Islamic Ethics Al-Kindi
Islamic Ethics Al-Kindi
Islamic Ethics Al-Kindi
Presented By:
801-870 A.D
His skills also covered many fields including medicine , mathematics, music , astrology and optics
Al-Qifti. One ogf the medieval slamic biobibliographers, asserted that al-Kindi was skilled in the artsof Greeks, the Persianand the Hindus.
According to him, Philosophy was the establishment of what is true and right.
Relied on reason as source of truth and believed that revelation also guided humanity to the same goal
1.Emphasised the pursuit of serenity ( peaceful) in this life through selfdesciplene and exercise of reason, rather than reward in the afterlife.
5.Knowledge is not only to discriminate between good and evil but also to preserve the purity of the soul which is able to attain real hapiness.
2.The true values of a person lies in the soul , not the body
Ethical View
3.Concentrated more on the development of the mind and soul , rather than life of body.
7. Justice is the happy between the two etremes of exceaa and deficiency
Ethical View
9. By virtue of the minds devine nature, man has a propensity to do the good.
10. Evil is not appropriate to mans nature. Evil results from the triumph of passion over reason.
14. The way to otherworldly happiness is to know God and perform those which we know brings us near to Him.
Ethical View
11. The good is the choice between being ourselves or being similar to animals( a choice of values.
13. The way to worldly happiness is to reduce to a minimum all external possessions , which cause only sorrow..
12.Knowledge is the means which man protect aganints spiritual and bodily disease.
18. The fourth is an activity of the soul outside the body; justice refer mans harmonious action within the realm of social relation.
Ethical View
16. Adopted the four Platos view of virtue : (i) Wisdom (ii) Courage (iii) Continence (iv) justice
17 .The first three are virtues of the soul, meaning that they are harmonius action within the soul itself.
19.Justice is the happy balance between the two extremes of excess and deficiency.. 23.Al-Kindi s maxims are humanistic in nature or they underline the soundness of mans just actions.
20.The very essenseof the souls true actions is moderation which derived from the golden mean.(justice/adl).
Ethical View
22. The mean of irascible faculty ;neither to eat less than is necessary to keep one alive , not to overeat lead his soul unable to perform its naoble duties. George N.Atiyeh ,1985
27.The principle cause of sorrows: loss of externals and failure to attain what we highly cherish + al-kindi ; the fear of death..
Ethical View
25.Sorrow is a pshchological pain, resulting from the loss of what is dear to ones heart.
26.To avoid sorrow, one should look upwards at the intelligible world and should confine ones desire and objects of love to those things.
28. Kindis work is adopted from Socrates e.g; - Spiritual Values are the essense of life.
31.Justice is considered as greatest of all virtues, what is just good and what is not is evil.
Ethical View
29. Wisdom is considered of the greatest value and secure means to real hapiness.
30.Death should be frighten us, for the bitterness of death does not result from death itself but from fear of it.