Physical Planning Final
Physical Planning Final
Physical Planning Final
Physical planning is a design exercise that uses the land use plan as a framework to propose the optimal physical infrastructure for a settlement or area, including infrastructure for public services, transport, economic activities, recreation, and environmental protection. A physical plan may be prepared for an urban area or a rural area. A physical plan for an urban region can have both rural and urban components, although the latter usually predominates. A physical plan at a regional scale can also deal with the provision of specific regional infrastructure, such as a regional road or a bulk water supply system. Land use plans and physical plans are not necessarily mutually exclusive. It is common practice in many countries to prepare comprehensive development plans that address both land use zoning and the provision of physical infrastructure. Such an exercise is more meaningful if carried out in the context of a strategic planning process, whereby the proposal
Physical plan Several key elements of physical planning are listed here. Planning may address them collectively, or each may be dealt with separately if the situation demands it.
Road layout What is the existing road network in the settlement or region? Is it adequate for speedy evacuation and rescue in the event of a disaster? Are new road connections required to reduce risk and enhance preparedness? Are new roads required to provide connectivity to housing reconstruction locations? What is the extent of damage to roads? Are engineering improvements required? The output of this component will include road network maps and project briefs for road construction. Plot layout This relates to proposed housing reconstruction. While detailed design of housing layouts is a separate activity, at the planning stage it is important to prepare at least a conceptual layout of the proposed housing to ensure that the land allocation is adequate and that major issues have been addressed. The output is a set of plot layout plans.
Planning for infrastructure and services This component deals with network alignments and land allocation for infrastructure services. The critical services include water supply, wastewater management, solid waste management, and stormwater management. Power supply and telecommunications networks may also be important. In all these cases, the existing systems need to be documented and proposed improvements need to be conceptually worked out to the extent that is required for assessing land-related issues. The output is a set of maps. Project formulation for infrastructure is a separate activity, but may be carried out concurrently or integrated with the planning process.
This component deals with allocation of land for facilities related to health, education, government, recreation, community development, and disaster shelters. In the planning process, the questions that need to be addressed are: What facilities existed pre-disaster? Should refuges be built? What is the extent of damage? Do any facilities need relocation? Were pre-disaster facilities adequate? What does the reconstruction policy envisage: restoration of pre-disaster levels or improvement? What is the land requirement? What facilities are required as part of new housing to be created? The output of this component is a set of maps showing locations of proposed facilities and project briefs for creating them. Planning infrastructure projects is covered in , Infrastructure and Services Delivery.
Physical plan
This is a map or set of maps that show the proposed layout of the road network, alignments of various other infrastructure networks, and locations of major facilities.
The Physical Planning Unit is governed by the Town and Country Planning Act (#45 of 1992)
All Decisions are Made by the Physical Planning And Development Board. Its a regulatory Agency
The Town and Country Planning Act therefore dictates that all persons wishing to carry out any development must first apply for permission before doing so
The Physical Planning Unit (the Secretariat of the PPDB) processes all development applications
All major development applications must be accompanied by an EIA. Note: An EIA may be requested for established developments. If the developer fails to do so he commits an offence, and the Board may take steps to ensure compliance.