Recruitment & Selection

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Abraham Lincoln Determine the thing that can and shall be done, and then we will find the


Recruitment and Selection

Ensure Quality Recruitment today for a better tomorrow.

A Vacancy generally arises in two situations : (1.) Employee Separation (2.) Business Growth

Vacancies , intimated to the HR department by concerned departments for further action.

(1.) Employee Separation - Vacancies arise due to promotions , transfers , termination, retirement, permanent disability or death of employees (2.) Business Growth - Vacancies are created due to business expansion , diversification , growth and so on

Recruitment is not to be confused for employment It is just one step in the process of employment i.e. First step Constitutes the first stage Precedes the selection process Recruitment creates techniques to attract more candidates Selection helps to find the most suitable candidate for the job.

Recruitment & Selection - Definition

Recruitment Is a process of locating , attracting & stimulating individuals to apply for existing or anticipated vacancies in an organization Selection Is a process of choosing & selecting individuals with relevant qualification to fill up job vacancies in an organization

Recruitment & Selection? Meaning : Search / Select Nature : Positive / Negative Aim : Attract / Reject Procedure : Notify or Communicate / Contract of service & Employment

Meaning - Recruitment & Selection Process of finding & attracting applicants for employment Process of generating a pool of suitable candidates to apply for employment Recruitment also implies communication of vacancies After recruiting effort , next step is the process of selection. This helps choose & select the best qualified candidate for the job from the available HR pool of suitable candidates.

Recruitment & Selection


Human Resource Planning

Determine Recruitment and Selection needs.

Job Analysis

HRP helps determine the number

Job Analysis and Job Design s

a HRP ? - helps to determine the number and type of people an organization needs.

Job Analysis and Job Design ? -They specify the tasks & duties of jobs & the qualifications expected from the prospective jobholders. the tasks and du

Purpose / Importance
Placing the RIGHT PERSON on the RIGHT JOB at the RIGHT TIME

Attract & encourage more & more candidates to apply for jobs. To enable selection of the best & most suitable candidates for the job as well as the organization. To increase the productivity of the organization.

Recruitment Process
Identify vacancy / Personnel requisition Prepare JD & JS Locate sources to identify prospective employees Advertise vacancy Employ techniques to attract candidates Manage responses received Short-list suitable candidates Arrange for selection process Evaluate effectiveness of recruitment process

Recruitment Process
Personnel Requisition /Vacant or New Position occurs

Perform job analysis and plan recruiting effort

Generate candidate pool via Internal/External method

Evaluate candidates via selection pool

Impress candidates

Make offer

Recruitment Policy
A recruitment policy indicates the organizations conduct in specific area. Example : Recruitment policy statement 1) Advertise vacancies internally 2) Reply promptly to all applicants 3) Inform details & job conditions of jobs advertised 4) Process applications with efficiency & courtesy 5) Give due to qualification 6) Aim to ensure fairness in all recruitment activities

Recruitment policy
Organizational objectives - short/long term Identify recruitment needs - prepare profiles and specifications (sections/departments) Preferred sources of recruitment Selection criteria Recruitment cost & financial implications

Pre-requisites - Good recruitment policy

Conform with personnel & organizational policy Be flexible with changing needs Provide employment security for employees Integration of organizational & employee needs Job analysis JD & JS Provide employment to minorities

Recruitment Procedure
Lays down a clear path of hiring for the HR department Procedures, framed in a flexible manner HR Department must respond to request of other departments /Search for potential candidates Response must be prompt

Factors affecting Recruitment

Economic ;Social ;Technological ;Political ; Legal Other factors Size of organization ; Location of organization Working conditions ; Rate of growth Type of HR required Nature of labor market in the region Extent of unionization Recruitment policy of the firm


Internal Sources Present Employee Transfers Promotions Demotion Retired Employee

External Sources

Advertisements Educational Institutes Placement Agencies Employment Exchanges Labor Contractors Walk-ins Employee Referrals Job Fairs

Methods Internal & External

Internal Hiring :

1. Present employees - Promotion & Transfer 2. Job Posting (open job posting system) 3. Employee Referrals 4. Former employees

Internal Mobility Transfer :

Production transfer Replacement transfer Rotation transfer Shift transfer Penal transfer

Promotion :
Merit based Promotion Seniority based Promotion

Merits and Demerits of Internal Hiring

Merits Demerits
1. Economical & Reliable 2. Employee Satisfaction 3. Promotes loyalty & commitment 4. Motivation technique; Morale improvement 5. Social responsibility 6. Union support & satisfaction 7. Industrial peace 8. Psychological needs of employees fulfilled Career advancement , Promotions , Better income

1. Discourages new blood/talent No new ideas Rusted brains & lack of alertness 2. Limited choice of employees 3. Promotion based on service leading to inefficiency Ripple effect 4. Inbreeding (lack of dynamism initiative & innovativeness) 5. Personal bias of management 6. Not feasible, if additional man power required

Promotion - Seniority Vs. Merit

Discipline Respect for seniors Recognition for service rendered Awareness of future prospect Acceptance Inexpensive Optimum utility - T & D Simple operation

Competence rewarded Optimum performance Ability & Competency given prime importance Logical & Scientific system

Methods - Internal & External

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

External Hiring :
Campus recruitment Advertisement Employment Exchange Unsolicited applicants Professional organizations Recruitment firms - Data banks/Agencies Casual callers/Gate recruitment Labor contractors Walk - in , Write - in & Talk - in Rival firms or Competitors Others : Newspapers , Trade/Professional/Technical Journals , Radio and Television

Merits and Demerits of External hiring

Merits 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Demerits

1. Infusion of fresh blood 2. Motivational force creating a competitive environment internally 3. Wide choice available 4. Encourages HR mix

Expensive Time consuming Detail screening required Orientation & Training De-motivation/Loyalty issues 6. Uncertainty Availability & Utility

Recruitment Philosophy
RJP - Realistic Job Previewing - Complete job related information , includes both + & - aspects JCQ - Job compatibility questionnaire To check compatibility of applicants preference of work with job characteristics Advantages :
Aids Self - selection Increased Confidence & Commitment to decisions taken Low turn over & absenteeism High Job satisfaction with realistic expectations Increased employee performance & coping mechanism for unpleasant & stressful events

Evaluation - Sources of recruitment

Time Lapse data (TLD) Shows the time lag between the date of requisition for manpower supply from a department to the actual date of filling up the vacancies in that department. Yield Ratio (YR) Indicates the number of leads/contacts needed to generate a given number of hires at a point of time Surveys/Studies Indicates the suitability of a specific source for certain position

Requisite KSAs suitable for job

Team playerenjoys teamwork


Ideal Hire
Problem Solving Abilities

High performance

Lack of KSAs to do the job Not a team Player Problems with co-workers

Lack of willingness

Bad Hire

Lack of problem solving ability

Low performance

ALTERNATIVES TO RECRUITING Overtime Subcontracting Temporary employees Employee leasing Outsourcing


RPO is when an employer outsources or transfers all or part of the staffing process to an external service provider ( placement consultancy) RPO ensures that the client company provides the right candidate at the right time for the right job With an integrated screening process,RPO ensures improvement in quality of the candidates & reduced turnover.

Skills recruiters look for today (India)

Recruiters expect B-school graduates to possess certain skills Team Player - Ability to work in a team Analytical & Problem solving skills Creativity & Resourcefulness Communication skills Soft skills Leadership potential General Managerial skills Entrepreneurial skills Cultural fit

Soft skills
They are defined as skills, abilities and traits that pertain to an individuals personality, attitude and behavior rather than to formal or technical knowledge - Moss and Tilly (2001). Technical Skills will get you the interview, but its the soft skills that get you the jobHeard repeatedly in Industry Focus Groups

Employee selection
Single act ? No A series of stages to obtain information using various selection techniques Selection process negative, in contrast to the positive recruitment process No. of candidates rejected are far more than those hired Selection process leads to


Selection process is picking individuals with relevant qualification to fill up jobs Is much more than choosing the best or most suitable candidate An attempt to strike a happy balance between what the applicant can do ? what the applicant wants to do ? what the organization requires ?

Selection Contd.
Selection to be done objectively/unbiased manner. Choose person who best fits person specification. Ensure sound judgment about Abilities, experience & qualifications of candidate as against requirements for the vacant position or job in question.

Essentials for selection

Authority to select Standards based on Job Analysis Availability of Talent pool - Good no. of prospective employees Adopt scientific selection procedure Merit emphasis

Factors to be considered
Physical characteristics : Height , weight , vision/sight Personal characteristics : Age , Gender , Marital status , Family background Proficiency/Skills : Qualification & experience Competency : Capacity to learn & acquire new skills Temperament /Character : Emotional , Social & Moral character Interest /Initiative : Proactive nature

Process of Selection



Selection Process

Reception : Warm, friendly, courteous Create favorable impression on candidate Employment possibilities to be communicated clearly & honestly Screening Interview : HR Department screens out misfits through the courteous interview Prescribed Application form given to suitable candidates Application Blank : Printed form to be completed by job aspirants giving all personal & professional details

Short listing: Review applications on the basis of person specification. Ensure selection for interview matches the required specifications regardless of age, sex, race , religion etc Specifications must not discriminatory. Test & Interview - short-listed candidates . Help assess best candidate for job but also create a great impression of the organization.

Selection tests
Intelligence test Memory, vocabulary, verbal fluency, numerical ability etc e.g. Stanford Binet test, Binet Simon test, The Wechsler Adult Intelligence scale Aptitude test- Individuals capability to learn few skills
(clerical, mechanical, mathematical)

Personality test Projective test, Interest , Preference test e.g. Hack man & Oldham

Achievement test /Work sampling test Simulation test/ Video based ST Assessment centre In-basket, Leaderless GD, Business games, Individual Presentation, etc Graphology Polygraph Integrity test

Standards for Selection test

Reliability- A test is one that yields consistent scores when a person takes two alternate forms of test or when the same test is taken on two or more different occasions.
1. 2. 3. Test-retest reliability Inner-rater reliability Intra- rater reliability

Validity Correctness of inference/Evidence that test is job related or is meant to test for Qualified candidates & Suitability
1. 2.

Criterion validity Content validity

To refer page 204 - HRM by Dessler/Varkkey

Limitations of tests Controversial Reliability? Total reliability?? Personal bias or judgment Lack of accuracy in predictions Can only supplement other techniques or procedures

Idea is to make candidate comfortable Secure required information thru conversation Interviews Preliminary interview - Informal & Unstructured Core - Formal & Structured Background ; Job probing ; Stress interview; Group Discussion Agenda with pre-determined procedure Final / Decision making interview - Informal & Unstructured

Types of Interviews
Directive or Structured Interview Specific & pre-determined questions Non Directive or Unstructured interview No format , General questions asked (What Qs comes to the to mind) Semi-structured Mixed type of questions Depth interview Questions in key areas Panel Interview 3 to 4 experts question & examine suitability of candidates Situational Interview Present hypothetical situation & examines responses Behavioral Interview Work-related incidents & responses Stress Interview Response to stressful questions & situations to measure emotional balance or stability

Interview Process & Procedure

Preparation reception/physical setting Conducting interview - Information exchange Closing Evaluation of results


Appraise Probe Act Rate

Qualities of candidate
Appearance & Manners Personality Communication skills Education & Experience Technical competence Ambition & Initiative Emotional stability Miscellaneous

Common Interviewing Mistakes

Snap Judgments Early Impressions Leniency Tendency to rate excellent or high on all criteria Stereotyping Attributing characteristics based on their inclusion / membership in a particular group Bias Ratings influenced by personal likes and dislikes Halo effect A single important trait affecting the judgment of rating

Limitations of interview

Personal bias - Error because of personal likes & dislikes Negative bias - Unfavorable information influence Halo effect - Single prominent characteristic influence Constant error - Previous candidates interview influence Leniency - High scores or Low scores Projection Interviewer expects own qualities/skills/values in interviewee Stereo typing Error because of association to certain background/personality/area Snap judgments Early judgments blocks further potential info Lack of integration of information Pressure to hire - Recruiting quotas Too much talk or too little dominate or stifle Interviewee Telegraphing Qs seeking correct answers

Best practices - Interviewer

Draw up profile of ideal employee based on corporate values & fit that is required. Golden rule - Listen rather than talk Open with pleasantries Obtain information Required & Sufficient for assessment

Record all observations Guide the interviewee to talk

Check for IQ /Communication skills/Team player/Initiative Potential for success Likelihood of successful placement

Factors affecting Selection

Profile match Resume & Scores secured Success in passing hurdles Application Filling up ? Written exam Scores Preliminary interview Performance Group discussions Performance & Scores
GK ; Leadership ; General awareness ; Subject matter

Tests Scores Final interview FFin

Medical Examination Reference check Hiring Decision Job offer Accept/Reject Appointment order Employment Report to work

Placement - Right Niche in the organization.

Medical & reference checks are routinely undertaken to learn more about the candidate general health ; social behavior, attitude inter-personal skills ; punctuality, honesty, etc.

Barriers to Selection
Perception - Human weakness Fair play - Equality Validity of success - Predicators accuracy Reliability - Scores co-relation to success? Stress - Tests & Interviews conducted/ taken under pressure Performance??

Selection practices of Global giants?

Siemens Extensive psychometric instruments L G Electronics Psychometric Tests Pepsi co Competency based interviews How does Pepsi recruit for its fit Pepsi fit ?
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Teach him to sell his talents and brains to the highest bidder but never to put a price tag on his heart and soul.

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