Research Method Lecture1
Research Method Lecture1
Research Method Lecture1
Lecture 1
Research is systematic, controlled, empirical and critical investigation of natural phenomena guided by theory and hypotheses about the presumed relations among such phenomena (Kerlinger 1986 as Cited by Ardales 1992). It is a systematic, objective and comprehensive investigation of certain phenomenon, which involves accurate gathering, recording and critical analyzing, and interpreting of all facts about the phenomenon.
Pure or theoretical type
conducted for the sake of knowing and establishing a theory or a principle. Applied or practical research conducted to obtain certain result solution to improve prevailing conditions.
Applied research aims to apply, test and evaluate usefulness of a theory or knowledge arrive at in solving problems.
Experimental research. It describes what will be when certain variables are carefully controlled or manipulated. The focus is on the relationship of variables. Deliberate manipulation is always a part of experimental method.
Define the problem and objectives. The researcher must have the experience on the identified problem. Formulate the objectives based on the problem. Construct a theoretical or conceptual framework. This will show the relationships of variables being studied and will guide the researcher in his analysis. Formulate the hypothesis(es) based on the objectives and framework. These hypothesis is the statement on the expected relationship of the variables which permit empirical testing.
Decide the research design appropriate to the study. Historical, experimental, descriptive and others. Collection of data. Define the population, specify sampling frame, specify the sampling unit, specify the sampling method, determine the sample size, specify sampling plan and select the sample. Presentation, analysis and interpretation of data. Results and discussion. Conclusion, recommendations and implications
Function of Research
Corrects perceptions as well as expands them Gathers information on events that we lack knowledge about. Develops and evaluates concepts, practices and theories. Obtains knowledge for practical purposes like solving problems on population explosion, crimes, consumption, inflation, etc. Provides hard facts which serve as bases for planning, decision-making, project implementation, monitoring and evaluation.
Define: research, theoretical and applied research. What is the aim of research? Enumerate the research process. Give the functions of research. Give the relationship of the stages in the research process to each other.
Selected Reference
Emory, C. W. and Donald R. Cooper. 1991. Business Research Methods. 4th Edition. Richard D. Irwin, Inc. Homewood Illinois, USA.