Johari Window
Johari Window
Johari Window
Submitted by:
Manish Saran
The Johari Window
Hidden Unknown
Unknown Known
Open person
Large open/free area, reflecting someone who
is open about him/herself
Receptive to feedback from others
Should have a clear self-image and be
If in a management role, he/she may have
employees who tend to feel respected and
encouraged to grow
Open Spot
Hidden Unknown
The Blabbermouth
Large blind area, reflecting someone
who talks a lot but does not listen too well
May be pre-occupied with him/herself
Doesn’t know when to keep quiet
In a management role, he/she may have
employees who tend to get annoyed
and may eventually either actively or
passively learn to shut him/her up
Hidden Unknown
The Pumper
Large hidden area, reflecting someone who keeps
to him/herself
Often asking for information and giving little in return –
the game
In a management role, his/her employees may tend to
feel Blind
Open Spot
defensive with and resentful of this individual
Hidden Unknown
The Hermit
Large unknown area, reflecting a lack of self-
knowledge and understanding
Hard to figure out
Behavior tends to be unpredictable and
security oriented
In a management role, his/her employees
may tend to feel insecure and confused
about expectations
Open Blind Spot
Hidden Unknown