TKT Unit 19

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Unit 19: Identifying

different components of
a lesson plan
Porntip Bodeepongse
A lesson plan is like………… .
 an instruction leaflet
 a photograph
 a story
 a road map
 a computer programme
 a series of road sign
 a written summary
Why plan?
Help Ts to think through what Ss will
achieve in the lesson
Provide framework for organizing ideas,
methodology, materials, etc.
Help Ts to know where they are going
and how they are going to get there
Helps make the lesson coherent
Being prepared boost Ts’ confidence
Help Ts to adapt to different classes
Why plan?
Helps to identify any problems or
difficulties which may arise during the
Avoids over-domination of coursebooks
Demonstrates to learners that teachers
know what they are doing
Developmental—a learning document for
teachers to reflect on their teaching
 A plan can link the lesson explicitly to
syllabus objectives
A lesson plan
is a set of notes that help us to think
through what we are going to teach and
how we are going to teach it.
also guides us during and after the
We can identify the most important
components of a lesson plan by thinking
about what and how we want to teach it.

Now do the Review: Stages of a lesson plan

The main components of a
lesson plan
 show us what the lesson is for (the
aims) and what the teacher and the
learners will do during the lesson and
how they will do it (the procedures).
So a lesson plan is most like a road
map or a series of road signs, sth.
that shows us where we are going
and how we are going to get there.
Ways a lesson plan helps you

 Before the lesson

• Writingdown the aims and
procedures for each stage helps
us to make sure that we have
planned the best possible
sequence to enable us to achieve
those aims.
During the lesson
• The plan can also help the
teacher to check timing—the
amount of time we plan for
each stage—and to check that
the lesson is following the
sequence we decided on.
 After the lesson
• We can keep the plan as a record
of what happened, making changes
necessary to show how the lesson
was different from the plan.
• We can then use the plan and
notes to help plan the next lesson.
(the plan = a photograph, story or
summary giving us a record of the
A lesson plan can include
 Level and number of learners—who
we are planning the lesson for
Timetable fit—how the lesson is
connected to the last lesson or the
next one
Main aims—what we want learners
to learn or to be able to do by the
end of the lesson
 Subsidiary aims—other things we
want learners to be able to do
during the lesson because they lead
to the main aim
Personal aims—aspects of our own
teaching we want to develop or
Assumptions—what we think
learners already know or can
already do related to the aims
Anticipated language problems—things
that learners may find difficult
Possible solutions—action we will take
to deal with the anticipated problems
Teaching aids, materials,
equipment--useful reminders of
things to take to the lesson
Procedures—tasks and activities for
each stage
Timing—length of time needed for
each stage
Interaction patterns—ways in which
learners work at each stage, i.e.
individually, in pairs, in groups, as a
whole class
Homework—what learners are
assigned to do as an extension or
revision activity
Key concepts
When we make lesson plans, we need to
ask ourselves how the procedures we
have planned will help to achieve our
aims and to make sure there are strong
connections between different stages.
We also need to consider variety,
variety i.e.
how we can use different activity types,
language skills and interaction patterns.
All learners need different activities.
During the lesson we should teach the
learners, not the lesson plan!
We must be prepared, if necessary, to
change our plan while we are teaching.
We must be aware of what we are
changing and why.
We can include variations—some
different possibilities in a lesson plan,
e.g. an extra activity to use if learners
take less time than expected to
complete a task, an easier activity for
low achievers, etc.

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