Lesson 9 Teamwork: Source: Daft, R.L (2008), The New Era of Management, 2nd Edition, Singapore: Thompson South Western
Lesson 9 Teamwork: Source: Daft, R.L (2008), The New Era of Management, 2nd Edition, Singapore: Thompson South Western
Lesson 9 Teamwork: Source: Daft, R.L (2008), The New Era of Management, 2nd Edition, Singapore: Thompson South Western
Source: Daft, R.L (2008), The New Era of Management, 2nd Edition, Singapore:
Thompson South Western.
This lecture notes are additional for the chapter 8 Working in Teams from your textbook :
Adler, R & Elmhorst, J (2007) Communicating at Work: Principles and Practices for
Business and the Professions. New York: McGraw Hill.
A Team Is?
Amount of conflict
Causes of Team Conflict
•Scarce Resources: include money, information, and supplies.
•Jurisdictional Ambiguities: conflicts emerge when job boundaries
and responsibilities are unclear.
•Communication Breakdown: poor communications result in
misperceptions and misunderstandings of other people and teams.
•Personality Clashes: personality clashes are caused by basic
differences in personality, values, and attitudes.
•Power and Status Differences: occur when one party has disputable
influence over another.
•Goal Differences: conflict often occurs simply because people are
pursuing conflicting goals.
Guidelines for Keeping
Teams Focused on Issues
Focus on facts
Develop multiple alternatives
Maintain a balance of power
Never force a consensus/agreement
Potential Cost of Teams