Presented By: Jaffer Yousuf AEM-MA2-03

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Presented by: Jaffer Yousuf AEM-MA2-03

Two types of overfishing. 1) Growth overfishing occurs when the effort is so high that total yield decreases with increasing effort. The fish are caught before they can grow to a sufficiently large size 2) Recruitment overfishing occurs when the parent stock (spawning stock biomass) comes to very low level affecting the recruitment to the fishery

The first prediction models was developed in the thirties by Thompson and Bell (1934) Later on a simpler model, based on rigorous assumptions, but requiring less calculations was developed by Beverton and Holt (1957) ~ "Yield per Recruit" model Beverton and Holt's yield per recruit model ~ a special application of the Thompson and Bell model which means that any general conclusion derived from it also holds for the Thompson and Bell model

woo (Asymptotic weight) t0 (Age at birth) tc (Age at first capture) tr (Age at recruitment) M (Natural mortality) K (Growth co-efficient) Yield per recruit is obtained at various level of Fishing mortality

It is in principle a "steady state model ~ fishing pattern has been the same for such a long time that all

fish alive have been exposed to it since they recruited

a) Recruitment is constant b) All fish of a cohort hatched on the same date c) Recruitment and selection are knife edge d) F and M are constant from the entry to the exploited phase e) There is complete mixing with in the stock f) The length-weight relationship is isometric

The life history of a cohort as assumed in the Beverton and Holt model

The weight based model is

Y/R = F*exp(-M*(tc-tr))*W*[1/Z 3S/(Z+K)+

3S2/(Z+2K) S3/(Z+3K)] It is assumed that growth parameters L,K and tzero are known

S = exp[-K*(Tc-t0)] The model allows to calculate Y/R with varying inputs of the parameters, F and Tc Predicts effect of various input values on the yield per recruit of the species under investigation

Result of a yield assessment with the yield per recruit model

Yield per recruit curves with different ages of first capture (Tc)

The biomass per recruit model is B/R = exp(-M*(tc-tr))*W*[1/Z 3S/(Z+K)+ 3S2/(Z+2K) S3/(Z+3K)] The Y/R model from length data is Y/R = F*A* W*[1/Z 3U/(Z+K) + 3U2/(Z+2K) U3/(Z+3K)] Where, U = 1 Lc/L A = [(L - Lc)/(L - Lr)] M/K

Thompson and Bell yield model is the exact opposite of VPA or Cohort analysis(retrospective models) VPA and cohort analysis are used to determine the number of fish caught that must have been present in the sea, to account for known catch and fishing mortality

Thompson and Bell model is a predictive model that would forecast the yield with the change in the fishing effort (fishing mortality) & mesh size It works forward, given an array of fishing mortality in different age (or length) groups, recruitment (initial numbers) natural mortality and weight at age array

Inputs: Recruitment (initial numbers) Natural mortality F- array ( fishing mortality for each age or length group) Weight array for each age (length) group Value (price per Kg) in money terms of each age or length group (for economic analysis) Outputs: Catch in numbers Yield in weight Biomass in weight Value in money

For age frequency data


the recruitment (initial numbers in the sea for the first age group)
natural mortality(M) F-array weight array and value array(v)

The recruitment and F values for each age (length) group is obtained from cohort analysis

For each age group

Compute: FNew = X*F (F is the original F values for each length or age groups obtained from cohort analysis)

ZNew = M+X*FNew
N(t+t) = N(t) exp( -z* t)

(t is the time interval for each age group. For age frequency data with interval of one year(or month) t =1)

C= [Nt - N(t+t)] *(FNew/ZNew) W= weight at mid value of the age group (e.g. for the age group 1-2 , it is the weight at 1.5 yrs) Y = C*W (Yiled)

B = Y/(FNew* t)
V = v*Y

Find the total yield, total biomass and total value by summing the respective values of yield, biomass and value over all the age or length groups

For a range of X values ( say from 0 to 3 with chosen step size) we will obtain array of yield, biomass and value and plot these values against X.

F- factor X X1

Total yield

Total biomass B1

Total Value V1

9000 8000


7000 6000 Y B V





5000 4000

3000 2000


1000 0 0 0.4 0.8 1 X 1.2 1.5 2 3





Sparre, P. and Venema, S.C., 1998. Introduction to tropical fish stock assessment. FAO manual. 239-277 Beverton, R.J.H. and Holt, S.J., 1957. On the dynamics of exploited fish populations. Fish. Invest. Minist. Agric. Fish. Food G.B.(2 Sea Fish.), 19:533 p Thompson, W.F. and Bell, F.H., 1934. 1 Biological statistics of the Pacific halibut fishery. 2. Effect of changes in intensity upon total yield and yield per unit of gear. Rep. Int. Fish. (Pacific halibut) Comm., (8):49p

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