12 Nutrition Counselling
12 Nutrition Counselling
12 Nutrition Counselling
At the end of this session, participants will be able to Explain the relationship between HIV and nutrition Assess and address issues related to nutritional status Identify appropriate nutrition actions to manage HIV-related symptoms Provide comprehensive nutrition counselling to clients
Group Exercise
Counselling on Weight Loss:
present with OIs Food insecurity PLHIVs lack of awareness about increased nutritional needs PLHIVs may have symptoms leading to poor nutrition intake
Nutrition Counselling
Collect Client Information Dietary intake Presence of HIV-related symptoms/illnesses Methods of food preparation Food availability Sanitation & hygiene conditions.
Food Groups
Energy Giving Food
Body Building Foods
Protectiv e foods
Micronutrients Iron, vit. A, Also vit. E, 1RDA B1, B2, B3, selenium, B6, Folic acid magnesium & zinc & B12
For Adult Female Nutrients Normal Energy( Kcal) 2200 Proteins (g) 50 Fats (g) 20 Micronutrient Iron, vit. s A, B1, B2, 1RDA B3, B6, Folic acid & B12 PLHIV 2500 50 Not to exceed 40 Also vit. E, selenium, magnesium & zinc
Loss of Appetite
Eat small, frequent meals Add flavour to food & drink. Eat nutritious snacks Drink plenty of liquids Take light exercise & do light activity Take walks before meals Having food with family/friends
Mouth Sores
Eat foods cold/at room temperature Eat soft & moist food such as porridge Avoid citrus fruits, spicy, sweet & sticky foods Avoid caffeine, alcohol & smoking Soften your food by soaking it in liquid Clean & rinse your mouth after each meal Drink fluids with a straw to ease swallowing
odours Drink plenty of liquids Avoid lying down immediately after eating Avoid coffee & alcohol
Eat fibre-rich fruits, vegetables &
sprouted food Do light exercises Drink at least eight glasses of fluids a day Drink a cup of warm water in the morning
Eat organ meat, fish & eggs Eat cereals like ragi & bajra Eat variety of green leafy
vegetables with food rich in Vitamin C Eat jaggery & dates between meals
for nutrition care 10% loss of body weight or 6-7 kg in one month: Serious weight loss Important to regain the lost weight Educate client to start eating normally once infection is over
Counselling on Ensuring Food Security: How Best to Ensure that there is Sufficient Food
schemes Cultivate Easily-grown vegetables in home gardens Easily available & highly nutritious plants Small vegetables in a pot on a kitchen windowsill Rural areas: Hens for eggs Join a community garden
Points to Remember
Encourage healthy actions client should
continue Discourage unhealthy/harmful actions client should discontinue Ignore actions that neither help nor harm health