01-18-2009 Turning Toward God

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Toward God”
John Isaacs
January 18, 2009
KingsWay Community Church
“Everything will
work out fine,
if we press into
God's presence
in 2009!”
Deuteronomy 4:29
But from there you will seek the
Lord your God, and you will find
Him if you seek Him with
all your heart and with all
your soul.
Psalms 145:18-19
The Lord is near to all who
call upon Him, To all who
call upon Him in truth. He will
fulfill the desire of those who
fear Him; He also will hear their
cry and save them.
James 4:8
Draw near to God and He
will draw near to you. Cleanse
your hands, you sinners; and
purify your hearts, you double-
Remove All
Barriers That
Create A Gap
Between You
and God.
Common Barriers To
“Pressing Into God”
1. Un-confessed Sin
2. Relational Offenses
3. Disobedience
4. Idols
5. Distractions
Acts 3:19
Now repent of your sins and
turn to God, so that your
sins may be wiped away.
Acts 26:20
I preached first to those in
Damascus, then in Jerusalem and
throughout all Judea, and also to
the Gentiles, that all must repent
of their sins and turn to God
-- and prove they have changed
by the good things they do.
• Who is God?
• What is He like?
• Where do I find
• How Do I Turn To
God is not … man, mocked, bound,
unrighteous, ashamed, confused, or far
God is … one, spirit, able, merciful,
gracious, faithful, love, peace, great,
righteous, holy, true, light, my helper,
king of the earth, a strong fortress, a
dwelling place, a high tower, my refuge
and strength, a sun and a shield, near,
a devouring fire, a terror, my salvation
and glory, eternal life in Jesus Christ.
Who does the Bible
claim God is?
Used 2,300 times in the Old Testament.
Elohim is the plural
form of a Hebrew
word. The root of
this word means
power or strength.
Genesis 1:1
In the beginning Elohim created
the heavens and the earth.

John 1:1
In the beginning the Word
already existed. The Word was
with God, and the Word was
Deuteronomy 6:4
Hear, O Israel: Jehovah our God
is one Jehovah.

Hear, O Israel: YHWH our

Elohim is one YHWH.
Elohay is a form of
Elohim. When joined
to other words, it
describes certain
characteristics of
Elohay Kedem (Deut 33:27)
God of the beginning.
Elohay Mishpat (Is 30:18)
God of justice.
Elohay Selichot (Neh 9:7)
God of forgiveness.
Elohay Mauzi (Ps 43:2)
God of my strength.
Elohay Tehilati (Ps 109:1)
God of my praise.
Elohay Mikarov (Jer 23:23)
God who is near.
Elohay Yishi (Ps 18:47)
God of my salvation.
Elohay Elohim (Deut 10:17)
God of Gods.
El is another form of
the word Elohim.
When joined to other
words it also gives
us a picture of who
God is.
El HaGadol (Deut 10:17)
The Great God.
El HaKadosh (Is 5:16)
The Holy God.
El Emet (Ps 31:6)
The God of Truth.
Immanu El (Is 7:14)
God is with us.
Who does God
claim He is?
Used 7000 times in the Old Testament.
Exodus 3:14-15
God replied to Moses, “I Am Who I Am.
Say this to the people of Israel: I Am has
sent me to you.” God also said to Moses,
“Say this to the people of Israel: YHWH,
the God of your ancestors—the God of
Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God
of Jacob—has sent me to you. This is
my eternal name, my name to remember
for all generations.
Is called the
It means “the four
Most often is
translated LORD,
but sometimes
Jehovah, Adonai, or
YHWH Rophi (Ex 15:26)
The LORD our healer.
YHWH Yireh (Gen 22:14)
The LORD our provider.
YHWH Nissi (Ex 17:15)
The LORD our protector.
YHWH Shalom (Jud 6:24)
The LORD our peace.
Who does Jesus
claim He is?
John 8:56-59
56 Your father Abraham rejoiced as he
looked forward to my coming. He saw it
and was glad.” 57 The people said, “You
aren’t even fifty years old. How can you
say you have seen Abraham?” 58 Jesus
answered, “I tell you the truth, before
Abraham was even born, I Am!” 59 At
that point they picked up stones to throw
at him. But Jesus was hidden from them
and left the Temple.
Who does Jesus
claim He is?

Romans 10:9
If you confess with your mouth
that Jesus is LORD and believe in
your heart that God raised him
from the dead, you will be saved.
Romans 10:13
For “Everyone who calls on the
name of the LORD will be

Paul is quoting Joel 2:32

“But everyone who calls on the
name of YHWH will be saved.”
When we declare
Jesus is LORD …

… we are declaring
Jesus is YHWH
YHWH Rophi (Ex 15:26)
Jesus our healer.
YHWH Yireh (Gen 22:14)
Jesus our provider.
YHWH Nissi (Ex 17:15)
Jesus our protector.
YHWH Shalom (Jud 6:24)
Jesus our peace.
Jesus is … one, able, merciful,
gracious, faithful, love, peace,
great, righteous, holy, true, light,
my helper, king of the earth, a
strong fortress, a dwelling place, a
high tower, my refuge and
strength, a sun and a shield, near,
a devouring fire, a terror, my
salvation and glory, eternal life.
Who is God?


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