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By Shiv .kumar Sr. supdt. (R&M)

What is meant by project ?

A planned investment efforts to bring into physical existence facilities within specified time and cost to produce over a long period goods and services to meet pre- determined identified needs and objectives. A risk oriented ventures Non-repetitive unique efforts Vehicles for change and a mechanism to translate plans into action.

What is meant by erection ?

Making Physical existence of any project.
( roads , ports, railways, power plants , water supply)

Aspects- technical , financial, commercial, economic, social, managerial, organizational. Components- physical (land, plant & equipments,
buildings etc.) and functional (design , engineering, procurement and construction)

Categories civil, mechanical electrical C&I etc.

What is the importance of the construction industry?

Contributes annually about 10% to national product. Largest element in national development expenditure. Investment in the range of 50% of the planned budget. High construction element means success of the new national development programs for the progress of nation. Next to agriculture large labour force employed. (5-10%) Construction projects can serve the country national goal. Cyclic, seasonal and intermittent fluctuation in employment and earning. High assistance of labour intensive work.

Take care of increased requirements of the country population. Need for scientific management. Effectiveness of construction industry depends upon the individual staff, skill, style, The structure of organization, systems adopted, strategies followed and environment of the organization.

What is the approach of erection Management ?

Cost Time Production Services Needs objectives Planned investment

Why Training in construction management ?

Effective management. Efforts in productivity Up-gradation of human resources Economic growth and prosperity Achieving basic goal Improvement in the quality of life Disciplined approach. New techniques in construction management.

Face national, international compatibility & competition Function- planning , organizing ,directing and controlling

What is project cycle

Project Identification Project exploratory studies and investigations Preliminary project formulation Project feasibility Project technology analysis Project appraisal & approval Detail project report Project implementation management plan Project tendering and ordering

Why The Project Identification is important ?

Pre- investment study Macro-economic and social analysis Sectional studies Need survey
Entrepreneurial private investment for profit Govt. planning for social and economic welfare, External pressures, Political commitments, critical economic and social bottlenecks Excess or idle resources and forward and backward linkage with existing or upcoming projects

Project exploratory studies and investigations

The main purpose of the studies and investigation is to assess on the merits of alternative proposals, to provide adequate data base for design and foresee problems, and difficulties that may arise in subsequent stages. Functional: operational pattern, department, room programmers, civil work structure plan. Location and site: climate, topography, accessibility,
infrastructure, geology, hydrology, environmental, social economic and political aspects. Construction: design, technical standers, building materials & requirements, building methods, safety operations. Operational: project administration, maintenance, income and expenditures, operational safety and health.

Preliminary project formulation

Demand Preliminary technical feasibility Alternative locations Preliminary economic feasibility Total overall capital cost National benefit Methods of implementation. Return on the capital invested. Break even point.

Objective of Project feasibility

objectives and goals. Analysis of existing condition. Demand analysis Technical and engineering analysis Technology analysis Ecological environmental social impacts analysis need/justification, Financial analysis Financing arrangement Economic aspects. Implementation analysis Cost engineering.

Project technology analysis

Product design Production techniques Managerial systems Production plan Production process. Techno-economic analysis

Project appraisal & approval

Apprised by respective agencies from their own respective point of view. Social Economic Cost Benefits Environmental Town planning Roce

Preparation of detailed project report.

Location , data base of the area Scheme design Detail designs activities, tasks, and output. Working drawings Specifications for construction, materials and services, machinery and equipments Schedules, activity of the agency and their interdependence and tendering activity Personnel requirements: knowledge, skills and talents required for each staff position. Bill of quantities Detailed cost estimates Detail plans for acquisition and development of financial, physical and personnel resources

Project implementation management plan

Project activation Specifying and scheduling project report Developing project organization Procuring project resources Establishing project monitoring and control system Network schedules

Contract management
Notice inviting tenders Proposal form to be filled by the contractor GCC Special conditions Plans and drawings Specifications Detailed quantity and cost estimation. PQR Law of the land

Project tendering and ordering Project construction / installation. Project monitoring and control. Project evaluation. Project replan. Commissioning. Trail operation. P.G. Test. Closing of the contracts Settlement of arbitration and disputes

Project construction.
Accomplishment of defined objective Objective- time (schedule) & money (cost) Basic function- plan, organize, co-ordinate, leading, monitor and control activities. environment Plan manpower (skill & expertise), material, equipment, quality, time, cost, fund. Organize data base and project information system. Leading - effective & efficient management for technical ,financial and
schedule responsibility

Co-ordinate design, engg, contract, material, store, quality, operation

services, R&D, civil, HR., (IR), security. Local administration

Control and monitoring PERT /CPM Bar chart (Gantt

Chart) , Milestone Chart , Flow Chart , Line of Balance Technique.

Surrounding working Environment time & cost overrun

Project monitoring and control.

Planning and scheduling of all the activities. Control of the project activity central exercise of the performance of the activities is monitoring System management Task force management Master network plan for entire project working level network, sub detailed network. Evolving judicious time schedules for all the activity Work break down structure of the entire project Integration of the network

Level of progress- monitoring Level-I progress chief executive level Level-II progress- O&M Head Level-III progress- DGM Level-IV progress Field engineer

Progress Report
Control diary- activity schedule, criticality, slippage Field report A- time aspect of activity Field report B- quantitative schedule Field report C- expenditure, actual / schedule Level-III report- work executing engineer report Level-II report senior executing engineer report Level-I report chief executing engineer report Manpower report- skill manpower requirement for the project Report of inter-related activities-


Schedule start date activity Latest start date

Schedule activity finish date Schedule finish date

FIELD REPORT(A) Time aspect only

date of report
Eve nt no of the activ ity

name of the section


work detail


Eve acti Sch Act Lik nt vity edu ual ely no le start star of star date t the t dat acti dat e vity e

Re aso n for del ay in star t

Sch edu le finis h dat e

Act ual finis h dat e

Incr eas e of del ay in finis hin g

Re aso n for del ay in finis h

Sch edu led dur atio n

Act ual dur atio n

Acti on by fiel d

10 11 12 13 14

FIELD REPORT(B) Quantitative aspect only

Work break down struct ure& items of work Quantity schedule to be Actual progress achieve balance Reason for shortfall

Total schedule quantity ti be achieve

Quantity scheduled for the reporting period

Actual progres s for the period

Cumula tive progres s

Balanc Cumula e tive remaini balance ng to achieve

FIELD REPORT(C) Expenditure progress report

Date of the report
Work break down struct ure Schedule expenditure Est. Exp.

Name of the section/division

Exp. Over/ under run Action

Actual expenditure

Sched Actual Cum ule exp. exp. exp.

Exp. Over/ under run

Cum. Over/ under run

Reas on. Over/ under run 8

Action at field level

Action recom mend ed


Manpower report
Name of the project periodicity date of report
Reason for shortfall

Sl no Cate Recruitment gory of manp No. No. No. Impa ower req. sanct in ct on ion positi proj on.


No. to be traine d

No. actua lly train

Bal. Recr traini no. to uitme ng be nt train

Report on progress of Interrelated activities

Name of the project periodicity Date of report
Sched Latest ule finish date of date complit ion Anticip Impact on delay ated comp. date Impact Cost on total implica project tion time Sl. No. Interfa Agency Activit ce respons y no. activity ible

Losses Project escalation Liquidated damage Payment of extended escalation Output production delay Cost of project high Delayed return

LD imposed when schedule not meet Delayed observed only between zero date and contractual trail run.

Project review team contracts, corporate engg., corporate monitoring group, quality, site concerned with the package. Monthly at cc & site

Agreement sighing date with contractor after award of the project

Contractual Trail operation date for LD purpose

12 month from date of contractual trail operation for manufacturing defect and bad workmanship.


Faithful compliance and completion of the awarded work 10% value of the contract.

Project evaluation
By monitoring and control system the progress of a project is being evaluated w. r .t. Time Cost Activity

Recording of output and reporting

Bar chart (Gantt Chart) , Milestone Chart , Flow Chart , Line of Balance Technique

Project re-plan
Based on evaluation the project is being re-planned the Schedule Activity Material procurement Contract amendment Engg. Regarding design.

After erection the commissioning activity Pre trail run of each equipment. Monitoring of vibration. Temperature. Sustenance of the system

Trial operation.
After completion of the erection and commissioning trial run has to be made as per the contract provision. Hand over the project for further operation. Defect observed may be subsided. Guarantee / warrantee should be ensured.

P.G. Test.
P.G. test should be done as per the p.g. test procedure to ensure the garneted parameter. Witness by O&M representative. OS group should also evaluate the same. depending on class of erection

Closing of the contracts

Contract closing may please be done after taking clearance from all the connecting department. i.e. Engg. Contracts. Finance. Materials. O&M

Settlement of arbitration and disputes

Disputes are difference between owner & contractor. Three type of claim Frivolous claim no base either in contract or GCC
Genuine claims covered by contract but not entertained by owner due to fear, larger profit. Claims not covered in contract but made under law of land Why do disputes Defective contract agreement. Defective acceptance of tender Difference in interpretation Breach of terms and conditions Deviation in specification. Profit tendency of the party by foul means not agree by one party of existence of the contract.

Dispute settled through third intervention without court of law How to resolve disputes Mutual discussion Reconciliation. Civil court Arbitration Between two govt. body by a permanent arbitrator in the dept of public enterprise under MOI as per the arbitration law 1940

Arbitration act 1940

Arbitration without intervention of court the parties enter into arbitration agreement either in advance or after the disputes has arises. Arbitration with intervention of court the parties fails into arbitration agreement either in advance or after the disputes has arises Arbitration is suits- if the parties interested to agree that any matter in difference between them in the suit shall be referred to arbitration. they apply to the court before the judgment is announced for an order of reference under this provision

Challenges of the erection

Fund Safety Cost Schedule Production as per design Better organizing Meeting the objective No disputes

Infrastructure required during erection

Power supply and temporary lighting. Water supply Temporary lift. Machine shop Air conditioning plant Fir fighting , fire protection & fire alarm. Telephone Auto base Petrol, diesel and lubrication center. Store Office / residential / commercial / shop buildings. Hospitals Construction equipments tower crane , eot cranes, truck, bulldozer, pay loader, road rollers , movable cranes jeep, cars etc.

Basic activity for erection of Boiler and auxiliary

Soil testing Area leveling Pilling as per specification , load testing. Civil structure (foundation) - chimney Erection of columns / bracing fitting ,leveling, welding as per quality norms. guardian columns Erection of boiler drum hanged with guardian columns. Erection of down comers ,Water wall , super heater , re-heater panels along with inlet and outlet headers, Ltsh, economizer banks, high presser, safety , regulating, control valves air pre heater, ducts ,coal mills along with piping, burners , ID,FD,PA fans along with their auxiliaries E.S.P and connecting ducts to chimney along with dampers and gates. Quality checks ,radiography. Hydro testing. Clearance from boiler inspector.

Basic activity for erection of turbine and auxiliary

Turbine building after area leveling and soil testing Piling and load testing. Civil foundation. E.O.T crane Placement of turbine assembly, generator and their auxiliary etc. Alignment and clearances. Piping and valves Hp, Lp heaters assembly Boiler feed pumps, condensate pumps dearators, auxiliary steam, along with piping Compressors. Insulation. Testing Commissioning Trail run PG Test

Basic activity for erection of Generator and auxiliary

Generator Excitation System Parameter of generator Auxiliary Power distribution system Unit auxiliary power distribution system Unit auxiliary power distribution system Station auxiliary power distribution system Station auxiliary power distribution system LT auxiliary power distribution system. Emergency AC supply system Cable tray layout and electrical room layouts Plant lighting system Grounding and lighting protection system Public address system 400KV system

Basic activity for erection of Offsite Plants

Coal handling system- mechanical electrical, track hoper crusher conveyor, idlers, TP ,trippers Ash handling system- bottom ash removal system, fly ash removal system, ash slurry disposal system, ash water facility, HP, LP, CMR Fuel oil handling system- pumps, steam heating, piping Water treatment plant- calflucarator, sludge disposal, DM plant, cation unit, anion unit PT plant, drinking water system Condenser cooling water system- pumps , cw duct & piping Compressed air system- compressor, piping, electrical Air conditioning- control tower area, ESP control room, WTP control room Fire protection system- hydrant system, high pressure water spray system, rate of rise of temperature detection system, sprinkler type protection system for coal conveyors, Foam injection & medium velocity spray system for oil tanks, Automatic Halon-1301 gas extinguishing system, fire water pumps

Formation of NTPC-7th nov 1975 CEA clearance may 1976 World bank appraisal team visit jan/feb 1976 World bank communicating govt. of India- 8th-april-1976 Approval from govt. of India. (SSTPS-ST-I) dec-1976 (600 MW) (SSTPS-ST-II) -July- 1979 (1400MW) Land acquisition (SSTPS) sept. 1977 Site leveling work started sept 1977 Issue of letter of award - feb - 1978 Main plant civil works started (zero date) feb -1978 Boiler erection started April 1978 Erection period of first unit of NTPC(SSTPS)- 48 months. Erection COST of NTPC(SSTPS)- 1190.69 crores Structure material 160000 MT Reinforcement steel -250000 MT Erection of mechanical / electrical 200000MT No. of major agency 60 nos No. of laborers - 20000 skilled & semiskilled

Main stages in power station erection

Site selection Design Construction Commissioning Quality management

Site selection of sstps

Set up a large pit head super thermal power station having advantage of economic of scale, transportation of coal, cheap power cheaper to transmit power than to transmit coal, less air and water pollution. Coal reserve in singrauli area 9000 million tones, (sufficient for 20000 MW for 100 years) Water rihand reservoirs.

CIVIL- Power house -main plant layout, sub structure, superstructure, Reinforced concrete chimney, Ash disposal system, Water treatment plant, Circulating water system, Coal handling plant. MECHANICALSteam generator- pressure parts, super heater & re heater, fuel preparation & firing system, draft system, air heater, soot blowing system, refractory & insulation, E.S.P Turbo Generator- HP, IP, LP turbine, turbine governing system, turbine monitoring system, lubricating oil system, control fluid system, condenser, vacuum pumps, HP-LP steam turbine bypass system, BFPs &Drives, Condensate Extraction pumps, Heaters & Deaerators, Power cycle piping, EOT crane, Ash disposal system, Water treatment plant, Circulating water system, Coal handling plant, Fuel oil handling system , CW system, AIR COMPRESSOR, Fire protection system , Air conditioning system, ventilation system. ELECTRICAL Generators ,Excitation System, Auxiliary Power Distribution system, UNIT Auxiliary Power Distribution system, Station Auxiliary Power Distribution system, Plant lighting system , Grounding and Lightning protection system, Public Address system, 400KV system of SSTPS C&I Automatic control system , steam and water analysis , control panels and local instrument, Annunciation system , protection and interlocking system ,UPS,DAS.


Design and specification of NTPC (SSTPS)

St-I LMZ turbine (Russian design supplied by BHEL)
- boilers (CE USA design supplied by BHEL) - Instrumentation (Hartmann & Brown design -ILK) Coal fired, regenerative, reheat type steam generators with ESP. steam generation capacity-700MT/Hr, Pr.-138 kg/cm2 and temperature- 535degree centigrade condenser horizontal tandem compound 3-cylinder reheat type turbogenerator rotating at 3000 rpm for 200 MW, 3-phase GT of 250 MVA capacity, stepping up the voltage from 15.75KV to 400KV, 1800 Mt of coal in each cycle of 30 wagons MGR system(25000MT/day, 8MillionTon/Annum), 15000cum/hr of CW, chimney height-220m, 2.9 Km intake, length of discharge channel-6KM St-IIKW turbine (Siemens design supplied by BHEL) - boilers (CE USA design supplied by BHEL) - Instrumentation (SIEMENS design & SUPPLIED) Coal fired, regenerative, reheat type steam generators with balanced draft, dry bottom, single drum with controlled circulation & ESP. steam generation capacity-1725MT/Hr, Pr.-178 kg/cm2 and temperature- 540degree centigrade condenser horizontal tandem compound 3- cylinder reheat type steam turbine driving generator with hydrogen cooled rotor and DM water cooled stator , rotating at 3000 rpm for 500 MW , 3-phase GT of 588 MVA capacity, stepping up the voltage from 21KV ()16200AMP) to 400KV, 1800 Mt of coal in each cycle of 30 wagons MGR system(25000MT/day, 8MillionTon/Annum), 27000cum/hr of CW, chimney height-220m, 2.9 Km intake channel, length of discharge channel-6KM

CIVIL Piling and foundation Structure and steel works. Chimney Main power house Boiler Turbine Water treatment plant Cw system Fuel oil handling system Coal handling plant Ash handling plant Township

MECHANICAL Boilers and its auxiliaries-Structure- columns and bracing, girder beam, Assemblies of pressure parts components. Lifts Rotary machine- ID,FD,PA fans, Air preheaters, Bowl mills. Turbine generator- condenser, HP,IP,LP turbine, oil system, electro hydraulic governing system, generator, piping system, power cycle piping, boiler feed pump, condensate extraction system, Heaters and Deaerators, condensate polishing plant, EOT crane, elevator- TG hall Coal handling plant Ash handling plant- ash slurry disposal system, bottom ash system, fly ash system, ash slurry pumps. Water treatment plant chemical house, DM plant, cation unit, anion unit, PT plant, LP piping. Compressed Air system Air condition system Ventilation system D.G. set Fuel oil handling system Circulating water system. Fire protection system

ELECTRICAL Generator-Excitation system, Gas system, Seal oil system, Protection of generators Generator Transformer-Aux. power supply arrangement, LT, H.T. switchgear, 6.6kv bus duct, field test report of MCC module, Circuit Breaker testing, Relay testing Cabling cable tray, conduits, grounding, cable termination, Station lighting PA system, Battery Charger ,DC batteries, Float cum boost charger, 400/132 kv switchyard, control and relay panels C&I Instrument air system ,C&I package, TG& SG package, DAS

Commissioning of CW pumps Commissioning of PT pumps Commissioning of BOILER FILL pumps Hydro test of boiler, fixing of orifice in lower ring header Commissioning of FD fan, Commissioning of ID fan, Commissioning of PA fan, Commissioning of CC Pumps Commissioning of motor driven boiler feed pump Commissioning of condensate extraction pump Acid cleaning First stage steam blowing TDBFP Commissioning Commissioning of coal mills Commissioning of ESP Commissioning completion of unit

Initial (Trial) operation

Fuel source and delivery Equipment performance protocol Unit availability protocol- boiler, ESP, FD fan PA fan ID fan, soot blower, Auxiliary boiler mill and feeders, ash disposal system generators, turbine, boiler feed pump, condensate extraction pump, feed water heaters DM plant electrical equipments DAS FSSS CHP Permit to work system Trail operation as per the contract provision Hand over to operation to operate the unit

P.G. test should be done as per the PG test procedure to ensure the garneted parameter. Witness by O&M & OS representative. OS group should also evaluate the same. depending on class of erection

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