Chapter 3 Hydro Thermal Scheduling
Chapter 3 Hydro Thermal Scheduling
Chapter 3 Hydro Thermal Scheduling
Problems definition Mathematical model of long and short term problems Dynamic and incremental dynamic programming Methods of local variation Hydro thermal system with pumped hydro units Solution by local variation Treating Pumped Hydro unit for load management and spinning reserve
Supply system
ICS supplied from hydro power plants SCS mini hydro plants and diesel generators
Generation trend
Generation trend is increasing
Electrification status
According to EEPCO report 48.3%
Installed capacity
Installed capacity
Percentage contributions
Largest portion is supplied from hydro 89.8%
hydro diesel
Transmission system
Total length 11,796.32Km with 5 voltage levels
Distribution system
Distribution system consists of 148745.5km and 18,888 transformers
Energy sales
Total number of customers by tariff group is as shown below
Problem definition
Generation scheduling
Determining optimal operation strategy for the next scheduling period subject to a variety of constraints
Limited energy storage capability of water reservoirs Stochastic nature of availability of water
Problem definition
Generation planning problem is
Nonlinear optimization problem With continuous and discrete variable s Non explicit objective function With equality and inequality constraints
Problem formulation
Hydro thermal coordination (HCP)
Determining optimal amount of hydro and thermal generation to be used in a scheduling period Can be classified into short, mid and long term scheduling Constraints
Irrigation Recreation Effect on downstream users
Problem formulation
Hydrothermal scheduling problem
Long range
This involves
Long range forecasting of water availability Scheduling of water releases
Affected by
assumption used to calculate water replacement (Use statistical mean or Worst case ) Load, hydraulic inflows, unit availabilities
Affected by
assumption used to calculate water replacement
Use statistical mean Worst case
Problem formulation
Short range ( 1 day to 1 week)
Hour by hour scheduling of all generators to achieve minimum production cost Load, hydraulic inflow and unit availability is known
At light unit loading, efficiency may drop to 70% and at full load may rise to 87%
unit loading must be at best efficiency gate position Water releases schedule must coordinate with inflow
Hydro dominated
Schedule the system for minimum cost of thermal
Problem formulation
Symbols used
EH- total available hydro energy Time period to use all energy is TMAX
Problem formulation
ES=total thermal energy used
PSj- thermal generation level at time j TS- total thermal run time
Problem formulation
Total energy used by the load
Problem formulation
Then the problem statement is to minimize the cost of generation of Es
Which means the thermal must run at constant generation level for all time If the generation level is assumed to be PS*
This means the thermal unit must be operated at the maximum efficiency point for as long as it produced the demanded energy Es
Case I- if the hydro is limited to 10, 000MWh energy, solve the run time of the thermal Required energy from thermal is 5120MWhr
Example 7A
The steam plants maximum efficiency point is at 50MW, hence it has to run for 102.4hr Hence
Steam run at 50MW for the first 102.4 hr of the week Hydro runs at 40MW for the first 102.4hr and then for the rest 65.6hr, it runs at 90MW
Example 7A
Case II- if the limit is on the amount of water drawn from the reservoir 250,000 acre-fit The water drawn from the reservoir is determined by the amount of power generated
Giving Ts=36.27h
Example 7B
Solve example 7B
Explain the idea of pumped hydro systems List some of world famous pumped hydro systems and explain how they are used, i.e
Load management Spinning reserve
Discuss the hydrothermal scheduling of generation units which are in series cascad like that of Gibe dam units
Dynamic programming
Is a systematic way of determining optimal solution in a problem having multiple stages and with many possible decisions at each stage Is developed by Bellman in 1957 Has nothing to do with computer programming
Dynamic programming
Consider the following graph, numbers correspond to time to travel between nodes
Find a path from A to B, travelling on to the right, such that the total sum of numbers is minimum
DP algorithm
Forward DP- start with A and find the cost of moving forward until B Backward DP start with B and find backward the optimal path
DP algorithm
There are 20 possible routes The optimal path can be computed using DP as follows
Start at B and move one step back Find the minimum path to arrive at B from one step back Repeat this for each stage Stop when arriving at A
DP algorithm
Maximum flow rate qmax is limited corresponding to the maximum power output of the hydro
Problem is find the volume at each stage so that the total cost is minimum
DP example
Linear programming
Is a mathematical method used to allocate scarce resources to competing alternatives in an optimal manner Linear objective function and Constraints are linear inequality
Example LP
Solution methods
Graphical method for two dimensional case
Draw the graph of constraints The closed boundary formed from constraints is the feasible solution region Corner points of the boundary are max/min points Check for these points
Subject to