Trends and Issues in The Tourism and Hospitality
Trends and Issues in The Tourism and Hospitality
Trends and Issues in The Tourism and Hospitality
Dr. S K Cheung
Master of Social Science (Social Work) Master in Applied Management (Tourism Management) Master in Environmental and Business Management PhD
Social impact of tourism Effects of globalization on tourism development Sex tourism and exploitation of women Trends and issues shaping tourism and hospitality development
Lifestyles Branding Food production and supply Technology Legislation and regulations
The rebirth of local arts and crafts and traditional cultural activities
Aboriginal bark painting on bark: Price: AUD $185 Vanuatu's Original Bungee Jumpers: This awe inspiring ancient tradition, also known as land diving, is a feat of courage and Stone Age ingenuity that gave birth to modern bungee jumping.
The revival of social and cultural life of local population Renewal of local architectural traditions Promotion of the need to conserve areas of aesthetic and cultural value
Negative Impact
Overcrowding Decline of traditional activities such as farming Regions become over-dependent on tourism Demonstration effect
Local people aspire to the material standard and sex openness of the tourists
Local culture gradually give way to foreign culture McDonaldization, Coca-colaization
Globalization is essentially a process by which an ever tightening network of ties that cut across national political boundaries connects communities in a single, interdependent whole, a shrinking world where local differences are steadily eroded and subsumed within a massive global social order
Mowforth & Mundt, 1998
New destinations
Americanization Homogenization
Azarya, V. (2004)
Becomes commoditized and made for tourists. Local people forget its original meanings
Loss of authenticity
Traditional culture
Traditions (e.g., ceremonies) are separated and made for locals and traditional skills are saved from oblivion
Gotham (2005)
Limited favoured dishes are offered Mainly 13 dishes Illusion of homogeneity of Thai cuisines
Cultural homogenization Local culture mixed with foreign culture; city loses its identity
Cultural homogenization
Things, practices and values become increasing alike all over the world People use similar things, eat similar food, have similar lifestyles, and believe in material, technology and competition
Work orientation Fast food Familial enjoying meal together
Benjamin Barber in Globalization and Culture, Cato Policy Report
However, some studies found that fast food stores in China (e.g., Grand Mother Dumpling Restaurant) were encouraged to improve their dcor, hygiene and service upon the arrival of western fast food restaurants. They learned and succeeded but were not replaced.
Globalization also allows Chinese, Indian and Japanese food to spread to other parts of the world
Kuala Lumpur
Los Angeles
City B
Developing country
The investors may ask for change of law before going ahead with the development, e.g., more lenient environmental regulation.
In Kenya, hotels are built in fragile coastal and marine eco-systems Tour operators have marketed all-inclusive tour packages international flight, accommodation, food, recreation, car rental, internal flight etc.
Best Western
Club Med
American Express
International Operations enjoy economy of scale, concerted marketing, and efficient use of computer reservation systems
Sex Tourism
Some tourists travel overseas for sex Americans comprise an estimated 25% of all sex tourists Men mostly choose Asia (Bangkok, Philippines, Indonesia, Sri Lanka), but the trends has spread to Brazil, Cuba, Costa Rica, Eastern Europe and African countries (Kenya, Tunisia, South Africa) Women mostly choose Greece, Caribbean Basin, Genoa and Kenya (Africa), Bali (Indonesia) and Phuket (Thailand)
Omondi (2003)
Omondi (2003)
Motivation factors
Anonymity Cheap Wish to try something new with a different race Buy their egos back Fleeing from unhappy relationships at home
Supply factors
Poverty of the prostitutes Limited alternative opportunities to improve living
Destination factors
Facilitating infrastructure (nightclubs, hotels) Laxity of police control
Hospitality Trends
Location: restaurants and bars will be available everywhere, plus a few exceptional places being destination restaurants
Bars in Dublin, Ireland Meson de Candido, Spain
It is a key factor for companies to stand out from the competitors
Concerned about the environment
A. Lifestyles
Lifestyle and segmentation
Different products
Different places
Your Generation?
You consider 80s music to be oldies You have a cell phone but no land line One of your first favourite movies was Star Wars or E.T. Youve used floppy computer discs but consider them old-fashioned You were fascinated by Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck Cigarette ads on TV once seemed normal
Lifestyle cohorts
Baby boomers (born between 1946 and 1964)
The working ones have less leisure time than other adults Continue to travel and go out Treating work and personal sacrifice as keys to success Occupied with materialistic possessions and money Skeptical about advertising Prefer classic comfort foods They seek new places to visit that often are off the beaten path They avoid organized tours
Cheung, Harker, & Harker (2008).
As new lifestyle groups emerge, hospitality products will be developed to meet the tastes of different groups.
More boutique hotels providing unique experiences
The baby boomer market is important in terms of size, their propensity to travel and the willingness to spend.
Socio-economic Types
Budget travellers
Average income, fewer household assets, average age, but large in number They prefer roadside or budget motels and family restaurants chains They look at value added features, such as kids sleep free at hotels, free in-room television, discount at restaurants etc.
Adventure travellers
They have household income and personal assets above the norm They take more domestic and international travel trips than the average They want to explore new places and meet new and different kinds of people Soft adventure group wants more services and spend more Hard adventure types are likely to go to places without hotels and restaurants
Luxury travellers
They are wealthy and take the most trips and longer trips They use travel agents They are NOT old They need to get rid of stress and seek new experiences They look for excellent service and follow through But this is a small market
Food trends
Asp (1999)
Cultural factors
Classification of what plants and animals are edible varies according to culture Food is used to promote family unity when members eat together Food can indicate ethnic, regional and national identity Food is also used to develop friendships, provide hospitality, as a gift and for celebration Foods that symbolize these functions are consumed
Psychological factors
People usually prefer foods that are
Familiar Considered pleasant Usually the ones eaten
Sensory attributes
Taste Texture Colour Shape, form, size of pieces and temperature
Lifestyle factors
Lifestyles describe how people seek to express their identity in many areas, including food selection Pleasure-oriented: sensory attributes food, brand and high-value foods, convenience foods Nutrition-oriented: freshness, quality, safety
Food trends
Emerging food trends that emphasize foods that are
Fresh Convenient Ethnic foods with distinctive ingredients, flavors and spices Fusion foods Prepared home meal replacement, more food mixtures particularly those with less meat More vegetarian meals Labelled natural or organic Easily available or bought Promoting health Physical performance-enhancing energy foods
B. Brand
Brand = the name, associated with one or more items in the product line, which is used to identify the source or character of the item(s) Kotler Brand associations
facilitate memory retrieval attitudes / feeling credibility and confidence differentiate/position basis for extension
The brands of large and international hospitality firms reassure consumers that the standards and the system will be the same everywhere
Hilton, Hyatt, Toyoko Inn Starbucks, McDonalds
However, foodservice chains are less reliant on tourists than on the local population and may adapt their operation to reflect local tastes
The growth of the Internet has enabled small hotels and restaurants to promote themselves effectively in competition with big brands
Labour contractor
Grower / farmer Broker Manufacturer, Processor
Food additives, enzymes, flavorings, and processing agents, including the sweetener aspartame and rennet used to make hard cheeses Meat, eggs, and dairy products from animals that have eaten GM feed Honey and bee pollen that may have GM sources of pollen Contamination or pollination caused by GM seeds or pollen
European Union
Consumers distrust biotechnology, its applications, and its regulators EU Regulations generally assume that GM foods differ from the risk associated with other food products Precautionary principle
North America
Consumers are much more passive than in the EU In Canada and the US, GM foods are regulated in the same manner as food derived from conventional methods Principle of substantive equivalence
Hobbs & Plunkett (2006).
Seed provider
The other parties in the supply chain may deliberately hide up information about GM or do not know the status themselves
GM labelling
In EU, products which contain 0.9% or more of authorized GMOs have to be labelled In Hong Kong, labelling scheme is voluntary on the grounds that there is no international consensus and the cost impact to the trade
Food items with 5% or more GM materials in the ingredient(s) are recommended to be labelled as genetically modified
Other restaurants
Other consumers
The Ministry of Agriculture in China granted bio-safety certificates to two pest-resistant GM rice varieties and a corn variety in November 2009 The application and research on GM agriculture is definitely a future trend in China and is among the strategic measures to strive for a more competitive agricultural sector through technology, Wei Chao An, Vice Minister of Agriculture, said in March 2010.
D. Technology
Information Communication Technologies / Web 2.0 have great impact on the marketing of restaurants Tripadvisor and are some of the famous platform for community members to share their reviews
Reviews Ratings Photos
OConner (2008)
Review platform
Those not linked to a network become less competitive
Word of mouth: Information cost low Review from users More objective, credible (?)
Smoke-free restaurants and bars reduce exposure to tobacco smoke toxins among hospitality workers and patrons
In China, the law's critics say the penalties are only empty talk The smokers can easily leave the scene long before the arrival of the law enforcement officials Neither the smoking-control volunteers nor the area's supervision officials have the right to detain offenders even if they refuse to stop smoking. It is complicated and time consuming for people to dial the public supervision hotline to report offenders, and wait for the law enforcement units to take over the case
According to a review, all of the best designed studies report no impact or a positive impact of smoke-free restaurant and bar laws on sales or employment. But studies funded by the bar and restaurant associations and tobacco companies often find that smoking legislation has a negative effect on restaurant and bar profits
In US, research shows young people begin to drink at 11 for boys and at 13 for girls. Youth that begin drinking prior to age 15 are 40% more likely to become alcoholics.
: 2008 116
Dimensions of CSR
Animal welfare Biotechnology Health and safety
Fair trade
Animal welfare: animals should not endure unnecessary suffering Biotechnology: sensitive to consumer attitudes about the use of biotechnology Community: volunteering and philanthropy (e.g., McDonald House) Environment: sewage, air pollution, waste disposal, food miles
Fair trade: should support prices to the suppliers to allow them to avoid poverty and sustain business longevity
Starbucks was accused by NGOs for not providing fair trade prices to coffee suppliers
Health and safety: food security, food traceability, healthy lifestyles Labour and human rights: worker registration, minimum wage, employment terms and conditions disclosure, safety training, work safety Procurement: issues of favouritism and preferential treatment, bribery, gifts, obscure contract terms