BP 220 Lecture
BP 220 Lecture
BP 220 Lecture
By: Archt. Jan Rae Berdejo
Pursuant to Section 3 of BP 220, the Housing and Land Use Regulatory Board is authorized to establish and promulgate two levels of standards and technical requirements for the development of economic and socialized housing projects/units in urban and rural areas from those provided in PD 957, PD 1216, PD 1096, and PD 1185, hence the following rules are hereby promulgated.
Section 1. Scope of Application These rules and standards shall apply to the development of economic and socialized housing projects in urban and rural areas as defined in Section 2 of BP Blg. 220. They shall apply to the development of either a house and lot or a house or lot only.
Section 2. Declaration of Policies It is a policy of the government to promote and encourage the development of economic and socialized housing projects, primarily by the private sector in order to make available adequate economic and socialized housing units for average and low income earners in urban and rural areas.
Section 3. Compliance with Standards and Guidelines Development of economic and socialized housing projects shall be in accordance with the minimum design standards herein set forth.
The minimum design standards set forth herein are intended to provide minimum requirements within the generally accepted levels of safety, health and ecological considerations. Variations, however are also possible, as may be based on some specific regional, cultural and economic setting, e.g., building materials, space requirement and usage. This minimum design standards encourages the use of duly accredited indigenous materials and technology such as innovative design and systems, modular systems and components among others. The parameters used in formulating these Design Standards are:
Protection and safety of life, limb, property and general public welfare.
D. Location
Both economic and socialized housing projects shall be located within suitable site for housing and outside potential hazard prone and protection areas.
In determining whether an economic and socialized housing shall be allowed, the following guidelines shall be considered.
A. Site Criteria
The prioritized basic needs cited earlier shall preferably be available with reasonable distance from the project site, but where these are not available, the same shall be provided for by the developer.
2. Conformity with the Zoning Ordinance or Land Use Plan of the City/Municipality
Generally, housing projects should conform with the zoning ordinance of the city/municipality where they are located, thus, shall be in suitable sites for housing. However, where there is no zoning ordinance or land use plan, the predominant land use principle and site suitability factors cited herein shall be used in determining suitability of a project to a site.
Furthermore, if the project is undoubtedly supportive of other land uses and activities (e.g., housing for industrial workers) said project shall be allowed.
3. Physical Suitability
A potential site must have characteristics assuring healthful, safe and environmentally sound community life. It shall be stable enough to accommodate foundation load without excessive site works. Critical areas (e.g., areas subject to flooding, land slides and stress) must be avoided.
4. Accessibility
The site must be served by a road that is readily accessible to public transportation lines. Said access road shall conform to the standards set herein of these Rules to accommodate expected demand caused by the development of the area. In no case shall a subdivision project be approved without necessary access road/right-of-way constructed either by the developer or the Local Government Unit.
B. Planning Considerations
Area Planning
Project design should consider not only the reduction of cost of development to a minimum but also the provision for possible future improvement or expansion, as in the prescription of lot sizes, right-of-way of roads, open space, allocation of areas for common uses and facilities. Land allocation and alignment of the various utilities (roads, drainage, power and water) of the subdivision shall be integrated with those of existing networks as well as projects outside the boundaries of the project site, e.g. access roads set forth herein and should follow the standard specifications of the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH).
C. Design Parameters
1. Land Allocation