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Brand Names and Branding Issues

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Brand Names and Branding

A brand is…..

A name or symbol that distinguishes

the goods or services of one seller
group from those of competitors.
Six Levels of Meaning


Culture Personality

Attributes Benefits Values

Brand Equity

The set of assets and liabilities linked to a brand’s name or

symbol that add to or subtract from the value provided by the core
product or service.
5 Levels of Customer Attitudes
toward a brand

to Brand

Values the Brand

(brand as friend)

Satisfied & Switching Cost

Satisfied Customer
(no reason to change)
No Brand Loyalty
(customer will change)
Components of Brand Equity

Brand Brand
Awareness Associations

Brand Equity

Perceived Brand
Quality Loyalty
Branding Decision
Brand name or no brand name
Most goods sold today are branded:

National or manufacturer brands

Private or store brands

Brand Ladder


Brand Parity
Benefits of branding for the seller

• Brand names make it easier for the seller to process

orders and track down problems

• Creates brand loyalty

• Helps seller segment markets. A different branded

detergent to different market segments.

• Help build corporate image

Strengthening the brand
Develop Creative Advertising
Strengthening the brand
Sponsor well-regarded events
Strengthening the brand
Invite customer to join a club
Strengthening the brand
Invite public to visit your factory
Strengthening the brand
Create your own retail units
Strengthening the brand
Give support to social causes
Strengthening the brand
Be known as a value leader
Strengthening the brand
Develop a strong spokesperson or symbol to represent the company
Brand Names
• Individual names
Example General Mills: Bisquick, Betty Crocker, Nature Valley

• Blanket family names

Examples Heinz, Campbells

• Company name ties to individual product names

Example Kellogg’s Rice Krispies, Kellogg’s Corn Flakes
Good Brand Names Should
Suggest something about product benefits
Good Brand Names Should
Suggest product qualities such as action or color
Good Brand Names Should
Be easy to pronounce, recognize, and remember
Good Brand Names Should

Be distinctive

Not carry negative images in other languages

Trademark Protection
Gives owner exclusive rights to that brand name for
10 years with indefinite renewal.

Brand names can revert back to generic terms that refer to

a product class and thus no longer provide protection.

Aspirin Cellophane Cube steak

Milk of magnesia Corn flakes Dry ice
Thermos Nylon Yo-Yo
Raisin Bran Trampoline Linoleum
Escalator Shredded Wheat
Brands can become “generic” in
several ways
• Company develops a unique product and does not
also develop a generic description for competitors
to use in identifying their version of the product.
(EX: Sony Walkman personal stereos)

• If consumers use the brand name when referring to

the product type.
(EX: Aspirin instead of acetylsalicylic acid)

• When a brand acheives such a high marketshare

that the brand “becomes” the category.
(EX: trampoline)
To protect the trademark
 Insist that your brands be used only as adjectives – never as
nouns or verbs.
(EX: “Hand me a Kleenex facial tissues”, not “hand me a

 Don’t use it in the plural or posessive form (unless the marks

themselves contain an “s” (Levi’s)
(EX: Make 40 xeroxes of that report)

 Use the TM symbol for unregistered marks and the R for

registered ones

 Use the word “brand” after the name.

 Send letters of objection when your mark is misused –

especially in newspapers, the Internet, dictionaries, and
Brand Strategies
Product Category
Existing New
Brand Name

Line Brand
Extension Extension

Multibrands New

Line Extensions
Introduction of additional items in the same product
category under the same brand name :new flavors,
forms, colors, sizes, etc.
Introducing new brands into the same product category

All are Lever Brothers products

Two or more well known brands are paired in a single offering
Brand Extensions
Using an existing brand name to launch new products in
other categories
Brand Extension Decisions
• Does the brand fit the product class?

• Does the brand add value to the offering in

the new product class (i.e., the extension)?

• Will the extension enhance the brand name

and image?

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