Assessment of Av Fistula
Assessment of Av Fistula
Assessment of Av Fistula
AV access types
Fistula: Formed by subcutaneous anastomosis of an artery to an adjacent vein, allowing flow directly from artery to vein. Graft : a tube made of prosthetic material bridges the gap between the feeding artery and vein
KDOQI, & Fistula First initiative: Targeting 60 % use of AV fistulas in patients beginning on HD, and 50 % fistula use in prevalent patients.
Early referral to nephrologist Early access evaluation and construction of access avoid central vein cannulation. Use of preop imaging of arterial & venous system to maximize successful creation of functioning fistula Dedicated and trained vascular surgeon as part of vascular access team.
In pts with progressive renal failure protect the veins minimize venipunctures and catheter placement in forearm veins. Avoid subclavian vein catherterization. Avoid PICC.
Create AVF atleast 6 months prior to initiating HD.
Preop evaluation For Maturation For complication
PREOP Evaluation: history physical examination imaging studies.
Dominant arm: To minimize negative impact on quality of life, use of the nondominant arm is preferred. History of previous central venous catheter, History of pacemaker use : associated with central venous stenosis
History of severe congestive heart failure: Accesses may alter hemodynamics and cardiac output. History of arterial or venous peripheral catheter: Previous placement of an arterial or venous peripheral catheter may have damaged target vasculature History of diabetes mellitus: Diabetes mellitus is associated with damage to vasculature necessary for internal accesses.
History of anticoagulant therapy or any coagulation disorder: Abnormal coagulation may cause clotting or problems with hemostasis of accesses. Presence of comorbid conditions, such as malignancy or coronary artery disease, that limit patients life expectancy. Morbidity associated with placement and maintenance of certain accesses may not justify their use in some patients. History of vascular access: Previously failed vascular accesses will limit available sites for accesses.
Bp, arm girth, Allens test in both arms. Arm edema, presence of collterals, differential exterimity size central vein stenosis. Look for evidence of central or venous catheterization, trauma to arm, chest neck.
Imaging studies
Routinely used To select appropriate vessel and location
Imaging studies
Doppler ultrasonography Venography Arteriography Magnetic resonance
To check arterial inflow. To assess venous anatomy and patency prior to AV fistula formation or graft insertion. To identify the presence of cephalic vein branches needing ligation to prevent diversion of flow from the fistula. To study subclavian vein patency as stenosis there leads to early failure of the fistula
SIZE: lumen diameter: feeding artery 2 mm target vein 2.5 mm NORMAL VEIN : lumen is echo free. thin wall. Wall thickening pathology. valves may be seen comprssible with min external pressure.
VEIN DILATION TEST: 50% increase in internal diameter of vein after proximal occlusion is associated with a good fistula outcome.
ARTERIAL DILATION TEST: Pulse contour of artery is normally triphasic. Clench fist for 2 mins and then open it during hyperemic phase the pulse contour will be biphasic - adequate arterial dilatation.
VENOGRAHY: Indications
Extremity edema Presence of collaterals Differential extremity size Current or previous subclavian catheter placement of any type in venous drainage of planned access
VENOGRAHY: Indications
Current or previous transvenous pacemaker in venous drainage of planned access Previous arm, neck, or chest trauma or surgery in venous drainage of planned access Multiple previous accesses in an extremity planned as an access site
Arteriography: indications
Diminished pulses in desired extremity BP difference of > 20 mm Hg between arms.
Fistula Maturation
Definition: Process by which a fistula becomes suitable for cannulation (ie, develops adequate flow, wall thickness, and diameter) Rule of 6s: In general, a mature fistula should:
a minimum of 6 mm in diameter with discernible margins when a tourniquet is in place Be less than 6 mm deep Have a blood flow greater than 600 mL/min Be evaluated for nonmaturation 46 weeks after surgical creation if it does not meet the above criteria
National Kidney Foundation. Am J Kidney Dis. 2006;48(suppl 1):S1-S322.
Maturing Fistula
Vessel diameter must be 46 mm Vessel walls should toughen and be firm to the touch There should be no prominent collateral veins
During Maturation
Feel for strong thrill at arterial anastomosis Listen for continuous low-pitched bruit
syndrome Aneurysms
Fistula Maturation
What diagnostic tools or techniques can be used to determine if an AVF is ready for cannulation?
Angiogram (fistulogram)
Best Tool/Technique?
Physical Exam!
Look, Listen, and Feel Use Your: Eyes
Changes in Access Extremity Skin color Edema Small blue or purple veins Hematoma Bruising
Distal Areas of Access Extremity Hands/Feet: Cold Painful Steal Numb syndrome Fingers/Toes: Discolored
Harbinger of thrombosis. Reduces blood flow rate underdialysis. Cause: fibrosis following needle stick injuries, abscess, pseudoaneurysm.
a fist with access arm dependent; observe vein filling Raise access arm; entire AVF should flatten/ collapse if no stenosis/obstruction
If a segment of the AVF has not collapsed, stenosis is located at junction between collapsed and noncollapsed segment Instruct patient to perform this at home
An increase in the intensity of the thrill, or the pitch of the bruit as one moves the finger/ stethescope along the midportion of the draining vein implies stenosis.
Physical examination alone is inadequate. Additional noninvasive testing with measurement of digital pressures and calculation of the digit to brachial index, transcutaneous oximetry, ultrasound of forearm arteries, and access blood flow measurement are important steps in the diagnosis and decision-making process.
contrast angiography with visualization of the upper extremity arterial tree from the proximal subclavian artery to the distal palmar arches with and without AV fistula compression to enhance distal flow is obligatory to outline the strategy for treatment and to determine whether interventional or surgical options are preferred.
Vascular access created with minimal delay. Have a functional fistula prior to initiate HD. Minimize CV catheter usage. A multidisciplinary approach to access creation and maintenance, involving nephrologists, interventional radiologists, access surgeons, and dialysis nurses, is mandatory to meet the burden of HD vascular access on health care facilities and costs
Dialysis access: current practice Comprehensive Clinical Nephrology Hand Book of Dialysis Current Management of Vascular Access: Review article-Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 2: 786800, 2007. KDOQI 2006 guidelines Fistula first initiative guidelines.