefficient mitotic process abnormal cell division

Deformation of young leaves

Ca- deficient

Ca(NO3)2 NaNO3

Calcium Deficient


Averaged Measurements (cm)




Thursday Friday


Root A

Root B

Shoot A

Shoot B

Plant Part

Leaf Length A Leaf Length B Leaf Width A Leaf Width B

Ca(NO3)2 CaCl2


Macronutrient Mobile Group 1: Organic Molecule Component Atmosphere (Acid Rain), Fertilizers, Organic matter Easily taken up as nitrogenous compounds (NH4 and NO3-) by plants Deficiency due to nutrient robbing and leaching out

Ammonification Nitrification Dentrification (Organic matter NH4 NO2- NO3- NO N2)

Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation

Symbiosis with bacteria for built in Nitrogen source

Occurs in legume family

Bacteria involved is Rhizobium; different strains = different species

Roles of Nitrogen
Considered as the mineral most required in greatest amounts

For protein, amino acid, nucleic acid synthesis

Component of chlorophyll

Symptoms and Effects of Nitrogen Deficiency on

Chlorosis- leaves may become tan and fall-off (leaf senescence)
Provoked by lipid peroxidation and pigment loss

Growth inhibition
Less biomass production
Decrease in dry weight

Low photosynthetic rate Reduced Rubisco activity Change in source-sink balance Disrupt chloroplast structure when carbohydrate accumulation is high; thus, less CO2 uptake

Carbohydrate Accumulation
Increase in carbohydrate storage Carbon assimilates provide skeleton for amino acid synthesis Excess of soluble carbohydrates unable to be used in amino acid synthesis accumulate in plant parts May cause woody stems

Damping-out of Circadian Rhythm in stem diameter

Immediately after deficiency, Kanai et al. (2008) saw an increase in stem diameter in tomato plants Increase in sugar assimilates, increases water flux, maintaining turgor Suspected to have high phloem turgor to increase stem diameter

Relieved when roots depressed water potential and high sugar concentration cannot be held for too long

Oxidative Phosphorylation
During N-deficiency-induced senescence
Rise in reactive oxygen species leading to oxidative stress Superoxide ion Hydrogen peroxide

Prevented by cytokinins
Overexpression of genes

Nitrogen Deficient CaCl2 Substitute
30 25

20 Measurements (cm)

Monday 15 Tuesday Wednesday 10 Thursday Friday

0 Root A Root B Shoot A Shoot B Leaf Length Leaf Length Leaf Width A Leaf Width B A B

Plant Part

Nitrogen Deficient NaH2PO4Substitute
30 25

20 Measurements (cm)

Monday 15 Tuesday Wednesday 10 Thursday Friday

0 Root A Root B Shoot A Shoot B Leaf Length Leaf Length B Leaf Width A Leaf Width B A

Plant Part

Nitrogen Deficient KCl Substitute
20 18 16

Averaged Measurements (cm)


10 8 Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday

4 2 0 Root A Root B Shoot A Shoot B Leaf Length A Leaf Length B Leaf Width A Leaf Width B Plant Part


Macronutrient Mobile Group 3: Retained in Ionic Form K+ Naturally occurs in soil

Deficiency attributed to leaching out

Roles of Potassium
Regulates water potential Used in ion-gate channels for transport Enzyme activator in processes such as glycolysis, carbohydrate and protein synthesis Involved in protein, amino acid, nucleic acid synthesis

Symptoms and Effects of Deficiency

Chlorosis- marginal Necrosis- at leaf tips, margins then to bases Roots more susceptible to root-rotting fungi
Inhibit root growth, especially lateral root Due to negative photosynthetic rate and photosynthane transportation

When spread, may lead to lodging

Decreased photosynthesis Decreased CO2 uptake Decreased leaf expansion and transport of carbon assimilates
Evident after stem expansion was down-regulated Due to impaired root water uptake and leaf transpiration rates Kanai et al. (2010) tested effect of N deficiency in relation to aquaporin and K-channel inhibition

Potassium Deficient
30 25

Measurements (cm)



Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday


0 Root A Root B Shoot A Shoot B Leaf Length Leaf Length Leaf Width Leaf Width A B A B

Plant Part


Essential nutrients are required for growth and development found in the environment and cannot be synthesized by an organism.

Deficiency of an essential nutrient leads to lapses in morphological, physiological or biochemical process. The experiment was partially successful quantitatively, but victorious qualitatively.

Possible sources of error

Human error Inconsistent measurements Solution preparation Limitation of set up Environmental factors

More appropriate environment must be provided for the seedlings such that constant source of light and protection from external factors like predation are available Consistent measurement of pH level Mechanical aeration Application of other techniques such as aeroponics and nutrient film growth may further confirm the quantitative and qualitative symptoms that are supposed to be observed

Inorganic Nutrition of Plants


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