What Is Sales Management?
What Is Sales Management?
What Is Sales Management?
According to AMA defined as" the planning, direction and control of personal selling,including,recruiting,selecting,equipping ,assigning,routing,supervising,paying and motivating as these tasks apply to the personal sales force.
Controlling organizational resources
STAFFING Activities undertaken to attract, develop, and maintain effective sales personnel within an organization.
The effort put forth by an employer to provide the salesperson job-related culture, skills, knowledge, and attitudes that result in improved performance in the selling environment.
The ability to influence other people toward the attainment of objectives.
Monitoring sales personnels activities, determining whether the organization is on target toward its goals, and making corrections as necessary.
Personal selling is the direct personal presentation by company sales force for sales and building customer relationship
Industrial selling Industrial selling is categorized as the manufacturing sector selling. These are grouped into four categories on the basis of consumer base. 1. Selling to reseller 2. Selling to business users 3. Institutional selling 4. Selling to government
Retail selling
Retailing is defined as a conclusive set of activities or steps used to sell a product or a service to consumers for their personal or family use. Examples are:K-Mart,Wal-mart,and Big Bazar
Services Selling
Services are activities or benefits provided to consumers. Services are intangible in nature. They cant be touched, seen, tasted, heard,or felt like physical goods.
It enhances the customers confidence. It promotes long term business relation through personal selling It provides a human touch to business transaction. It helps facilitate the seller to understand each customers n the need and preferences more clearly
It helps satisfy a customer by modifying the product as per the customers choice and preference. It helps keep up the competition in the market, based on product customization as per customers preferences. It is a powerful and effective tool in convincing the customer about the product. Through personal selling the time taken between introducing a product through the media and actually selling it is reduced.
Global perspectives Revolution in technology Customer relationship management Sales force diversity Team selling approach Managing multi channel Ethical and social issues Sales professionalism
Self motivation Excellent listening skill Attentiveness Honesty Discipline Team spirit Relationship orientation Hardworking nature
The sales process is a recommended set of phases or steps that works better than any process in certain situations. Prospecting and qualifying Preapproach( precall planning) Approach Presentation and demonstration Overcoming objections Trial close/closing sale Follow-up and service
Prospecting: A prospect is an individual, a family, or an organization who needs the product or the service a salesperson is selling and also has the ability to buy. A prospect is not the same as a sales lead or a lead. once it is found that the sales lead wants the product and has the ability to buy, the sale lead becomes a prospect or a potential customer.
Method of prospecting 1.Referrals from existing customers 2.Referrals from internal company sources 3.Networking by salespersons 4.Referals from external sources 5.Industrial directories 6.Cold canvassing
Qualifying It is important that the lead,or the probable prospect is qualified to meet the necessary standard or conditions to receive further attention. The leads, after qualifying are placed in three groups Hot prospect Warm prospect Cool prospect
2.Preapproach The preapproach step generally includes two tasks: information gathering in greater depth about the prospect and planning the sales call on the prospect Information gathering Planning the sales call Setting call objectives Planning the sales strategy.
Knowing sales presentation methods Sales people must know the various methods used for making a sales presentation. These are: Stimulus response method Formula method Need satisfaction method Team selling method Consultative selling method
Demonstration Demonstration is one of the important selling tools of a saleperson.sales presentation can be improved by demostration.some of the benefits are given below: Cleared by objections and buyers doubts Good supporter It helps to seller as well as buyer.
5.Overcoming objections Objections should be welcomed because they show that the prospect has some interest,and that if the objections can be answered satisfactorily, it would result in sales . Two types of objections happen: 1.Psychological 2.logical
Methods of handling and overcoming objections Ask questions Turn an objection into a benefit Deny objections tactfully Third party certificate Compensation
6.Trial close or closing the sales Trial close is one of selling techniques. it checks the attitude, or asks the opinion of the prospect. It is used after the sales presentation, after an objection is answered or before closing the sale. The buying signals are as follows Examines the product Asks another persons opinion Ask questions Becomes friendly
Closing techniques are given below: Alternative choice close Minor points close Assumptions close Summary of benefits close T account (or modified t account)or balance sheet close. Special offer close Probability close Negotiations close
7.Follow up and service Sales people must understand that their job is not over after the order.successful sales people follow-up a number of related tasks, as follows : Check customer order Plan follow-up visit at the time of delivery Account penetration Relationship marketing Negotiation
Involve the ability to work with and through other people and to work effectively as a group member.
The ability to perform a specialized task that involves a certain method or process.