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Presented By: Manu Mathur Ankit Saraswat Shikhar Verma Sumit Kumar Verma

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Presented By : Manu Mathur Ankit Saraswat Shikhar Verma Sumit Kumar Verma

Every individual has different values, opinions, needs, interests. Thus, when two or more people or groups are involved in decision making and they are unable to find a common ground or a middle way out, there are conflicts. A conflict results in heated arguments, physical abuses and definitely loss of peace and harmony. A conflict can actually change relationships. Friends can become foes.

A clash between individuals arising out of a difference in thought process, attitudes, understanding, interests, requirements and even sometimes perceptions

Thus, the features of conflicts are : When the two parties involved have different goals and one can be achieved only at the expense of the other. Conflicts is a termed generally used for overt acts against the parties involved. Conflicts are different from Competition. Conflicts are a dynamic process. Conflict is the opposite of co-operation.

Vertical conflicts refers to tension that occurs between individual of two different levels.

Horizontal conflicts refers to the tensions between employees or groups at the same hierarchal level

There are 3 different managerial views about conflicts :

Classical View Behavioural View Interactionist View

According to this view, all conflicts are harmful. Conflicts are viewed negatively and associated with turbulence, agitation and irrationality.

Here, conflicts indicated malfunctioning within the organization and is considered due to the failure of proper management.
But now, research shows that conflicts are inevitable and arent necessarily bad for an organisation.

In this view, it is argued that conflict is a logical and inevitable outcome for an organisation. Conflicts are bound to arise because all the individuals within the organisation have different values and perception. In this view, it is believed that conflicts are harmful and proper resolution of conflicts should take place as early as possible. Conflicts arise due to faulty policies and structures which result in communication breakdown between individuals

In this case, conflicts arent considered only inevitable but also useful. Here, it is argued that if harmony, peace and cooperativeness prevail in an organisation for long time, it is non-responsive to change and innovations. Minimum level of conflicts are required, but they must be kept under control to minimize their bad consequences. Also, conflicts itself may lead to some new or innovative way to solve a problem at reach optimum efficiency.

Release of tension : The members of the organization get the opportunity to release tension by expressing themselves . Creativity : Conflicts provide the opportunity to the members to identify alternatives which . often lead to innovation in work procedures .

Stimulation of change : Conflicts can cause people to change their attitude and adjust according to the requirements of the new situation .

Identification of weaknesses : Parts of the organization system which are weak are brought into light and worked upon . Group cohesiveness : Inter group conflicts help the members among a group to bond together . and display a show of solidarity which removes differences . Challenge : Conflicts cause members and group to overcome challenges which require them to be dynamic and creative .

Resignation of personnel: A key personnel may leave the organization if the resolution of conflicts is not in his favor .

Tensions : conflicts can give rise to tensions to . high levels , that it becomes tough to such resolve it .
Discontentment : The losing party will always be keen on settling scores with the winning party which can tone down the productivity .

Creation of distrust: conflicts can cause the development of a negative atmosphere . Goal displacement : conflicts can cause groups to focus more on winning the conflict rather than to .look on organizational goals .

Weakening of organization: The organization is wrongly effected if conflicts are not handled properly at proper time .

Diagnosing the issue is a necessary pre condition for handling the conflict successfully. It is very necessary to know as to why the conflict has arisen so that the main issue can be targeted and resolved as soon as possible .

Facts : Disagreement on definitions of problem by individuals , not being aware of relevant information and accepting or rejecting information as factual can cause conflicts to develop .

Goals : Disagreement may be about desirable objectives of a department or section of an organization .

Methods : Individuals may differ opinions about procedures and strategies adapted . Values : conflicts can arise having the ethics as their base cause . Ethics are the ways power should be exercised and the moral . considerations to be taken regarding justice , fairness etc .

LATENT CONFLICT At this stage conflict is not visual as it has not taken a clear cut shape .It occurs in the sub conscious mind . It develops due to the . following causes :(a) competition for scarce resource (b) communication barrier (c) Divergence of subunit goals (d) role ambiguities

PERCEIVED CONFLICT Conflicts may sometimes be perceived when no condition of latent conflict exist and latent conditions may be present in a relationship . without any of the participants perceiving the conflict . Perceived conflict occurs due to the parties misunderstanding of each others true position .

FELT CONFLICT Sometimes conflicts can turn personal for an individual . Personalization of conflict is the mechanism which causes many people to be concerned with dysfunction of conflict . In other words , it makes them feel the conflict . Its . causes can be (a) Inconsistent demands of organization may create anxieties within the individual . (b)Conflicts become personalized when whole personality of individual is involved in the relationship.

MANIFEST CONFLICT It includes any of several varieties of conflictfull behavior such as open aggression , apathy , withdrawal etc. Violence as a form of . manifest conflict is rare . The motives towards violence may remain but they tend to be expressed in less violent forms .

CONFLICT AFTERMATH Conflicts may either have positive or negative repercussions for the organizations depending on how the they are resolved . If the conflict is . genuinely resolved , the basis for more cooperative relationship focuses on latent conflicts . If the conflict is suppressed , the conflict may later explode in an aggravated manner .

Intra Individual Conflict

Conflict from frustration

Goal Conflict -Approach-Approach Conflict -Avoidance-Avoidance Conflict -Approach Avoidance Conflict

Role Conflict

Personality Differences
Difference in perceptions Power and Status difference

Scarcity of Resources

Incompatible Goals Task Interdependence

Sharing of Resources
Joint Decision-making Attitudinal Sets

1.Avoidance and Repression of Conflicts

Avoidance or ignoring the conflict. Reorganisation of groups. Reduction of inter-dependence between group. Dominance or repression of differences. Regulation of inter-personal contacts through transfer.

2.Defusion of Conflicts

Smoothing Superordinate goals

3.Containment of Conflict

Compromise or bargaining Restructuring the Interaction between the groups

4.Confrontation or Sharpening Differences into Conflicts

5.Problem Solving

6.Conflict Stimulation
Communication Encouraging competition Bringing in new employees Restructuring the organisation

Suppressing the conflicts works in certain situations only. Runs the risk of reducing the total creativity .

No new ideas come into surface and the old ideas are likely to go unexamined.

Parties to a conflict try to come up with a solution acceptable to themselves by considering various alternative ways to allocate resources to each other.

You are negotiating all the time. Everything you want is owned or controlled by someone else. There are three critical factors in every negotiation: power, information, time.

Bargaining Characteristics
Available resources

Distributive Characteristics
Fixed amount of resources to be divided

Integrative Characteristics
Variable amount of resources to be divided

Primary motivations Primary interests

I win, you lose

I win, you win

Opposed to each other

Convergent or congruent with each other Long term

Focus of relationships

Short term

The Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement; the lowest acceptable value (outcome) to an individual for a negotiated agreement.

Win-Loose Strategy Define conflict as a winloose situation Pursue own group outcomes Use misleading communication of groups need, goals, and proposals. Use threats(to force submission). Communicate high commitment regarding ones position.

Win-Win Strategy Define conflict as a mutual problem solving situations. Pursue joint outcomes. Find creative solution that satisfies both groups. Use accurate communication of groups need, goal and proposals. Avoid threats Communicate flexibility of ones position.

Your goals

Their goals

Win-win line

Your M.A.P. Win-lose/lose-lose area

Their M.A.P.

Separate the people from the problem

Disentangle the substantive issues of negotiation from interpersonal relationship.

Focus on interest, not position

Rather than position taken by the negotiator focus on the underlying human needs and interest.

Search option for mutual gain

Establish a forum in which a variety of possibilities are generated before taking the decision as to which action to take.

Insist on using objective criteria

This principle steers the focus away from what the parties are willing or unwilling to do as the negotiation take place in terms of fair standards such as expert opinion,custom,or law.

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