Regulated by secretion of TSH (pituitary) and TRH(hypotahalamus) Iodide->reaches the thyroid->oxidized->combine w/tyrosine residues in the thyroglobulin molecule forming MIT and DIT w/c are coupled to from T3 and T4.
Hypothalamic-PituitaryThyroid Axis
acts as preformed matrix containing tyrosyl groups ; glycoprotein;stored in the follicular colloid of the thyroid g l a n d . Weighs about 15-25 g. It is divided into lobules each of which is composed of 2040 follicles separated by highly v a s c u l a r c o n n e c t i v e t i s s u e . follicles are ring-shaped structures, in which a single cell band of follicular cells surrounds a closed cavity containing colloid, thyroid hormone, thyroglobulin (Tg), and a variety of other gly-coproteins follicular cells rest on a basement membrane that is rich in glycoprotein that separates the cells from surrounding capillaries. The apex of the follicular cells has microvilli that extend into the colloid, where iodination, exocytosis, and the initial phase of hormone secretion occur.
follicles are sites of thyroid hormone synthesis and storage. The thyroid gland also contains parafollicular cells, or C cells, which are responsible for the synthesis and secretion of calcitonin, a hormone important in calcium metabolism. Hypothalamus secretes TRH which also stimulates anterior pituitary to secrete TSH. TSH stimulates thyroid hormone synthesis and secretion by the thyroid gland.
Negative feedback on hypothalamus and pituitary gland maintain TSH conc. In narrow limits 100 % of T4 and 20% of T3 is thyroid origin, the remaining 80% of T3 is produced enzymatically in non-thyroidal tissues by 5-monodeiodination of T4. 70% of T4 bound to TBG; 20% of T4 bound to transthyretin (formerly prealbumin) ; 10% of T4 bound to albumin.
Hypothalamic-PituitaryThyroid Axis
Hypothalamic hormone = TRH Pituitary Hormone = TSH Serum free T4 and free T3 TRH enhances TSH synthesis , stimulates the secretion of preformed TSH from the thyrotrophs resulting in the secretion of bioactive TSH
reference range is 512.5 ug/L in adults, with slightly lower results for certain pediatric age group
Distribution of total T4
70% is bound to TBG 20% bound to trnsthyretin (formerly called thyroxine-binding prealbumin)
Hyperthyroidism elevated T4 and T3 levels and decreased TSH level. Symptoms include weight loss, heat intolerance, hair loss , nervousness, tachycardia and tremors.
T4 thyrotoxicosis-it is hyperthyroidism with an elevated serum T4 , but with serum T3 levels within the reference interval or low.
Low T3 and low T4 syndrome severe nonthyroidal illness, which is associated with decreased T3 and T4 levels; it is associated with poor prognosis.
biologically active fraction of T4 in circulating blood. Reference method of measurement is by equilibrium dialysis method not affected by changes in binding protein concentration.
It has been used alone or in conjunction with TSH to diagnose thyroid dysfunction because of its advantage in states of altered protein binding.
Thyroid disorders and their relation to FT4:
Hyperthyroidism elevated FT4 levels Hypothyroidism- decreased FT4 levels
Other methods.
Ultrafiltration using pressure to push the plasma sample through a dialysis membrane. Symmetrical dialysis plasma is dialyzed against itself, using a radioactive tracer added on one side to measure the rate of diffusion of FT4 which is proportional to its concentration. Mass spectrometry simultaneous measure of FT4 and FT3. Immunoassays FT4 index (from total T4 and unbound T4 sites serum proteins
also know as the 3,5,3 triidothyronine it is less tightly bound to serum proteins than T4 . Greater proportion of T3 exists in the free , diffusible state, non-protein bound. it has the most active thyroid hormonal activity almost 75-80% is produced from the tissue deiodination of T4. The principal application of this hormone is in diagnosing T3 thyrotoxicosis Better indicator of recovery form hyperthyroidism as well as the recognition of recurrence of hyperthyroidism. Helpful in confirming the diagnosis of hyperthyroidism.
An increase in the plasma level is the first abnormality seen in cases of hyperthyroidism. Thyroid disorders and their relation to T3:
T3 thyrotoxicosis- it is hyperthyroidism with elevated T3 levels in the presence of T4 and FT4 levels that are within the reference interval . Most of the patients have Graves disease and may occur in patients with toxic nodular goiter and toxic adenoma. Hyperthyroidism it may occur in patients with elevated serum T3 levels but the T4 levels are within the usual reference interval . It is seen during the early course of treatment and also during relapse after treatment. Hypothyroidism serum T3 levels are within the reference range.
Analytical Method : immunoassays Reference values: 80-200 ng/dL or 1.2 3.1 nmol/L(adult)
105 245 ng/dL or 1.8 3.8 nmol/L (children 1-14 yrs old) 60-160 ng/dL (0.92-2.46 nmol/L)
3,5,35 tetraiodothyronine principal secretory product the major function of organic iodine in the circulation a prohormone for T3 production all circulating T4 originates in the thyroid gland the amount of serum T4 is a good indicator of the thyroid secretory rate. Elevated thyroxine causes inhibition of TSH secretion, vice versa Reference values: 5.5 -12.5 ug/dL or 71-161 nmol/L (adult)
11.8 22.6 ug/dL orn 152-292 nmol/L (neonate)
-glycoprotein with a and b subunits. , synthesized in the anterior pituitary gland that controls the biosynthesis and release of thyroid hormones from thyroglobulin. LH, FSH and hCG A subunit has the same amino acid sequences as
B subunit- carries the specific information to the binding receptors for expression of hormonal actitivies.
it is regulated by the hypothalamus through TRH as well as negative feedback from the thyroid hormones. Most important test in determining thyroid dysfunction measured commonly by 3rd generation assay that can measure down to 0.005 mU/L. decreased in hypothyroidism.
-Thyroid Disorders and their relation to TSH:
a.1 primary hypothyroidism TSH levels are markedly elevated a.2 secondary hypothyroidism TSH secretion is decreased as a result of pituitary disorder. a.3 subclinical hypothyroidism-elevated TSH levels but with T4 and FT4 levels are within the reference interval. b. Nonthyroidal Illness TSH levels may be increased or decreased.
c. Subclinical hyperthyroidism TSH levels are decreased with T4 and T3 levels within reference interval.
Reference Interval: 0.5-5 uIU/mL
TSH and free T3 for hyperthyroidism. Over production of T3 with normal to low-normal T4 (T3 thyrotoxicosis). Overproduction of T4 with normal to low-normal T3 (T4 thyrotoxicosis).TRIIODOTHYRONINE (T3)
-Measured by immunoassay , reference interval typically in the range of 60160 ug/dl (0.92.46 nmol/L).
less bound to serum protein compared to T4. not useful in evaluating patients suspected of having hypothyroidism bec. T3 levels are within the reference interval.
synthesized and secreted by the follicles . Present in serum in the range up to 30 ng/ml(45 pmol/L). - it reflects thyroid mass, thyroid injury, and TSH receptor stimulation. -useful in monitoring the course of thyroid disease or response to treatment but not recommended in pre-operative identification of thyroid malignancy.
Conditions: Graves disease Thyroiditis Nodular goiter Reference Interval: up t0 30 ng/ml (up to 45 pmol/L)
main serum carrier for T3 and T4. Measurement is helpful if serum T3 and T4 levels do not agree with other laboratory parameters of thyroid function or not compatible with clinical findings. Measured by immunoassay range : 13-39 ug/dl (150-360 nmol/L-Henrys) in healthy individuals. Transports 70-75% of total T4 Transports majority of T3 (affinity for T3 is lower than T4)
Increased TBG are seen in the following: liver disease drugs genetic deficiency
transports 15-20% of total T4 - T3 has no affinity for prealbumin
transports T3 - transports 10% of T4
- autoimmune thyroid disease causes cellular damage and alters thyroid gland function. 3 thyroid autoantigens: TPO (thyroperoxidase) TPO Abs responsible in hypothyroidism in Hashimotos and atrophic thyroiditis Tg(thyroglobulin) TSH receptor (TR) also known as TRAbs or thyroid stimulating Ig or long acting thyroid stimulators (LATS). Ig induced goiter and hyperthyroidism in Graves Disease. It is the preferred term for autoantibodies to the TSH receptor.
Nephrotic syndrome ,idiopathic
Specimens: dry blood spots , cord serum Consideration: Elevated TSH is the most sensitive test for neonatal screening Recommendation: It is recommended that very low-birthweight infants should have
additional screening at 2 & 4-6 weeks to detect late onset , transient hypothyroidism.
Thyroid Disorders
Clinical Disorders
-refers to excess of circulating thyroid hormone -Primary hyperthyroidism elevated T3 and T4 ,decreased TSH -Secondary Hyperthyroidism increased TSH and T4 (due to primary lesion in the pituitary gland)
Thyrotoxicosis is applied to a group of syndrome caused by high levels of free thyroid hormones in the circulation.
TSH is low , FT4 is normal but increased FT3-T3 thyrotoxicosis or Plummers Disease.
Graves Disease (diffuse toxic goiter) -the most common cause of thyrotoxicosis , auto immune disease
most common cause of increased T3 and T4 , decreased TSH.
it occurs 6x more commonly in women than in men caused by circulating autoantibodies to the TSH receptor stimulating and blocking antibodies features: exophthalmos (bulging eyes), pretibial myxedema Diagnostic Test : TSH receptor antibody test
Subclinical hyperthyroidism shows no clinical symptoms but TSH level is low , and FT4 and FT4 normal Subacute granulomatous,Subacute nonsuppurative thyroiditis/ De Quervains thyroiditis (painful thyroiditis) associated with neck pain , low-grade fever and swings in thyroid function tests. thyroidal peroxidase (TPO) antibodies are absent , ESR and thyroglobulin levels are
TREATMENT: antithyroid drugs may lead to remission but relapse can occur as much as many years later Radioactive iodine and surgerymay lead to hypothyroidism in 35% of cases Beta-adrenergic blocking drugs relieve the symptoms but do not cure
TSH and FT4
High TSH,High FT4
TRH Stimulation Test
develops whenever insufficient amounts of thyroid hormone are available to tissue treated with thyroid hormone replacement therapy (levothyroxine)
A. Primary Hypothyroidism B. Secondary Hypothyroidism C. Tertiary Hypothyroidism D. Congenital Hypothyroidism /Cretinism E. Subclinical Hypothyroidism
Primary Hypothyroidism
primarily due to deficiency of elemental iodine (dec. T3 and T4, inc. TSH)
it is also caused by destruction or ablation of the thyroid gland
Other causes: surgical removal of the gland ; used of radioactive iodine for hyperthyroidism treatment ; radiation exposure, drugs such as lithium.
Primary Hypothyroidism
a.1 Hashimotos disease ( chronic autoimmune thyroiditis) decreased T3 and T4, inc. TSH most common cause of primary hypothyroidism
Primary Hypothyroidism
the thyroid is replaced by a nest of lymphoid tissue sensitized T
lymphocytes/autoantibodies bind to cell membrane causing cell lysis and inflammatory reaction. -autoantibodies present antithyroglobulin & antimicrosomal abs. -associated with enlargement of the thyroid (goiter)
Primary Hypothyroidism
a.2 Myxedema -decreased T3 and T4,inc. TSH describes the peculiar nonpitting swelling of the skin
Secondary Hypothyroidism
due to pituitary destruction or pituitary adenoma T3 and T4 low levels, TSH is also decreased
Tertiary Hypothyroidism
due to hypothalamic disease T3 and T4 low levels , TSH is also decreased.
Cogenital Hypothyroidism/Cretinism
defects in the development or function of the gland physical and mental development of the child are retarded screening test : T4 (decreased) confirmatory test : TSH (increased)
Subclinical Hypothyroidism
T3 and T4 normal, TSH is slightly increased.
Patient Preparation
Specimen Collection
Specimen Storage
Reference Range
serum preferable
plasma acceptable depending on the method used no hemolysis or lipemia Serum, Plasma (heparin or EDTA) No hemolysis or lipemia Centrifuged turbid samples before tetsing
0.5-5.75 MIU/L
NOTE: varies with method and reference population , increases after age 55
4.6-11 ug/dl(higher in premenopausal women owing to estrogen NOTE: varies consideration owing to fluctuation in TBG levels higher during pregnancy
Stable 7-14 days at room temp or 2-8 C, 1 month if frozen Cannot be repeatedly frozen and thawed
Same as T4
4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
10. Fine Needle aspiration 11. Recombianat Human TSH 12. Tanned Erythrocyte Hemagglutination method
Increased TSH a. Primary hypothyroidism b. Hashimotos thyroiditis c. Thyrotoxicosis due to pituitary tumor d. TSH antibodies e. Thyroid hormone resistance hormone in hypothyroidism
Decreased TSH a. Primary hyperthyroidism b. Secondary and tertiary hypothyroidism c. Treated Graves disease d.Euthyroid sick disease e. Over replacement of thyroid
methods for testing : double antibody RIA, ELISA, IRMA and immnochemiluminescent assay (ICMA) methods for testing.
8.T3 Uptake test measures the number of available binding sites of the thyroxine-binding proteins, most notably TBG.
-elevated TBG results to decreased T3 uptake and vice versa.
it does not measure the level of thyroid hormones in serum a known amount of radiolabeled T3 is added to the test serum. estrogen increases TBG while androgens depresses TBG. increased levels: hyperthyroidism, euthyroid patients , chronic liver disease. decreased levels : hypothyroidism , oral contraceptives , pregnancy , acute hepatitis
reference values: 25-35%
% T4 uptake(reference)
12. Tanned erythrocyte Hemagglutination method a test for antithyroglobulin antibodies 13. Serum calcitonin test tumor marker for detecting residual thyroid metastasis in medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC)
Notes to remember:
Free T4 and TSH are the best indicator of thyroid status Free T3 and T4 are more specific indicators of thyroid function than the measurements of total hormone because the values are not affected by the TBG amount. Patients with increased T4-binding protein have an elevated T3 or T4 but not free T4 or TSH.
Notes to remember:
In severe hypothyroidism , total CK and LDH values rise moderately. Thyroid hormones affect synthesis , degradation and intermediate metabolism of adipose tissue and circulating lipids. Calcitonin is measured by two-site immunometric assays using monoclonal antibodies and it is also elevated in autoimmune thyroid disorder, hypercalcemia and all neuroendocrine tumors. Cutoff value for calcitonin is 10 ng/L (adults)
1. Graves Disease 2.Primary Hypothyroidism 3. Hashimotos thyroiditis 4. Nonthyroidal Illness 5. Thyroid hormone resistance
Inc, N/de c. N/de c. Dec. Inc.
Inc. Dec.
Physiologic Variables
- Variables that can affect the tests: age, gender, race, season, phase of menstrual cycle, cigarette smoking, exercise, fasting, and phlebotomy- induced stasis have minor effects on thyroid function tests in ambulatory adults
Use of L-thyroxine
used to suppress TSH in patients with welldifferentiated thyroid carcinoma for w/c thyrotropin is considered a trophic factor
secreted by the C-cells of the thyroid. Medullary thyroid carcinoma originates from the C cells. Use as a tumor marker For diagnosis of MTC, Pentagastrin(Pg) Test is performed