Brand Equity: is the added value endowed to products and services. It may be reflected in the way consumers think, feel, and act with respect to the brand, as well as the prices, market share, and profitability that the brand commands for the firm.
Customer-based brand equity: It is the differential effect that brand knowledge has on consumer response to the marketing of that brand. brand may have positive and negative CBBE.
Customer is aware of and familiar with the brand Customer holds some strong, favorable, and unique brand associations in memory
Enjoy greater brand loyalty, usage, and affinity Command larger price premiums Receive greater trade cooperation & support Increase marketing communication effectiveness Yield licensing opportunities Support brand extensions.
Brand knowledge is the key to creating brand equity, because it creates the differential effect that drives brand equity.
Brand awareness: is related to the strength of the brand node or trace in memory, as reflected by consumers ability to identify the brand under different conditions. Brand image: defined as perceptions about a brand as reflected by the brand associations held in consumer memory. Example: Apple computers, McDonald, LOreal (associations indicate characteristics of the product)
It consists of brand recognition and brand recall performance. Brand recognition refers to consumers ability to confirm prior exposure to the brand when given the brand as a cue. Brand recall refers to consumers ability to retrieve the brand from memory when given the product category, purchase or usage situation as a cue. Example: think of Noodles (Maggie)
The Four Steps of Brand Building: Identity (Who are you?) Brand Meaning (What are you?) Response (What about you, What do I think or feel about you?) Relationship (What about you & me?)
1. 2. 3.
Salience Dimensions
Ease of recognition & recall Strength & clarity of category membership Purchase consideration Consumption consideration
Performance Dimensions
Primary characteristics & supplementary features Product reliability, durability, and serviceability Service effectiveness, efficiency, and empathy Style and design Price
Imagery Dimensions
User profiles Demographic & psychographic characteristics Actual or aspirational Group perceptions -- popularity Purchase & usage situations Type of channel, specific stores, ease of purchase Time (day, week, month, year, etc.), location, and context of usage Personality & values Sincerity, excitement, competence, sophistication, & ruggedness
Judgment Dimensions
Brand quality Value Satisfaction Brand credibility Expertise Trustworthiness Likability Brand consideration Relevance
Feelings Dimensions
Resonance Dimensions
Behavioral loyalty Frequency and amount of repeat purchases Attitudinal attachment Love brand (favorite possessions; a little pleasure) Proud of brand Sense of community Kinship Affiliation Active engagement Seek information Join club Visit web site, chat rooms
Brand Salience: This relates to aspects of awareness of the brand Brand Performance: This relates to ways in which product/ service meets customers needs Brand Imagery: Its how customers visualize a brand abstractly, with no relevance to what the brand actually does
Brand Judgments: The customers personal opinions and evaluations with regard to the brand Brand Feelings: The customers emotional responses and reactions with respect to the brand Brand Resonance: The ultimate relationship & level of identification that the customer has with the brand