Internal Control & Review
Internal Control & Review
Internal Control & Review
Objectives/learning outcomes
Define and explain internal management control [2] Explain and explore the importance of internal control and risk management in CG [3] Describe objectives of ICS [2] Identify, explain and evaluate the CG and executive management roles in risk management [3] Identify and assess the importance of the components of ICS Explore and evaluate the effectiveness of ICS [3] Describe and assess the need to report on ICS to shareholders [3]
Control means:
Ensuring what the organisation intends to happen happens Happens in the way it's supposed to happen Happens when it's supposed to happen.
Internal control magt action to manage risks & ensure objectives are met
Control Procedures
Achievement of objectives
Reliable financial & magt reports
Risk management
ICS should be designed to counter the risks Factors to consider in setting up an ICS:
The nature and extent of risks facing the company Acceptable and unacceptable risks The likelihood of the risks concerned materialising Companys ability to reduce the incidence and impact on the business of risks that do materialise The costs and benefits of operating particular controls
Immediate reporting of weaknesses
Control environment
Authorisation (e.g. of purchases and stock issues) Computer controls (e.g. passwords, range checks) Comparison controls (e.g. stock records with actual stocks) Accounting recons (e.g. bank & supplier recon) Maintain TB and control accounts (e.g. debtors control) Accuracy or arithmetic controls (e.g. re-computation) Physical controls (e.g. limiting access to computers) Segregation of duties (between ordering, custody of stock and authorising payments)
Human error Magt overriding controls Collusion to circumvent controls Failure to deal with new & un-usual situations Internal control systems can only provide reasonable (not absolute) assurance
Board should review effectiveness of internal controls & report to shareholders Benefits of reporting:
Increased shareholder satisfaction Audit committee forced to consider their work seriously Company open to additional scrutiny 12 Fulfills CG requirements
Conclusion ICS
Main points
Importance of control environment to ICS effectiveness ICS should be sound Effective ICS reduces risk, improves CG ICS is not fool proof, has weaknesses ICS are everyones business
Objectives/learning outcomes
Describe the function and importance of internal audit [1] Explain, and discuss the importance of, auditor independence in all client audit situations (including internal audit) [3] Explain, and assess the nature and sources of risks, to auditor independence [3]. Explain and evaluate the importance of compliance and the role of the internal audit committee in internal control [3] Explain and explore the importance and characteristics of, the audit committees relationship with external auditors [2] Describe and analyse the work of the internal audit committee in overseeing the internal audit function [2]
Independent appraisal activity within an entity as a service to it Control over other controls Improves CG by strengthening internal control
Types of audits
Transaction audits audit of individual transactions Systems audits audit of internal controls within a system e.g.:
Risk-based audits concentrates audit effort (staff & time) on risky areas of business
Separate dept in large entities Responsibility of specific individuals in smaller entities May be outsourced to accounting firms
Head IA
Manager IT audits
Contingent factors that determine the need for an internal audit function include: Complexity of operations Size of organisation Internal control systems problems Cost-benefit issues Unexplained or unacceptable events Changes in structures, processes, and systems
Functions/roles of IA
Reviewing accounting & internal control systems Risk identification Carry out value for money audits (VFM) Reviewing compliance with laws Carry out special investigations e.g. into suspected frauds Examine financial & operating 21 information
Threats to independence of IA
Self interest
Self review
Conflicts of interest resulting in lack of impartiality and bias (self interest) Reporting to executive management (intimidation) Interference in determining the scope of their work, performing the audit, and communicating results (intimidation, familiarity) Assessing specific operations for which they may have responsibility (self review/interest)
Objectives of audit work Summary of process undertaken Audit opinion Recommendations (should be practical, cost-effective & reduce risk to tolerable level)
Review financial & management reports & systems Liaise with external auditors Review of internal audit Review of internal control Review of risk management Review results of one-off investigations
Main points
Role of internal audit Enhancing effectiveness of IA Importance of auditor independence Threats to auditor independence Role of audit committee in IA Role of audit committee in ICS Role of audit committee in external audit