Vitamins and Minerals: by Muhamad Noor Afiq Bin Mohd Yazed
Vitamins and Minerals: by Muhamad Noor Afiq Bin Mohd Yazed
Vitamins and Minerals: by Muhamad Noor Afiq Bin Mohd Yazed
Vitamin A (Retinol) Major Food Source Animal liver, eggs, milk, green vegetables Function For vision vitamin A forms the light absorbing pigment rhodopsin maintenance of healthy skin gives immunity to the body Deficiency Symptom -Leads to night blindness
Helps body to oxidise carbohydrates to release energy Helps body to oxidise food to release energy
B2 (riboflavin)
B3 (niacin)
Meat, potatoes, coffee Occurs in all living cells, both plants and animals
Helps body to oxidise food to release energy Helps in metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fatty acids Promotes red blood cell production -Helps to make DNA and RNA during rapid cell division and growth -Helps in formation of red blood cell and regulate the proper function of iron
-causes pellagra
B5 (panthothenic acid)
B6 (pyridoxine)
-cause irritability -fatigue -anaemia Prevention of miscarriage, birth defects and limb defects of babies
B9 (folic acid)
Helps in formation of red blood cells and tissue formation Helps in growth, metabolism of fats and protein and production of energy Helps in formation and maintenance of collagen
-pernicious anaemia
H (biotin)
C (ascorbic acid)
D (calciferol)
Helps body to absorb calcium from food, bone formation and strengthening teeth
Protects your cells from oxidation, formation of red blood cells, muscels and tissue
E (tocopherol)
K (phylloquinone)
Calcium (Ca)
making bones and teeth normal blood clotting needed for hundreds of enzymes in body to function hormone action and nerve transmission
Deficieny symptom
Magnesium (Mg)
regulate bodys fluid balance chlorine is needed for formation of stomach hydrochloric
Phosphorus (P)
Important in nucleic acid synthesis and energy release in cells (ATP) Regulate bodys fluid balance Transmission of nerve impulse Makes haemoglobin
Affects proper bones and teeth Affects cell respiration and muscle contraction Muscular weakness
Potassium (K)
Iron (Fe)
Iodine (I)
Synthesis of thyroxine hormone that regulates metabolism and growth Protects tooth enamel against decay
Florine (F)
Sulphur (S)
- Rarely deficient
Impaired wound healing Appetite loss Impaired sexual development
Zinc (Zn)